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2.6 Notes

The idea of perfect secrecy and the use of entropy techniques in cryptography was pioneered by Shannon [SH49]. Product cryptosystems are also discussed in this paper. The concept of entropy was defined by Shannon in [SH48]. Good introductions to entropy, Huffman coding and related topics can be found in the books by Welsh [WE88] and Goldie and Pinch [GP91].

The results of Section 2.4 are due to Beauchemin and Brassard [BB88], who generalized earlier results of Shannon.


2.1  Let n be a positive integer. A Latin square of order n is an n × n array L of the integers 1, ..., n such that every one of the n integers occurs exactly once in each row and each column of L. An example of a Latin square of order 3 is as follows:
1 2 3
3 1 2
2 3 1

Given any Latin square L of order n, we can define a related cryptosystem. Take . For 1 ≤ in, the encryption rule ei is defined to be ei(j) = L(i, j). (Hence each row of L gives rise to one encryption rule.)

Give a complete proof that this Latin square cryptosystem achieves perfect secrecy.

2.2  Prove that the Affine Cipher achieves perfect secrecy.
2.3  Suppose a cryptosystem achieves perfect secrecy for a particular plaintext probability distribution p0. Prove that perfect secrecy is maintained for any plaintext probability distribution.
2.4  Prove that if a cryptosystem has perfect secrecy and , then every ciphertext is equally probable.
2.5  Suppose X is a set of cardinality n, where 2kn < 2k+1, and p(x) = 1/n for all xX.

(a)  Find a prefix-free encoding of X, say f, such that .

HINT  Encode 2k+1 - n elements of X as strings of length k, and encode the remaining elements as strings of length k + 1.

(b)  Illustrate your construction for n = 6. Compute and H(X) in this case.

2.6  Suppose X = {a, b, c, d, e} has the following probability distribution: p(a) = .32, p(b) = .23, p(q) = .20, p(d) = .15 and p(e) = .10. Use Huffman’s algorithm to find the optimal prefix-free encoding of X. Compare the length of this encoding to H(X).
2.7  Prove that H(X, Y) = H(Y) + H(X|Y). Then show as a corollary that H(X|Y) ≤ H(X), with equality if and only if X and Y are independent.
2.8  Prove that a cryptosystem has perfect secrecy if and only if H(P|C) = H(P).
2.9  Prove that, in any cryptosystem, H(K|C) ≥ H(P|C). (Intuitively, this result says that, given a ciphertext, the opponent’s uncertainty about the key is at least as great as his uncertainty about the plaintext.)
2.10  Consider a cryptosystem in which . Suppose the encryption matrix is as follows:

Given that keys are chosen equiprobably, and the plaintext probability distribution is , compute H(P), H(C), H(K), H(K|C) and H(P|C).

2.11  Compute H(K|C) and H(K|P, C) for the Affine Cipher.
2.12  Consider a Vigenere Cipher with keyword length m. Show that the unicity distance is 1/RL, where RL is the redundancy of the underlying language. (This result is interpreted as follows. If n0 denotes the number of alphabetic characters being encrypted, then the “length” of the plaintext is n0/m, since each plaintext element consists of m alphabetic characters. So, a unicity distance of 1/RL corresponds to a plaintext consisting of m/RL alphabetic characters.)
2.13  Show that the unicity distance of the Hill Cipher (with an m × m encryption matrix) is less than m/RL (Note that the number of alphabetic characters in a plaintext of this length is m2/RL.)
2.14  A Substitution Cipher over a plaintext space of size n has Stirling’s formula gives the following estimate for n!:

(a)  Using Stirling’s formula, derive an estimate of the unicity distance of the Substitution Cipher.
(b)  Let m ≥ 1 be an integer. The m-gram Substitution Cipher is the Substitution Cipher where the plaintext (and ciphertext) spaces consist of all 26m m-grams. Estimate the unicity distance of the m-gram Substitution Cipher if RL = 0.75.

2.15  Prove that the Shift Cipher is idempotent.
2.16  Suppose S1 is the Shift Cipher (with equiprobable keys, as usual) and S2 is the Shift Cipher where keys are chosen with respect to some probability distribution (which need not be equiprobable). Prove that S1 × S2 = S1.
2.17  Suppose S1 and S2 are Vigenere Ciphers with keyword lengths m1, m2 respectively, where m1 > m2.

(a)  If m2 | m1, then show that S2 × S1 = S1.
(b)  One might try to generalize the previous result by conjecturing that S2 × S1 = S3, where S3 is the Vigenere Cipher with keyword length lcm(m1, m2). Prove that this conjecture is false.

HINT  If mod m2, then the number of keys in the product cryptosystem S2 × S1 is than the number of keys in S3.

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