Chapter 1. Introduction to DocBook proceessing

DocBook is an XML format to write documents. It allows the author to focus on the content itself during the writing process instead of worrying about the presentation.

Using the standard DocBook tags, we can tag the content according to their syntax structure. The DocBook document is then processed against XSL style sheets. Each tagged element in the DocBook is transformed to a presentation element with the style (e.g., margin, font etc.) specified in the XSL. Using different XSL stylesheets, we can generate different output documents. For example, we can generate HTML and PDF outputs from a single DocBook source. We can also generate multiple versions of PDF (or HTML) files each with a different formatting style.

In the JBoss DocBook system, we provide XSL stylesheets to build HTML and PDF outputs from the DocBook source. The build process is illustrated in Figure 1.1, “The DocBook build process ”.

The DocBook build process

Figure 1.1. The DocBook build process