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MathWorks - Neural Network Toolbox   Update Link / Bad Link? 
The Neural Network Toolbox provides comprehensive support for the design, implementation, and simulation of many proven network paradigms and is completely extensible and customizable. Its consistent methodology and modular organization facilitate research, provide a flexible framework for experimentation, and simplify customization.
Submitted Jul 02, 1999
Updated Jul 01, 2004 by Hillary
Rating: (5 Ratings)   Rate this link Total Visits: 1269
Neural Network Toolbox Tutorial Update Link / Bad Link? 
A tutorial for MATLAB's Neural Network Toolbox. A step-by-step treatment on how to configure a neural network object from scratch, with an explanation of the various object properties.
Submitted Feb 22, 2000
Updated Dec 27, 2004 by raymond
Rating: (3 Ratings)   Rate this link Total Visits: 2315
NeuroSolutions Neural Network Toolbox Update Link / Bad Link? 
The NeuroSolutions for MATLAB neural network toolbox enables users to leverage the power of neural networks inside MATLAB. The toolbox features 15 popular neural models (MLP, SVM, Time-lag recurrent, Feed forward etc., ), 5 learning algorithms (Conjugate Gradient, Momentum etc.,) and a host of useful utilities integrated in an easy-to-use interface, which requires ?next to no knowledge? of neural networks to begin using the product.
Submitted Jun 28, 2004 by Madan Bharadwaj
Rating: (6 Ratings)   Rate this link Total Visits: 1610
Neural Network M-files Update Link / Bad Link? 
User contributed neural network m-files from the MATLAB Central File Exchange.
Submitted Apr 18, 2000
Updated May 04, 2004
Rating: (3 Ratings)   Rate this link Total Visits: 1553
Pattern Recognition of Sound with Neural Network Update Link / Bad Link? 
In this work you can find information about Neural Networks, signal processing, and FLOATING Pattern Recognition of Sound using Neural Networks. This site is in Spanish. (Reconocimiento de Patrones Sonoros FLOTANTES mediante redes neuronales utilizando la herramienta MATLAB.)
Submitted Jul 20, 2004 by sixto
Updated Jul 29, 2004
Rating: (1 Ratings)   Rate this link Total Visits: 658
Biological Neural Network Toolbox for MATLAB Update Link / Bad Link? 
Biological Neural Network Toolbox for MATLAB is a free open source software for simulating models of brain and central nervous system, based on MATLAB computational platform. As the name of the toolbox implies, the main goal of this package is to provide users a set of integrated tools to create models of biological neural networks and simulate them easily, without the need of extensive coding. Users can create and simulate a huge network of spiking neurons in less than 10 lines of code (or even in one line, if they give all arguments to the main function) using predefined library functions. It is also possible to create and add new models to the library easily, using template library items.
Submitted Aug 31, 2004 by Amir Reza Saffari Azar
Updated Sep 14, 2004 by Amir Reza Saffari Azar
Rating: (3 Ratings)   Rate this link Total Visits: 513
Netlab Neural Network Software Update Link / Bad Link? 
The Netlab simulation software is designed to provide the central tools necessary for the simulation of theoretically well founded neural network algorithms for use in teaching, research and applications development. It consists of a library of MATLAB functions and scripts based on the approach and techniques described in Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition by Christopher M. Bishop, (Oxford University Press, 1995). The functions come with on-line help, and further explanation is available via HTML files: the table of contents is contained in index.htm.
Submitted Jul 02, 1999
Updated Jun 28, 2005 by David
Rating: (2 Ratings)   Rate this link Total Visits: 427
SOM Toolbox Update Link / Bad Link? 
SOM Toolbox is a free function library for MATLAB 5 implementing the SOM algorithm, visualization and analysis.
Submitted Feb 22, 2000
Updated Feb 22, 2005 by Ashraf Ghania
Rating: (1 Ratings)   Rate this link Total Visits: 423
Music Software using Neural Networks in MATLAB Update Link / Bad Link? 
Contains a detailed report on how to create a basic neural network to recognise a user's voice saying on of seven different letters. And how to put this together and create music software which is in java.
Submitted Jul 11, 2004 by Rob King
Updated Jul 12, 2004
Rating: N/A   Rate this link Total Visits: 420
PRT­Pattern Recognition Toolbox - A comprehensive software package to identify and analyze one-dimensional signals Update Link / Bad Link? 
PRT is a generalized Pattern Recognition Toolbox for analysis and fault diagnosis of one-dimensional signals using MATLAB as its computing engine. The toolbox was written by engineers versed in applying pattern recognition and neural networks to a wide range of research and product development applications. An extensive library of feature extraction and optimization routines, statistical classification algorithms as well as neural networks, and graphical display functions for visualizing data sets are provided. These tools help researchers in determining key relationships and the statistical nature of the data. An optional user interface supports specific types of data acquisition hardware and I/O file formats.
Submitted Apr 07, 2000
Updated May 04, 2004
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DTU:Toolbox Update Link / Bad Link? 
The DTU:Toolbox? holds a collection of machine learning algorithms implemented mainly for MATLAB. Currently it supports Independent component analysis (ICA) and Artificial neural networks (ANN)
Submitted Aug 23, 2002
Updated May 04, 2004
Rating: N/A   Rate this link Total Visits: 276
NNSYSID Toolbox Update Link / Bad Link? 
Set of MATLAB tools for neural network based identification of nonlinear dynamic systems.
Submitted Jul 02, 1999
Updated Aug 25, 2005 by Sovjetka
Rating: (2 Ratings)   Rate this link Total Visits: 214
GHSOM Toolbox Update Link / Bad Link? 
Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Maps. A free add-on for the 'SOM Toolbox'. Offers demonstration, training, visualization, and map labeling functions.
Submitted Nov 11, 2001
Rating: N/A   Rate this link Total Visits: 201
MClust Update Link / Bad Link? 
Computational Neuroscience - Spike Sorting
Submitted Aug 27, 2004 by Tim
Updated Sep 02, 2004
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NNCTRL Toolkit Update Link / Bad Link? 
An add-on for the 'NNSYSID-toolbox'. The toolkit consists of a set of functions for design and simulation of neural network based control systems.
Submitted Jul 02, 1999
Rating: (1 Ratings)   Rate this link Total Visits: 149
RBN Toolbox Update Link / Bad Link? 
The aim of the project was to provide a MATLAB Toolbox for the simulation of synchronous and asynchronous Random Boolean Networks (RBN). The Toolbox should not only provide basic functions to compute the evolution of networks, but also offer the possibility to visualize the structure and the evolution of a RBN in different update modes.
Submitted Aug 27, 2004 by Tim
Updated Sep 03, 2004
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The Spider Update Link / Bad Link? 
The spider is intended to be a complete object orientated environment for machine learning in MATLAB. Aside from easy use of base learning algorithms, algorithms can be plugged together and can be compared with, e.g model selection, statistical tests and visual plots. This gives all the power of objects (reusability, plug together, share code) but also all the power of MATLAB for machine learning research.
Submitted Jun 07, 2005 by MATLAB Central Admin
Updated Aug 10, 2005 by Zek
Rating: N/A   Rate this link Total Visits: 94
Computational Intelligence Update Link / Bad Link? 
Aims and objectives of the course: Knowledge of the most important concepts and methods form the area adaptive filters, machine learning and neural networks. Includes tutorial on the MATLAB Neural Networks Toolbox.
Submitted Jun 08, 2005 by MATLAB Central Admin
Updated Jun 13, 2005
Rating: N/A   Rate this link Total Visits: 73
Multisurface Method Tree with MATLAB Update Link / Bad Link? 
Brief Overview of the MSM-T Algorithm and Generation of the Decision Tree
Submitted Jun 13, 2005 by MATLAB Central Admin
Rating: N/A   Rate this link Total Visits: 45
The Spider Tutorial Update Link / Bad Link? 
The spider is intended to be a complete object orientated environment for machine learning in MATLAB. Aside from easy use of base learning algorithms, algorithms can be plugged together and can be compared with, e.g model selection, statistical tests and visual plots. This gives all the power of objects (reusability, plug together, share code) but also all the power of MATLAB for machine learning research.
Submitted Jun 07, 2005 by MATLAB Central Admin
Updated Jun 13, 2005
Rating: N/A   Rate this link Total Visits: 44
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