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The relevance to PRBGs is as follows. Consider the sequence of bits produced by the PRBG. There are possible sequences, and if the bits were chosen independently at random, each of these sequences would occur with equal probability . Thus a truly random sequence corresponds to an equiprobable distribution on the set of all bit-strings of length . Suppose we denote this probability distribution by p0.

Now, consider sequences produced by the PRBG. Suppose a k-bit seed is chosen at random, and then the PRBG is used to obtain a bit-string of length . Then we obtain a probability distribution on the set of all bit-strings of length , which we denote by p1. (For the purposes of illustration, suppose we make the simplifying assumption that no two seeds give rise to the same sequence of bits. Then, of the possible sequences, 2k sequences each occur with probability 1/2k, and the remaining sequences never occur. So, in this case, the probability distribution p1 is very non-uniform.)

Even though the two probability distributions p0 and p1 may be quite different, it is still conceivable that they might be ε-distinguishable only for small values of ε. This is our objective in constructing PRBGs.

Example 12.3

Suppose that a PRBG only produces sequences in which exactly bits have the value 0 and bits have the value 1. Define the function A by

In this case, the algorithm A is deterministic. It is not hard to see that


It can be shown that

Hence, for any fixed value of ε < 1, p0 and p1 are ε-distinguishable if is sufficiently large.

12.2.1 Next Bit Predictors

Another useful concept in studying PRBGs is that of a next bit predictor, which works as follows. Let f be a -PRBG. Suppose we have a probabilistic algorithm Bi, which takes as input the first i-1 bits produced by f (given an unknown seed), say z1, …, zi-1, and attempts to predict the next bit zi. The value i can be any value such that . We say that Bi is an ε-next bit predictor if Bi can predict the ith bit of a pseudo-random sequence with probability at least 1/2 + ε, where ε > 0.

We can give a more precise formulation of this concept in terms of probability distributions, as follows. We have already defined the probability distribution p1 on induced by the PRBG f. We can also look at the probability distributions induced by f on any of the pseudo-random output bits (or indeed on any subset of these output bits). So, for , we will can think of the ith pseudo-random output bit as a random variable that we will denote by zi.

In view of these definitions, we have the following characterization of a next bit predictor.


Let f be a -PRBG. Then the probabilistic algorithm Bi is an ε-next bit predictor for f if and only if

PROOF  The probability of correctly predicting the ith bit is computed by summing over all possible (i - 1)-tuples (z1, … , zi-1) the product of the probability that the (i - 1)-tuple, (z1,…, zi-1) is produced by the PRBG and the probability that the ith bit is predicted correctly given the (i - 1)-tuple, (z1, … , zi-1).

The reason for the expression 1/2 + ε in this definition is that any predicting algorithm can predict the next bit of a random sequence with probability 1/2. If a sequence is not random, then it may be possible to predict the next bit with higher probability. (Note that it is unnecessary to consider algorithms that predict the next bit with probability less than 1/2, because in this case an algorithm that replaces every prediction z by 1 - z will predict the next bit with probability greater than 1/2.)

We illustrate these ideas by producing a next-bit predictor for the Linear Congruential Generator of Example 12.1.

Example 12.1 (Cont.)

For any i such that 1 ≤ i ≤ 9, Define Bi(z) = 1 - z. That is, Bi predicts that a 0 is most likely to be followed by a 1, and vice versa. It is not hard to compute from Table 12.1 that each of these predictors Bi is a -next bit predictor (i.e., they predict the next bit correctly with probability 20/31).

We can use a next bit predictor to construct a distinguishing algorithm A, as shown in Figure 12.3. The input to algorithm A is a sequence of bits, , and A calls the algorithm Bi as a subroutine.

Figure 12.3  Constructing a distinguisher from a next bit predictor


Suppose Bi is an ε-next bit predictor for the -PRBG f. Let p1 be the probability distribution induced on by f, and let p0 be the uniform probability distribution on . Then A, as described in Figure 12.3, is an ε-distinguisher of p1 and p0.

PROOF  First, observe that

Also, the output of A is independent of the values of . Thus we can compute as follows:

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