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Welcome to Version 2.0 of theForger's Win32 API Tutorial

This tutorial attempts to get you started developing with the Win32 API as quickly and clearly as possible. It is meant to be read as a whole, so please read it from beginning to end before asking questions... most of them will probably be answered. Each section builds on the sections before it. I have also added some solutions to common errors in Appendix A. If you ask me a question that is answered on this page, you will look very silly.

If you are viewing this locally or on another website, visit the #winprog website for the current official copy.


I've had reports that the source code presented in the documents itself doesn't display line breaks properly in very old versions of Netscape, if you encounter this problem please refer to the code in the source files included in the zip download.

Feeling generous?

Donate with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! You may use this tutorial for absolutely no charge, however there are costs associated with hosting it on the web. If you found it to be of use to you and want to give something back, I would be grateful for donations of any amount to help pay for this website. This page gets approximately 15,000 hits a month, and it adds up after a while :)

Once again, there is absolutely no obligation to pay, and you won't get anything in addition to what's already here, but if you want to help out, that would be great... just click the PayPal image.

Enjoy the tutorial,

I would like to thank the following for the contributions they've made: Yih Horng, Todd Troxell, T Frank Zvovushe, Suzanne Lorrin, Seth McCarus, Crispina Chong, John Crutchfield, Scott Johnstone, Patrick Sears, Juan Demerutis, Richard Anthony, Alex Fox, Bob Rudis, Eric Wadsworth, Chris Blume. As well as those who have simply written to say they've found the tutorial useful. It's much appreciated!

Need more help?

In general I will freely answer any questions that I receive by email, or point you in the direction of a resource that may be of assistance.

At the moment I am busy with a couple of large ongoing projects and don't have the time to work on custom examples or small software projects. I would however be willing to entertain job offers :)

Feel free to contact me.

Copyright © 1998-2003, Brook Miles (theForger). All rights reserved.