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A real matrix K has an inverse if and only if its determinant is non-zero. However, it is important to remember that we are working over . The relevant result for our purposes is that a matrix K has an inverse modulo 26 if and only if gcd (det K, 26) = 1.

We briefly sketch the proof of this fact. First suppose that gcd(det K, 26) = 1. Then det K has an inverse in Now, for ≤ im, 1 ≤ jm, define Kij to be the matrix obtained from K by deleting the ith row and the jth column. Define a matrix K* to have as its (i, j)-entry the value (-1)i+j det Kji. (K* is called the adjoint matrix of K.) Then it can be shown that

Hence, K is invertible.

Conversely, suppose K has an inverse, K-1. By the multiplication rule for determinants, we have

Hence, det K is invertible in

REMARK  The above formula for K-1 is not very efficient computationally, except for small values of m (say m = 2, 3). For larger m, the preferred method of computing inverse matrices would involve elementary row operations.

In the 2 × 2 case, we have the following formula:


Suppose A = (ai,j) is a 2 × 2 matrix over such that det A = a1,1a2,2 - a1,2a2,1 is invertible. Then

Let’s look again at the example considered earlier. First, we have

Now, 1-1 mod 26 = 1, so the inverse matrix is

as we verified earlier.

We now give a precise description of the Hill Cipher over in Figure 1.6.

1.1.6 The Permutation Cipher

All of the cryptosystems we have discussed so far involve substitution: plaintext characters are replaced by different ciphertext characters. The idea of a permutation cipher is to keep the plaintext characters unchanged, but to alter their positions by rearranging them. The Permutation Cipher (also known as the Transposition Cipher) has been in use for hundreds of years. In fact, the distinction between the Permutation Cipher and the Substitution Cipher was pointed out as early as 1563 by Giovanni Porta. A formal definition is given in Figure 1.7.

As with the Substitution Cipher, it is more convenient to use alphabetic characters as opposed to residues modulo 26, since there are no algebraic operations being performed in encryption or decryption.

Here is an example to illustrate:

Figure 1.6  Hill Cipher

Figure 1.7  Permutation Cipher

Example 1.6

Suppose m = 6 and the key is the following permutation π:

Then the inverse permutation π-1 is the following:

Now, suppose we are given the plaintext


We first group the plaintext into groups of six letters:

                 shesel | lsseas | hellsb | ythese | ashore

Now each group of six letters is rearranged according to the permutation π, yielding the following:


So, the ciphertext is:


The ciphertext can be decrypted in a similar fashion, using the inverse permutation π-1.

In fact, the Permutation Cipher is a special case of the Hill Cipher. Given a permutation of π of the set {1, . . . , m}, we can define an associated m × m permutation matrix Kπ = (ki,j) according to the formula

(A permutation matrix is a matrix in which every row and column contains exactly one “1,” and all other values are “0.” A permutation matrix can be obtained from an identity matrix by permuting rows or columns.)

It is not difficult to see that Hill encryption using the matrix Kπ is, in fact, equivalent to permutation encryption using the permutation π. Moreover, , i.e., the inverse matrix to Kπ is the permutation matrix defined by the permutation π-1. Thus, Hill decryption is equivalent to permutation decryption.

For the permutation π used in the example above, the associated permutation matrices are


The reader can verify that the product of these two matrices is the identity.

1.1.7 Stream Ciphers

In the cryptosystems we have studied to this point, successive plaintext elements are encrypted using the same key, K. That is, the ciphertext string y is obtained as follows:

Cryptosystems of this type are often called block ciphers.

An alternative approach is to use what are called stream ciphers. The basic idea is to generate a keystream z = z1z2 . . . , and use it to encrypt a plaintext string x = x1x2 . . . according to the rule

A stream cipher operates as follows. Suppose is the key and x1x2 . . . is the plaintext string. The function fi is used to generate zi (the ith element of the keystream), where fi is a function of the key, K, and the first i - 1 plaintext characters:

The keystream element zi is used to encrypt xi, yielding . So, to encrypt the plaintext string x1x2, . . . , we would successively compute

Decrypting the ciphertext string y1y2 . . . can be accomplished by successively computing

Here is a formal mathematical definition:

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