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MySQL Basics


Welcome. These instructions provide new MySQL users with very basic, step by step, instructions on how to get started.

MySQL runs under a broad array of operating systems. The MySQL commands discussed here apply to all platforms. The installation instructions in particular are guaranteed to work if the following conditions are true:

If your conditions are different, the instructions should still work, but keep an eye out for slight differences, like which working directory you'll need to be in.

The commands you need to type are displayed in the bold fixed width font. Resulting screen text is shown here in standard fixed width font.




Windows 2000 and NT 4.0 Installation

If you don't already have MySQL on your system, you'll need to start by getting and installing it.
  1. Download MySQL-Win32 version of the program.
  2. Open up Windows Explorer.
  3. Find the downloaded file and copy it into a temporary directory.
  4. Double click on the file. At this point, if you have a zip utility, it should start. If you don't have a program to unzip files, you'll need to get one. I'm partial to PKZIP for Windows.
  5. Once the files are extracted, go back into Explorer and double click on Setup.exe.
  6. Follow the instructions within the installation program. Note: The do not change the installation directory from the default c:\mysql. If you want it installed somewhere else, the Win32 section of the MySQL manual says to install it to c:\mysql then move it later. Once moved, you'll need to use the --basedir option when calling mysqld commands.
  7. Open up a MS-DOS Prompt window. The default location for starting such windows is: Start Menu | Programs | MS-DOS Prompt.
  8. Switch to the c: drive if you're not already there: F:\>c:
  9. Switch into the MySQL working directory: C:\>cd mysql\bin
  10. Change the name of the daemon program: c:\mysql\bin\ren mysqld-shareware.exe mysqld.exe
  11. Load the MySQL daemon: c:\mysql\bin\mysqld --install
  12. Close the DOS Prompt window: c:\mysql\bin\exit
  13. Open up the Services Manager
    • NT 4.0: Start Menu | Settings | Control Panel | Services
    • 2000: Start Menu | Programs | Administrative Tools | Services
  14. Highlight the line with "MySql" on it.
  15. If the "Startup" column says "Manual" or "Disabled, click on the "Startup" button, hit the "Automatic" radio button and click OK.
  16. Click on the Start button.
  17. Close the Services Manager and the Control Panel.

Quick Tips for Other Windows Operating Systems

If you're using Windows 95 or 98, do not run mysqld --install. These operaing systems don't have the ability to host a "service." So, you need to run MySQL as a standalone application by executing the command mysqld --standalone.

I haven't run MySQL on these systems myself, so, for more information, check out the MySQL Mailing List Archive.


Creating a Simple Database and Displaying its Structure

Open up a MS-DOS Prompt window

The default location for starting such windows is: Start Menu | Programs | MS-DOS Prompt.

Get to the working directory

C:\>cd mysql\bin

Instruct MySQL to setup a new database

All this really does is create a new subdirectory in your c:\mysql\data directory.

C:\mysql\bin>mysqladmin create database01
Database "database01" created.

Startup MySQL

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 22 to server version: 3.21.29a-gamma-debug

Type 'help' for help.

Open the database

mysql> use database01
Database changed

Create a table

mysql> create table table01 (field01 integer,field02 char(10));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

!Enclose entire list of field names between one pair of parentheses.
!Commas are used between each field.
iA space may be used after the comma between fields.
!A comma is not used after last field.
!This, and all SQL statements, are concluded by a semicolon ";".

List the tables

mysql> show tables;
| Tables in database01 |
| table01              |
| table02              |

List the fields in a table

mysql> show columns from table01;
| Field   | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| field01 | int(11)  | YES  |     |         |       |
| field02 | char(10) | YES  |     |         |       |

Congratulations! Pretty straightforward, eh?


Putting Data into a Table

Insert a record

mysql> insert into table01 (field01,field02) values (1,'first');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

!Enclose entire list of field names between one pair of parentheses.
!Enclose the values to be inserted between another pair of parentheses.
!Commas are used between each field and between each value.
iA space may be used after the comma between fields.

List all the records in a table

mysql> select * from table01;
| field01 | field02 |
|       1 | first   |



Adding Fields

...one field at a time

mysql> alter table table01 add column field03 char(20);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

...more than one at a time

mysql> alter table table01 add column field04 date,add column field05 time;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

!The "add column" must be restated for each column.
!Commas are used between each add column statement.
iA space may be used after these commas.

iThe MySQL Manual fully explains each possible column data type.

Did it work?

mysql> select * from table01;
| field01 | field02 | field03 | field04 | field05 |
|       1 | first   | NULL    | NULL    | NULL    |

Now we're getting somewhere!

Multi-line Command Entry

The MySQL command line interface allows you to put a statement on one line or spread it across multiple lines. There's no difference in syntax between the two. Using multiple lines allows you to break down the SQL statement into steps you may more easily comprehend.

In multiple line mode, the interpreter appends each line to the prior lines. This continues until you enter a semicolon ";" to close out the SQL statement. Once the semicolon is typed in and you hit enter, the statement is executed.

Here's an example of the same exact SQL statement entered both ways:
Single Line Entry
mysql> create table table33 (field01 integer,field02 char(30));
Multiple Line Entry
mysql> create table table33
    -> (field01
    -> integer,
    -> field02
    -> char(30));

!Don't break up words:
Valid Invalid
mysql> create table table33
    -> (field01
    -> integer,
    -> field02
    -> char(30));
mysql> create table table33
    -> (field01 inte
    -> ger,
    -> field02
    -> char(30));

!When inserting or updating records, do not spread a field's string across multiple lines, otherwise the hard returns are stored in the record:
Standard Operation Hard Return Stored in Record
mysql> insert into table33 (field02)
    -> values
    -> ('who thought of foo?');
mysql> insert into table33 (field02)
    -> values
    -> ('who thought
    -> of foo?');
mysql> select * from table33;
   | field01 | field02             |
   |    NULL | who thought of foo? |
   |    NULL | who thought          
   of foo? |                        


Insert Some More Records into the Table

Add this record

mysql> insert into table01 (field01,field02,field03,field04,field05) values
    -> (2,'second','another','1999-10-23','10:30:00');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

!Quotes must go around text values.

iStandard date format is "yyyy-mm-dd".
iStandard time format is "hh:mm:ss".
!Quotes are required around the standard date and time formats, noted above.
iDates may also be entered as "yyyymmdd" and times as "hhmmss". If entered in this format, values don't need to be quoted.

iNumeric values do not need to be quoted. This holds true regardless of the data type a column is formatted to contain (e.g. text, date, time, integer).

iMySQL has a useful command buffer. The buffer stores the SQL statements you've entered thus far. Using it keeps you from having to retype the same commands over and over. Let's use this next step as an example.

Add another record using the command buffer (and optional date and time formats)

  1. Hit the up arrow key twice.
  2. Hit the ENTER key.
  3. Type in the new values between a pair parentheses and stick a closing semicolon on the end.
    (3,'a third','more foo for you',19991024,103004);
  4. Hit the ENTER key.


Is it in there?

mysql> select * from table01;
| field01 | field02   | field03          | field04    | field05  |
|       1 | first     | NULL             | NULL       | NULL     |
|       2 | second    | another          | 1999-10-23 | 10:30:00 |
|       3 | a third   | more foo for you | 1999-10-24 | 10:30:01 |

It's in there!

Now, we're almost done...


Updating Existing Records

Modify one field at a time

!Again, be careful with syntax. Quote marks need to go around text but not around numbers.

mysql> update table01 set field03='new info' where field01=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Change multiple fields at once

!Remember to put commas between each field you're updating.

mysql> update table01 set field04=19991022, field05=062218 where field01=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

So, what's up with our data?

mysql> select * from table01;
| field01 | field02   | field03          | field04    | field05  |
|       1 | first     | new info         | 1999-10-22 | 06:22:18 |
|       2 | second    | another          | 1999-10-23 | 10:30:00 |
|       3 | third one | more foo for you | 1999-10-24 | 10:30:01 |

Update multiple records in one stroke

mysql> update table01 set field05=152901 where field04>19990101;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Survey says...

mysql> select * from table01;
| field01 | field02   | field03          | field04    | field05  |
|       1 | first     | new info         | 1999-10-22 | 15:29:01 |
|       2 | second    | another          | 1999-10-23 | 15:29:01 |
|       3 | third one | more foo for you | 1999-10-24 | 15:29:01 |

Wee haw!


Deleting Records

The delete command

mysql> delete from table01 where field01=3;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> select * from table01;
| field01 | field02 | field03  | field04    | field05  |
|       1 | first   | new info | 1999-10-22 | 15:29:01 |
|       2 | second  | another  | 1999-10-23 | 15:29:01 |

Time to Call it Quits

mysql> quit


In Closing

Now you know some rudimentary commands for running a database in MySQL. Since MySQL is operated by executing SQL calls, you have a broad array of very powerful tools at your disposal. For instance, you're able to display data from several tables at once by joining related fields.
Cover Art
MySQL, by Paul DuBois, has received excellent reviews. I've read it myself and must concur. He's a consistent contributor to the MySQL mailing list. Please purchase his book through this link to help defray my costs incurred providing this important page.
Please throw it in your shopping cart first, then shop around. If you later decide you don't want it, then take it out.
Similarly, SQL permits complex displays, updates or deletions of multiple records which fit specific criteria. So, your next step toward mastery is learning all about SQL.

James Hoffman has put a tutorial page up on the web entitled Introduction to Structured Query Language. The General SQL Information of the MySQL Manual lists books recommended by many members of their mailing list.

Another thing to note is MySQL offers good security features you'll need to use when operating on networks.

To learn more about MySQL and how to use it, the manual should be your first stop. Also, Paul DuBois' book, MySQL, comes highly recommended. Buy it on line now using the links in the box on the right. The MySQL Mailing List is a tremendous resource. Deja News' Power Search is helpful for weeding through the tons of messages. This input box gives you a jump start:
If you don't find what you're looking for there, or can't stand the massive graphics and advertising, use mailing list archive on MARC.


Don't Bug Us!

Folks, please read this disclaimer:

  1. We are not the company that makes MySQL. It's made by TcX.
  2. We are not on the development team.
  3. We put this page up here to help people. It gets over 600 hits per day. That's a lot of help.
  4. We are unable to respond to inquiries seeking more free help.

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This URL: http://www.analysisandsolutions.com/code/mybasic.htm
Last modified: 27 July 2000, 10:47 am EDT
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