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In each of the eight counter arrays, there is a unique counter having the value 3. The positions of these counters determine the key bits in J1, . . . , J8. These positions are (respectively): 47, 5, 19, 0, 24, 7, 7, 49. Converting these integers to binary, we obtain J1, . . . , J8:

J1 = 101111
J2 = 000101
J3 = 010011
J4 = 000000
J5 = 011000
J6 = 000111
J7 = 000111
J8 = 110001.

We can now construct 48 bits of the key, by looking at the key schedule for round 3. It follows that K has the form

0001101 0110001 01?01?0 1?00100
0101001 0000??0 111?11? ?100011

where parity bits are omitted and “?” denotes an unknown key bit. The complete key (in hexadecimal, including parity bits), is:


3.6.2 An Attack on a 6-round DES

We now describe an extension of these ideas to a probabilistic attack on a 6-round DES. The idea is to carefully choose a pair of plaintexts with a specified x-or, and then to determine the probabilities of a specified sequence of x-ors through the rounds of encryption. We need to define an important concept now.

DEFINITION 3.5  Let n ≥ 1 be an integer. An n-round characteristic is a list of the form

which satisfies the following properties:

1.  .
2.  Let 1 ≤ in, and let Li-1, Ri-1 and be chosen such that and . Suppose Li, Ri and are computed by applying one round of DES encryption. Then the probability that and is precisely pi. (Note that this probability is computed over all possible 48-tuples J = J1 . . . J8.)

The probability of the characteristic is defined to be the product p = p1 × . . . × pn.

REMARK  Suppose we choose L0, R0 and so that and and we apply n rounds of DES encryption, obtaining L1, . . . , Ln and R1, . . . ,Rn. Then we cannot claim that the probability that and for all i (1 ≤ in) is p1 × . . . × pn. This is because the 48-tuples in the key schedule K1, . . . . , Kn, are not mutually independent. (If these n 48-tuples were chosen independently at random, then the assertion would be true.) But we nevertheless expect p1 × . . . × pn to be a fairly accurate estimate of this probability.

We also need to recognize that the probabilities pi in a characteristic are defined with respect to an arbitrary (but fixed) pair of plaintexts having a specified x-or, where the 48 key bits for one round of DES encryption vary over all 248 possibilities. However, a cryptanalyst is attempting to determine a fixed (but unknown) key. He is going to choose plaintexts at random (such that they have specified x-ors), hoping that the probabilities that the x-ors during the n rounds of encryption agree with the x-ors specified in the characteristic are fairly close to p1, . . . pn, respectively.

As a simple example, we present in Figure 3.10 a 1-round characteristic which was the basis of the attack on the 3-round DES (as before, we use hexadecimal representations). We depict another 1-round characteristic in Figure 3.11.

Let’s look at the characteristic in Figure 3.11 in more detail. When f (R0, K1) and are computed, the first step is to expand R0 and . The resulting x-or of the two expansions is

Figure 3.10  A 1-round characteristic

Figure 3.11  Another 1-round characteristic

So the input x-or to S1 is 001100 and the input x-ors for the other seven S-boxes are all 000000. The output x-ors for S2 through S8 will all be 0000. The output x-or for S1 will be 1110 with probability 14/64 (since it can be computed that N1 (001100, 1110) = 14). So we obtain

with probability 14/64. Applying P, we get

which in hexadecimal is 0080820016. When this is x-ored with , we get the specified with probability 14/64. Of course always.

The attack on the 6-round DES is based on the 3-round characteristic given in Figure 3.12. In the 6-round attack, we will start with , L6R6 and , where we have chosen the plaintexts so that and . We can express R6 as follows:

Figure 3.12  A 3-round characteristic

can be expressed in a similar way, and hence we get

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