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Getting info on container


You can get all public info on container, i.e. size, encryption algorithm, description.

bctool info filename
bcinfo filename

filename container filename
This is an example of getting public info on secret_data container.

[foo@bar ]$ bctool info secret_data
<container's public info will be displayed>
[foo@bar ]$


Changing container's password


In order to change container's password (password only, container data zone will not be changed) you should enter command shown below. You will be prompted for old password, then for new password. Passwords are allowed any length from 8 up to 128 characters.

bctool passwd filename
bcpasswd filename

filename container filename
Here is example of changing password of container secret_data.

[foo@bar ]$ bctool passwd secret_data
Enter old password: <password will not be displayed>
Enter new password: <password will not be displayed>
Verify password: <password will not be displayed>
[foo@bar ]$


Adding container's password


BestCrypt containers allow to make up to 7 passwords per container. In order to add new password to container you should enter command shown below. You will be prompted for any existing password, then for new password, and new password verification. Passwords are allowed any length from 8 up to 128 characters.

bctool add_passwd filename

filename container filename
Here is example of adding new password to container secret_data.

[foo@bar ]$ bctool add_passwd secret_data
Enter existing password: <password will not be displayed>
Enter new password: <password will not be displayed>
Verify password: <password will not be displayed>
[foo@bar ]$


Removing container's password


Any container password, except first, can be deleted. In order to remove unneeded password from container you should enter command shown below. You will be prompted for password.

bctool del_passwd filename

filename container filename
Here is example of removing one password from container secret_data.

[foo@bar ]$ bctool del_passwd secret_data
Enter existing password: <password will not be displayed>
[foo@bar ]$


Container reencryption


BestCrypt allows to reencrypt containers. Reencryption replaces master encryption key along with optional changing password and encryption algorithm. Please take into accoount following notes:

  1. Do not reencrypt conatiners with hidden part. Reencryption will irretrievably destroy hidden part. You may create new container of the same size and copy data manually instead.
  2. Reencryption process could take much time for large containers. Please use -v option to track the process.
Container reencryption is performed by following command:

bctool reencrypt filename -a algorithm_name [-v]

filename container filename
-a algorithm_name new encryption algorithm
-v verbose output
Here container secret_data will be reencrypted using Russian GOST algorithm.

[foo@bar ]$ bctool reencrypt secret_data -a GOST
Enter old password: <password will not be displayed>
Enter new password: <password will not be displayed>
Verify password: <password will not be displayed>
[foo@bar ]$


Checking container's filesystem


Container's filesystem consistency may be checked/repaired by BestCrypt's fsck command.

bctool fsck filename
bcfsck filename

filename container filename
Chacking filesytem consistency on container named secret_data.

[foo@bar ]$ bctool fsck secret_data
Enter password: <password will not be displayed>
[foo@bar ]$

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