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7.9 Notes and References

The discrete log hash function described in Section 7.4 is due to Chaum, van Heijst, and Pfitzmann [CvHP92]. A hash function that can be proved secure provided that a composite integer n cannot be factored is given by Gibson [GIB91] (see Exercise 7.4 for a description of this scheme).

The material on extending hash functions in Section 7.5 is based on Damgård [DA90]. Similar methods were discovered by Merkle [ME90].

For infomation concerning the construction of hash functions from private-key cryptosystems, see Preneel, Govaerts, and Vandewalle [PGV94].

The MD4 hashing algorithm was presented in Rivest [RI91], and the Secure Hash Standard is described in [NBS93]. An attack against two of the three rounds of MD4 is given by den Boer and Bossalaers [DBB92]. Other recently proposed hash functions include N-hash [MOI90] and Snefru [ME90A].

Timestamping is discussed in Haber and Stornetta [HS91] and Bayer, Haber, and Stornetta [BHS93].

A thorough survey of hashing techniques can be found in Preneel, Govaerts, and Vandewalle [PGV93].


7.1  Suppose h : XY is a hash function. For any yY, let

and denote sy = |h-1(y)|. Define

Note that N counts the number of unordered pairs in X that collide under h. Answer the following:

(a)  Prove that

so the mean of the sy ’s is

(b)  Prove that

(c)  Prove that

Figure 7.13  Hashing 4m bits to m bits

(d)  Using the result proved in part (c), prove that

Further, show that equality is attained if and only if

for every yY.

7.2  As in Exercise 7.1, suppose h : XY is a hash function, and let

for any yY. Let denote the probability that h(x1) = h(x2), where x1 and x2 are random (not necessarily distinct) elements of X. Prove that

with equality if and only if

for every yY.

7.3  Suppose p = 15083, α = 154 and β = 2307 in the Chaum-van Heijst-Pfitzmann Hash Function. Given the collision

compute logα β.

7.4  Suppose n = pq, where p and q are two (secret) distinct large primes such that p = 2p1 + 1 and q = 2q1 + 1, where p1 and q1 are prime. Suppose that α is an element of order 2p1q1 in (this is the largest order of any element in ). Define a hash function h : {1,...,n2} → by the rule h(x) = αx mod n.

Now, suppose that n = 603241 and α = 11 are used to define a hash function h of this type. Suppose that we are given three collisions for h: h(1294755) = h(80115359) = h(52738737). Use this information to factor n.

7.5  Suppose h1 : is a strongly collision-free hash function.

(a)  Define h2 : as in Figure 7.13. Prove that h2 is strongly collision-free.
(b)  For an integer i ≥ 2, define a hash function hi : recursively from hi-1, as indicated in Figure 7.14. Prove that hi is strongly collision-free.

7.6  Using the (original) expansion function of the SHS, Equation 7.1, express each of X[16],..., X[79] in terms of X[0],..., X[15]. Now, for each pair X[i], X[j],

Figure 7.14  Hashing 2i m bits to m bits

where 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 15, use a computer program to determine λij, which denotes the number of X[k]’s (16 ≤ k ≤ 79) such that X[i] and X[j] both occur in the expression for X[k]. What is the range of values λij?

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