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The second list contains the ordered pairs (i, 525 × (3i)-1 mod 809), 0 ≤ j ≤ 28. It is as follows:

(0, 525) (1, 175) (2, 328) (3, 379) (4, 396)
(5, 132) (6, 44) (7, 554) (8, 724) (9, 511)
(10, 440) (11, 686) (12, 768) (13, 256) (14, 355)
(15, 388) (16, 399) (17, 133) (18, 314) (19, 644)
(20, 754) (21, 521) (22, 713) (23, 777) (24, 259)
(25, 356) (26, 658) (27, 489) (28, 163)

After sorting this list, we get L2.

Now, if we proceed simultaneously through the two sorted lists, we find that (10, 644) is in L1 and (19, 644) is in L2. Hence, we can compute

As a check, it can be verified that indeed 3309 ≡ 525 (mod 809).

The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm

The next algorithm we study is the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm. Suppose

where the Pi’s are distinct primes. The value a = logα β is determined (uniquely) modulo p - 1. We first observe that if we can compute a mod for each i, 1 ≤ ik, then we can compute a mod (p - 1) by the Chinese remainder theorem. So, let’s suppose that q is prime,


We will show how to compute the value

where 0 ≤ xqc - 1. We can express x in radix q representation as

where 0 ≤ aiq - 1 for 0 ≤ ic - 1. Also, observe that we can express a as

for some integer s.

The first step of the algorithm is to compute a0. The main observation is that

To see this, note that

so it suffices to show that

This will be true if and only if

However, we have

which was what we wanted to prove.

Hence, we begin by computing β(p-1)/q mod p. If

then a0 = 0. Otherwise, we successively compute


for some i. When this happens, we have a0 = i.

Now, if c = 1, we’re done. Otherwise c > 1, and we proceed to determine a1. To do this, we define

and denote

It is not hard to see that

Hence, it follows that

So, we will compute β1(p-1)/q2 mod p, and then find i such that

Then we have a1 = i.

If c = 2, we are now finished; otherwise, we repeat this process c - 2 more times, obtaining a2,..., ac-1.

A pseudo-code description of the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm is given in Figure 5.4. In this algorithm, α is a primitive element modulo p, q is prime,


The algorithm calculates a0,..., ac-1, where

We illustrate the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm with a small example.

Figure 5.4  Pohlig-Hellman algorithm to compute logαβ mod qc

Example 5.3

Suppose p = 29; then

Suppose α = 2 and β = 18, so we want to determine a = log2 18. We proceed by first computing a mod 4 and then computing a mood 7.

We start by setting q = 2 and c = 2. First,



Hence, a0 = 1. Next, we compute



we have a1 = 1. Hence, a ≡ 3 (mod 4).

Next, we set q = 7 and c = 1. We have


Then we would compute

Hence, a0 = 4 and a ≤ 4 (mod 7).

Finally, solving the system

using the Chinese remainder theorem, we get a ≡ 11 (mod 28). That is, we have computed log2 18 in to be 11.

The Index Calculus Method

The index calculus method for computing discrete logs bears considerable resemblence to many of the best factoring algorithms. We give a very brief overview in this section. The method uses a factor base, which, as before, is a set of “small” primes. Suppose . The first step (a preprocessing step) is to find the logarithms of the B primes in the factor base. The second step is to compute a discrete log of a desired element β, using the knowledge of the discrete logs of the elements in the factor base.

In the precomputation, we construct C = B + 10 congruences modulo p, as follows:

1 ≤ jC. Notice these congruences can be written equivalently as

1 ≤ jC. Given C congruences in the B “unknowns” logα pi (1 ≤ iB), we hope that there is a unique solution modulo p - 1. If this is the case, then we can compute the logarithms of the elements in the factor base.

How do we generate congruences of the desired form? One elementary way is to take a random value x, compute ax mod p, and then determine if ax mod p has all its factors in (using trial division, for example).

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