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Suppose G is a connected graph that is not a complete multipartite graph. Let Γ(G) be the access structure that is the closure of E, where E is the edge set of G. Then ρ*(Γ(G)) ≤ 2/3.

PROOF  We will first prove that any connected graph that is not a complete multipartite graph must contain four vertices w, x, y, z such that the induced subgraph G[w, x, y, z] is isomorphic to either the basis of access structure # 5 or # 8.

Let GC denote the complement of G. Since G is not a complete multipartite graph, there must exist three vertices x, y, z such that xy, yzE(GC) and xzE(G). Define

where dG denotes the length of a shortest path (in G) between two vertices. Then d ≥ 2. Without loss of generality, we can assume that d = dG (y, x) by symmetry.


be a path in G, where yo = y. We have that


It follows that G[yd-2, yd-1, x, z] is isomorphic to the basis of access structure # 5 or # 8, as desired.

So, we can assume that we have found four vertices w, x, y, z such that the induced subgraph G[w, x, y, z] is isomorphic to either the basis of access structure #5 or # 8. Now, let be any scheme realizing the access structure Γ(G). If we restrict the domain of the distribution rules to {w, x, y, z}, then we obtain a scheme realizing access structure # 5 or # 8. It is also obvious that . Since , it follows that . This completes the proof.

Since ρ* = 1 for complete multipartite graphs, Theorem 11.11 tells us that it is never the case that 2/3 < ρ* < 1 for any access structure that is the closure of the edge set of a connected graph.

11.8 The Decomposition Construction

We still have four access structures in Table 11.1 to consider. Of course, we can use the monotone circuit construction to produce schemes for these access structures. However, by this method, the best we can do is to obtain information rate ρ = 1/2 in each case. We can get ρ = 1/2 in cases # 5 and # 12 by using a disjunctive normal form boolean circuit. For cases # 8 and # 13, a disjunctive normal form boolean circuit will yield ρ = 1/3, but other monotone circuits exist which allow us to attain ρ = 1/2. But in fact, it is possible to construct schemes with ρ = 2/3 for each of these four access structures, by employing constructions that use ideal schemes as building blocks in the construction of larger schemes.

We present a construction of this type called the “decomposition construction.” First, we need to define an important concept.

DEFINITION 11.6  Suppose Γ is an access structure having basis Γ0. Let be a specified key set. An ideal decomposition of Γ0 consists of a set1, . . . Γn} such that the following properties are satisfied:

3.  for 1 ≤ kn, there exists an ideal scheme with key set , on the subset of participants

for the access structure having basis Γk.

Given an ideal -decomposition of an access structure Γ, we can easily construct a perfect secret sharing scheme, as described in the following theorem.


Suppose Γ is an access structure having basis Γ0. Let be a specified key set, and suppose1,...Γn} is an ideal -decomposition of Γ. For every participant Pi, define

Then there exists a perfect secret sharing scheme realizing Γ, having information rate ρ 1/R, where

PROOF For 1 ≤ kn, we have an ideal scheme realizing the access structure with basis Γk, with key set , having as its set of distribution rules. We will construct a scheme realizing Γ, with key set . The set of distribution rules is constructed according to the following recipe. Suppose D wants to share a key K. Then, for 1 ≤ kn, he chooses a random distribution rule and distributes the resulting shares to the participants in .

We omit the proof that the scheme is perfect. However, it is easy to compute the information rate of the resulting scheme. Since each of the component schemes is ideal, it follows that

for 1 ≤ iw. So


which is what we were required to prove.

Although Theorem 11.12 is useful, it is often much more useful to employ a generalization in which we have ideal -decompositions of Γ0 instead of just one. Each of the decompositions is used to share a key chosen from . Thus, we build a scheme with key set . The construction of the scheme and its information rate are as stated in the following theorem.

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