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9.6 Notes and References

The Schnorr Identification Scheme is from [SC91], the Okamoto Scheme was presented in [OK93], and the Guillou-Quisquater Scheme can be found in [GQ88]. Another scheme that can be proved secure under a plausible computational assumption has been given by Brickell and McCurley [BM92].

Other popular identification schemes include the Feige-Fiat-Shamir Scheme [FFS88] (see also [FS87]) and Shamir’s Permuted Kernel Scheme [SH90]. The Feige-Fiat-Shamir Scheme is proved secure using zero-knowledge techniques (see Chapter 13 for more information on zero-knowledge proofs).

The method of constructing signature schemes from identification schemes is due to Fiat and Shamir [FS87]. They also describe an identity-based version of their identification scheme.

Surveys on identification schemes have been published by Burmester, Desmedt, and Beth [BDB92] and de Waleffe and Quisquater [DWQ93].


9.1  Consider the following possible identification scheme. Alice possesses a secret key n = pq, where p and q are prime and pq ≡ 3 (mod 4). The values n and ID(Alice) are signed by the TA, as usual, and stored on Alice’s certificate. When Alice wants to identify herself to Bob, say, Bob will present Alice with a random quadratic residue modulo n, say x. Then Alice will compute a square root y of x and give it to Bob. Bob then verifies that y2x (mod n). Explain why this scheme is insecure.
9.2  Suppose Alice is using the Schnorr Scheme where q = 1201, p = 122503, t = 10 and α = 11538.

(a)  Verify that α has order q in .
(b)  Suppose that Alice’s secret exponent is a = 357. Compute v.
(c)  Suppose that k = 868. Compute γ.
(d)  Suppose that Bob issues the challenge r = 501. Compute Alice’s response y.
(e)  Perform Bob’s calculations to verify y.

9.3  Suppose that Alice uses the Schnorr Scheme with p, q, t and α as in Exercise 9.2. Now suppose that v = 51131, and Olga has learned that

Show how Olga can compute Alice’s secret exponent a.

9.4  Suppose that Alice is using the Okamoto Scheme with q = 1201, p = 122503, t = 10, α1 = 60497 and α2 = 17163.

(a)  Suppose that Alice’s secret exponents are a1 = 432 and a2 = 423. Compute v.
(b)  Suppose that k1 = 389 and k2 = 191. Compute γ.
(c)  Suppose that Bob issues the challenge r = 21. Compute Alice’s response, y1 and y2.
(d)  Perform Bob’s calculations to verify y1 and y2.

9.5  Suppose that Alice uses the Okamoto Scheme with p, q, t, α1, and α2 as in Exercise 9.4. Suppose also that v = 119504.

(a)  Verify that

(b)  Use this information to compute b1 and b2 such that

(c)  Now suppose that Alice reveals that a1 = 484 and a2 = 935. Show how Alice and Olga together will compute .

9.6  Suppose that Alice is using the Guillou-Quisquater Scheme with p = 503, q = 379, and b = 509.

(a)  Suppose that Alice’s secret u = 155863. Compute v.
(b)  Suppose that k = 123845. Compute γ.
(c)  Suppose that Bob issues the challenge r = 487. Compute Alice’s response, y.
(d)  Perform Bob’s calculations to verify y.

9.7  Suppose that Alice is using the Guillou-Quisquater Scheme with n = 199543, b = 523 and v = 146152. Suppose that Olga has discovered that

Show how Olga can compute u.

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