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4.9 Notes and References

The idea of public-key cryptography was introduced by Diffie and Hellman in 1976. Although [DH76A] is the most cited reference, the conference paper [DH76] actually appeared a bit earlier. The RSA Cryptosystem was discovered by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman [RSA78]. The Rabin Cryptosystem was described in Rabin [RA79]; a similar provably secure system in which decryption is unambiguous was found by Williams [WI80]. For a general survey article on public-key cryptography, we recommend Diffie [DI92].

The Solovay-Strassen test was first described in [SS77]. The Miller-Rabin test was given in [MI76] and [RA80]. Our discussion of error probabilities is motivated by observations of Brassard and Bratley [BB88A, §8.6] (see also [BBCGP88]). The best current bounds on the error probability of the Miller-Rabin algorithm can be found in [DLP93].

The material in Section 4.6 is based on the treatment by Salomaa [SA90, pp. 143-154]. The factorization of n given the decryption exponent was proved in [DE84]; the results on partial information revealed by RSA is from [GMT82].

As mentioned earlier, there are many sources of information on factoring algorithms. Pomerance [PO90] is a good survey on factoring, and Lenstra and Lenstra [LL90] is a good article on number-theoretic algorithms in general. Bressoud [BR89] is an elementary textbook devoted to factoring and primality testing. Cryptography textbooks that emphasize number theory include Koblitz [KO94] and Kranakis [KR86]. Lenstra and Lenstra [LL93] is a monograph on the number field sieve.

Exercises 4.7-4.9 give some examples of protocol failures. For a nice article on this subject, see Moore [MO92].


4.1  Use the Extended Euclidean algorithm to compute the following multiplicative inverses:

(a) 17-1 mod 101
(b) 357-1 mod 1234
(c) 3125-1 mod 9987.

4.2  Solve the following system of congruences:

4.3  Solve the following system of congruences:

HINT  First use the Extended Euclidean algorithm, and then apply the Chinese remainder theorem.

4.4  Here we investigate some properties of primitive roots.

(a) The integer 97 is prime. Prove that x ± 0 is a primitive root modulo 97 if and only if (mod 97) and (mod 97).
(b) Use this method to find the smallest primitive root modulo 97.
(c) Suppose p is prime, and p - 1 has prime power factorization

where the pi’s are distinct primes. Prove that x ± 0 is a primitive root modulo p if and only if (mod p) for 1 ≤ in.

4.5  Suppose that n = pq, where p and q are distinct odd primes and ab ≡ 1 (mod (p -1)(q - 1)). The RSA encryption operation is e(x) = xb mod n and the decryption operation is d(y) = ya mod n. We proved that d(e(x)) = x if . Prove that the same statement is true for any .

HINT  Use thr fact that x1x2 (mod pq) if and only if x1x2 (mod p) and x1x2 (mod q). This follows from the Chinese remainder theorem.

4.6  Two samples of RSA ciphertext are presented in Tables 4.1 and 4.2. Your task is to decrypt them. The public parameters of the system are n = 18923 and b = 1261 (for Table 4.1) and n = 31313 and b = 4913 (for Table 4.2). This can be accomplished as follows. First, factor n (which is easy because it is so small). Then compute the exponent a from φ(n), and, finally, decrypt the ciphertext. Use the square-and-multiply algorithm to exponentiate modulo n.

In order to translate the plaintext back into ordinary English text, you need to know how alphabetic characters are “encoded” as elements in . Each element of

Table 4.1 RSA Ciphertext
12423 11524 7243 7459 14303 6127 10964 16399
9792 13629 14407 18817 18830 13556 3159 16647
5300 13951 81 8986 8007 13167 10022 17213
2264 961 17459 4101 2999 14569 17183 15827
12693 9553 18194 3830 2664 13998 12501 18873
12161 13071 16900 7233 8270 17086 9792 14266
13236 5300 13951 8850 12129 6091 18110 3332
15061 12347 7817 7946 11675 13924 13892 18031
2620 6276 8500 201 8850 11178 16477 10161
3533 13842 7537 12259 18110 44 2364 15570
3460 9886 8687 4481 11231 7547 11383 17910
12867 13203 5102 4742 5053 15407 2976 9330
12192 56 2471 15334 841 13995 17592 13297
2430 9741 11675 424 6686 738 13874 8168
7913 6246 14301 1144 9056 15967 7328 13203
796 195 9872 16979 15404 14130 9105 2001
9792 14251 1498 11296 1105 4502 16979 1105
56 4118 11302 5988 3363 15827 6928 4191
4277 10617 874 13211 11821 3090 18110 44
2364 15570 3460 9886 9988 3798 1158 9872
16979 15404 6127 9872 3652 14838 7437 2540
1367 2512 14407 5053 1521 297 10935 17137
2186 9433 13293 7555 13618 13000 6490 5310
18676 4782 11374 446 4165 11634 3846 14611
2364 6789 11634 4493 4063 4576 17955 7965
11748 14616 11453 17666 925 56 4118 18031
9522 14838 7437 3880 11476 8305 5102 2999
18628 14326 9175 9061 650 18110 8720 15404
2951 722 15334 841 15610 2443 11056 2186

represents three alphabetic characters as in the following examples:

You will have to invert this process as the final step in your program.

The first plaintext was taken from “The Diary of Samuel Marchbanks,” by Robertson Davies, 1947, and the second was taken from “Lake Wobegon Days,” by Garrison Keillor, 1985.

4.7  This exercise exhibits what is called a protocol failure. It provides an example where ciphertext can be decrypted by an opponent, without determining the key, if a cryptosystem is used in a careless way. (Since the opponent does not determine the key, it is not accurate to call it cryptanalysis.) The moral is that it is not sufficient to use a “secure” cryptosystem in order to guarantee “secure” communication.

Suppose Bob has an RSA Cryptosystem with a large modulus n for which the factorization cannot be found in a reasonable amount of time. Suppose Alice sends

Table 4.2 RSA Ciphertext
6340 8309 14010 8936 27358 25023 16481 25809
23614 7135 24996 30590 27570 26486 30388 9395
27584 14999 4517 12146 29421 26439 1606 17881
25774 7647 23901 7372 25774 18436 12056 13547
7908 8635 2149 1908 22076 7372 8686 1304
4082 11803 5314 107 7359 22470 7372 22827
15698 30317 4685 14696 30388 8671 29956 15705
1417 26905 25809 28347 26277 7897 20240 21519
12437 1108 27106 18743 24144 10685 25234 30155
23005 8267 9917 7994 9694 2149 10042 27705
15930 29748 8635 23645 11738 24591 20240 27212
27486 9741 2149 29329 2149 5501 14015 30155
18154 22319 27705 20321 23254 13624 3249 5443
2149 16975 16087 14600 27705 19386 7325 26277
19554 23614 7553 4734 8091 23973 14015 107
3183 17347 25234 4595 21498 6360 19837 8463
6000 31280 29413 2066 369 23204 8425 7792
25973 4477 30989

a message to Bob by representing each alphabetic character as an integer between 0 and 25 (i.e., A ↔ 0, B ↔ 1, etc.), and then encrypting each residue modulo 26 as a separate plaintext character.

(a) Describe how Oscar can easily decrypt a message which is encrypted in this way.
(b) Illustrate this attack by decrypting the following ciphertext (which was encrypted using an RSA Cryptosystem with n = 18721 and b = 25) without factoring the modulus:

4.8  This exercise illustrates another example of a protocol failure (due to Simmons) involving RSA; it is called the common modulus protocol failure. Suppose Bob has an RSA Cryptosystem with modulus n and decryption exponent b1, and Charlie has an RSA Cryptosystem with (the same) modulus n and decryption exponent b2. Suppose also that gcd(b1, b2) = 1. Now, consider the situation that arises if Alice encrypts the same plaintext x to send to both Bob and Charlie. Thus, she computes mod n and mod n, and then she sends y1 to Bob and y2 to Charlie. Suppose Oscar intercepts y1 and y2, and performs the computations indicated in Figure 4.16.

(a) Prove that the value x1 computed in step 3 of Figure 4.16 is in fact Alice’s plaintext, x. Thus, Oscar can decrypt the message Alice sent, even though the cryptosystem may be “secure.”
(b) Illustrate the attack by computing x by this method if n = 18721, b1 = 43, b2 = 7717, y1 = 12677 and y2 = 14702.

4.9  We give yet another protocol failure involving RSA. Suppose that three users in a network, say Bob, Bart and Bert, all have public encryption exponents b = 3.

Figure 4.16  RSA common modulus protocol failure

Let their moduli be denoted by n1, n2, n3. Now suppose Alice encrypts the same plaintext x to send to Bob, Bart and Bert. That is, Alice computes yi = x3 mod ni, 1 ≤ i ≤ 3. Describe how Oscar can compute x, given y1, y2 and y3, without factoring any of the moduli.

4.10  A plaintext x is said to be fixed if eK(x) = x. Show that, for the RSA Cryptosystem, the number of fixed plaintexts is equal to gcd(b - 1, p - 1) × gcd(b -1, q - 1).

HINT  Consider the system of two congruences eK(x) ≡ x (mod p), eK(x) ≡ x (mod q).

4.11  Suppose A is a deterministic algorithm which is given as input an RSA modulus n, an encryption exponent b, and a ciphertext y. A will either decrypt y or return no answer. Supposing that there are ∈(n - 1) ciphertexts which A is able to decrypt, show how to use A as an oracle in a Las Vegas decryption algorithm having success probability ∈.

HINT  Use the multiplicative property of RSA that eK(x1)eK(x2) = eK(x1x2), where all arithmetic operations are modulo n.

4.12  Write a program to evaluate Jacobi symbols using the four properties presented in Section 4.5. The program should not do any factoring, other than dividing out powers of two. Test your program by computing the following Jacobi symbols:

4.13  For n = 837, 851 and 1189, find the number of bases 6 such that n, is an Euler pseudo-prime to the base b.
4.14  The purpose of this question is to prove that the error probability of the Solovay-Strassen primality test is at most 1/2. Let denote the group of units modulo n. Define

(a) Prove that G(n) is a subgroup of . Hence, by Lagranges theorem, if , then

(b) Suppose n = pk q, where p and q are odd, p is prime, k ≥ 2, and gcd(p, q) = 1. Let a = 1 + pk-1 q. Prove that

HINT  Use the binomial theorem to compute a(n-1)/2.

(c) Suppose n = p1, . . . ps, where the pi’s are distinct odd primes. Suppose au (mod p1) and a ≡ 1 (mod p2p3 . . . ps), where u is a quadratic non-residue modulo p1 (note that such an a exists by the Chinese remainder theorem). Prove that



(d) If n is odd and composite, prove that |G(n)| ≤ (n - 1)/2.
(e) Summarize the above: prove that the error probability of the Solovay-Strassen primality test is at most 1/2.

4.15  Suppose we have a Las Vegas algorithm with failure probability ∈.

(a) Prove that the probability of first achieving success on the nth trial is pn = ∈n-1(1 - ∈).
(b) The average (expected) number of trials to achieve success is

Show that this average is equal to 1/(1 - ∈).

(c) Let δ be a positive real number less than 1. Show that the number of iterations required in order to reduce the probaility of failure to at most δ is

4.16  Suppose Bob has carelessly revealed his decryption exponent to be a = 14039 in an RSA Cryptosystem with public key n = 36581 and b = 4679. Implement the probablistic algorithm to factor n given this information. Test your algorithm with the “random” choices w = 9983 and w = 13461. Show all computations.
4.17  Prove Equations 4.1 and 4.2 relating the functions half and parity.
4.18  Suppose p = 199, q = 211 and B = 1357 in the Rabin Cryptosystem. Perform following computations.

(a) Determine the four square roots of 1 modulo n, where n = pq.
(b) Compute the encryption y = eK (32767).
(c) Determine the four possible decryptions of this given ciphertext y.

4.19  Factor 262063 and 9420457 using the p - 1 method. How big does B have to be in each case to be successful?

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