/****************************************************************** Richter_TimeServiceProvider.H -- WMI provider class definition Generated by Microsoft WBEM Code Generation Engine Description: Programming Server-Side Applications for Microsoft Windows TimeService WMI Provider *******************************************************************/ // Property set identification //============================ #ifndef _Richter_TimeServiceProvider_H_ #define _Richter_TimeServiceProvider_H_ #define PROVIDER_NAME_RICHTER_TIMESERVICEPROVIDER L"Richter_TimeServiceProvider" // Property name externs -- defined in Richter_TimeServiceProvider.cpp //================================================= extern const WCHAR* pName ; extern const WCHAR* pPipeName ; class CRichter_TimeServiceProvider : public Provider { public: // Constructor/destructor //======================= CRichter_TimeServiceProvider(LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, LPCWSTR lpwszNameSpace); virtual ~CRichter_TimeServiceProvider(); protected: // Reading Functions //============================ virtual HRESULT EnumerateInstances(MethodContext* pMethodContext, long lFlags = 0L); virtual HRESULT GetObject(CInstance* pInstance, long lFlags = 0L); virtual HRESULT ExecQuery(MethodContext *pMethodContext, CFrameworkQuery& Query, long lFlags = 0L); // Writing Functions //============================ virtual HRESULT PutInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags = 0L); virtual HRESULT DeleteInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags = 0L); // Other Functions virtual HRESULT ExecMethod( const CInstance& Instance, const BSTR bstrMethodName, CInstance *pInParams, CInstance *pOutParams, long lFlags = 0L ); // TO DO: Declare any additional functions and accessor // functions for private data used by this class //=========================================================== private: // All data members for CRichter_TimeServiceProvider should be included here. } ; #endif