// __________________________________________________________ // // w2k_dump.c // SBS Windows 2000 Hex Dump Utility V1.00 // 08-27-2000 Sven B. Schreiber // sbs@orgon.com // __________________________________________________________ #include "w2k_dump.h" // ================================================================= // DISCLAIMER // ================================================================= /* This software is provided "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author Sven B. Schreiber be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. */ // ================================================================= // REVISION HISTORY // ================================================================= /* 08-27-2000 V1.00 Original version (SBS). */ // ================================================================= // GLOBAL STRINGS // ================================================================= WORD awArguments [] = L"{ [+-bwdqp] }"; WORD awMoreInfo [] = L"\r\n" L" + enable option\r\n" L" - disable option\r\n" L" b display BYTEs\r\n" L" w display WORDs\r\n" L" d display DWORDs\r\n" L" q display QWORDs\r\n" L" p display PDB streams\r\n"; WORD awFileOk [] = L"\r\nFile: %s\r\n" L"Size: 0x%08lX (%lu)\r\n"; WORD awFileError [] = L"\r\nFile: %s\r\n" L"Unable to load this file\r\n"; WORD awFileType [] = L"Type: %hs"; WORD awPdbStream [] = L"\r\nPDB stream #%lu (range 0..%hu)\r\n" L"Size: 0x%08lX (%lu)\r\n"; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- WORD awTableAddress [] = L"Address "; // 8 characters WORD awTableSpace1 [] = L" "; WORD awTableSpace2 [] = L" "; WORD awTableHex1 [] = L"%01lX"; WORD awTableHex2 [] = L"%02lX"; WORD awTableHex8 [] = L"%08lX"; WORD awByte [] = L"byte"; WORD awBytes [] = L"bytes"; WORD awNot [] = L"not "; WORD awUndefined [] = L"???"; WORD awNewLine [] = L"\r\n"; WORD awString [] = L"%s"; WORD awNull [] = L""; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- WORD awTableDataByte [] = L"\r\n%s | " L"%s %s %s %s-%s %s %s %s : %s %s %s %s-%s %s %s %s | " L"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"; WORD awTableBarByte [] = L"\r\n---------|-" L"------------------------:-------------------------|-" L"----------------"; WORD awTableDataWord [] = L"\r\n%s | " L"%s%s %s%s-%s%s %s%s : %s%s %s%s-%s%s %s%s | " L"%s%s %s%s %s%s %s%s %s%s %s%s %s%s %s%s"; WORD awTableBarWord [] = L"\r\n---------|-" L"--------------------:---------------------|-" L"-----------------------"; WORD awTableDataDword [] = L"\r\n%s | " L"%s%s%s%s - %s%s%s%s : %s%s%s%s - %s%s%s%s | " L"%s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s"; WORD awTableBarDword [] = L"\r\n---------|-" L"--------------------:---------------------|-" L"-------------------"; WORD awTableDataQword [] = L"\r\n%s | " L"%s%s%s%s-%s%s%s%s : %s%s%s%s-%s%s%s%s | " L"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"; WORD awTableBarQword [] = L"\r\n---------|-" L"------------------:-------------------|-" L"-----------------"; // ================================================================= // DISPLAY ROUTINES // ================================================================= VOID WINAPI DisplayMemory (PBYTE pbData, DWORD dData, PVOID pBase, DWORD dOptions) { DATA_ROW dr; PWORD pwTableData, pwTableBar; DWORD dGroup, dValue, i, j, k; if (dData) { switch (dOptions & DISPLAY_OPTION_FORMAT) { default: case DISPLAY_OPTION_BYTE: { pwTableData = awTableDataByte; pwTableBar = awTableBarByte; dGroup = sizeof (BYTE); break; } case DISPLAY_OPTION_WORD: { pwTableData = awTableDataWord; pwTableBar = awTableBarWord; dGroup = sizeof (WORD); break; } case DISPLAY_OPTION_DWORD: { pwTableData = awTableDataDword; pwTableBar = awTableBarDword; dGroup = sizeof (DWORD); break; } case DISPLAY_OPTION_QWORD: { pwTableData = awTableDataQword; pwTableBar = awTableBarQword; dGroup = sizeof (QWORD); break; } } dr.pArguments = &dr.pwAddress; dr.pwAddress = dr.awAddress; for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { dr.apwHex [j] = dr.awHex + (j * (2+1)); dr.apwText [j] = dr.awText + (j * (1+1)); } lstrcpy (dr.pwAddress, awTableAddress); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { k = (((j / dGroup) + 1) * dGroup) - ((j % dGroup) + 1); dValue = (k % dGroup == 0 ? ((DWORD_PTR) pBase & 0x0F) + k : 0); sprintf (dr.apwHex [j], awTableHex2, dValue); dValue = (k % dGroup == 0 ? ((DWORD_PTR) pBase + k) & 0x0F : (k % dGroup == 1 ? (((DWORD_PTR) pBase & 0x0F) + k - 1) >> 4 : 0)); sprintf (dr.apwText [j], awTableHex1, dValue); } vsprintf (dr.awBuffer, pwTableData, dr.pArguments); printf (dr.awBuffer); printf (pwTableBar); } for (i = 0; i < dData; i += j) { sprintf (dr.pwAddress, awTableHex8, (PBYTE) pBase + i); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { k = (((j / dGroup) + 1) * dGroup) - ((j % dGroup) + 1); if (i+k < dData) { dValue = pbData [i+k]; sprintf (dr.apwHex [j], awTableHex2, dValue); if ((dValue < 0x20) || (dValue == 0x7F)) dValue = '.'; dr.apwText [j] [0] = (WORD) dValue; dr.apwText [j] [1] = 0; } else { lstrcpy (dr.apwHex [j], awTableSpace2); lstrcpy (dr.apwText [j], awTableSpace1); } } vsprintf (dr.awBuffer, pwTableData, dr.pArguments); printf (awString, dr.awBuffer); } if (dData) printf (awNewLine); return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- VOID WINAPI DisplayPdb (PIMG_PDB pip, PVOID pBase, DWORD dOptions) { DWORD dStart, dStop, i; PPDB_ROOT ppr; PVOID pData; DWORD dData; if ((ppr = imgPdbRoot (pip)) != NULL) { if (dOptions & DISPLAY_OPTION_STREAM) { dStart = dOptions & DISPLAY_OPTION_STREAM_MASK; dStop = min (dStart + 1, (DWORD) ppr->wCount); } else { dStart = 0; dStop = ppr->wCount; } for (i = dStart; i < dStop; i++) { if ((pData = imgPdbStream (pip, i, &dData)) != NULL) { printf (awPdbStream, i, ppr->wCount-1, dData, dData); DisplayMemory (pData, dData, pBase, dOptions); imgMemoryDestroy (pData); } } imgMemoryDestroy (ppr); } return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- VOID WINAPI DisplayFile (PWORD pwPath, PVOID pBase, DWORD dOptions) { BYTE abType [PDB_SIGNATURE_TEXT]; PVOID pData; DWORD dData = 0; PIMG_PDB pip = NULL; if ((pData = imgFileLoad (pwPath, &dData)) != NULL) { printf (awFileOk, pwPath, dData, dData); if (imgPdbVerify (pData, dData)) { pip = (PIMG_PDB) pData; lstrcpynA (abType, pip->Header.Signature.abSignature, PDB_SIGNATURE_TEXT); printf (awFileType, abType); } if ((pip != NULL) && (dOptions & DISPLAY_OPTION_PDB)) { DisplayPdb (pip, pBase, dOptions); } else { DisplayMemory (pData, dData, pBase, dOptions); } imgMemoryDestroy (pData); } else { printf (awFileError, pwPath); } return; } // ================================================================= // OPTION MANAGEMENT // ================================================================= VOID WINAPI OptionSet (BOOL fPlus, PDWORD pdOptions, DWORD dMask, DWORD dValue, DWORD dDefault) { DWORD dNewValue = *pdOptions & dMask; *pdOptions &= ~dMask; if (fPlus) { dNewValue = dValue & dMask; } else { if (dNewValue == (dValue & dMask)) { dNewValue = dDefault & dMask; } } *pdOptions |= dNewValue; return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD WINAPI OptionNumber (PWORD pwNumber, PDWORD pdDigits) { DWORD i; DWORD dNumber = 0; *pdDigits = 0; for (i = 0; (pwNumber [i] >= '0') && (pwNumber [i] <= '9'); i++) { dNumber *= 10; dNumber += (pwNumber [i] - '0'); (*pdDigits)++; } return dNumber; } // ================================================================= // MAIN PROGRAM // ================================================================= DWORD Main (DWORD argc, PTBYTE *argv, PTBYTE *argp) { DWORD dOptions, dStream, dDigits, i, j; BOOL fPlus; printf (atAbout); if (argc < 2) { printf (atUsage, awArguments); printf (awMoreInfo); } else { dOptions = DISPLAY_OPTION_DEFAULT; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if ((argv [i] [0] == '+') || (argv [i] [0] == '-')) { for (j = 0; argv [i] [j]; j++) { switch (argv [i] [j]) { case '+': { fPlus = TRUE; break; } case '-': { fPlus = FALSE; break; } case 'b': case 'B': { OptionSet (fPlus, &dOptions, DISPLAY_OPTION_FORMAT, DISPLAY_OPTION_BYTE, DISPLAY_OPTION_DEFAULT); break; } case 'w': case 'W': { OptionSet (fPlus, &dOptions, DISPLAY_OPTION_FORMAT, DISPLAY_OPTION_WORD, DISPLAY_OPTION_DEFAULT); break; } case 'd': case 'D': { OptionSet (fPlus, &dOptions, DISPLAY_OPTION_FORMAT, DISPLAY_OPTION_DWORD, DISPLAY_OPTION_DEFAULT); break; } case 'q': case 'Q': { OptionSet (fPlus, &dOptions, DISPLAY_OPTION_FORMAT, DISPLAY_OPTION_QWORD, DISPLAY_OPTION_DEFAULT); break; } case 'p': case 'P': { OptionSet (fPlus, &dOptions, DISPLAY_OPTION_PDB, DISPLAY_OPTION_PDB, DISPLAY_OPTION_DEFAULT); break; } } } } else { if (argv [i] [0] == '/') { dStream = OptionNumber (argv [i] + 1, &dDigits) & DISPLAY_OPTION_STREAM_MASK; if (dDigits) { dOptions &= ~DISPLAY_OPTION_STREAM_MASK; dOptions |= dStream; dOptions |= DISPLAY_OPTION_STREAM; } else { dOptions ^= DISPLAY_OPTION_STREAM; } } else { DisplayFile (argv [i], (PVOID) 0, dOptions); } } } } return 0; } // ================================================================= // END OF PROGRAM // =================================================================