// __________________________________________________________ // // w2k_wiz.c // SBS Windows 2000 Code Wizard V1.00 // 08-27-2000 Sven B. Schreiber // sbs@orgon.com // __________________________________________________________ #include "w2k_wiz.h" // ================================================================= // DISCLAIMER // ================================================================= /* This software is provided "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author Sven B. Schreiber be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. */ // ================================================================= // REVISION HISTORY // ================================================================= /* 08-27-2000 V1.00 Original version (SBS). */ // ================================================================= // MESSAGE TEXTS // ================================================================= TBYTE gatAborted [] = T("\r\nInitialization error\r\n"); TBYTE gatTarget [] = T("\r\nProject %s\r\n"); TBYTE gatLoading [] = T("\r\nLoading %s ... "); TBYTE gatWriting [] = T( "Writing %s ... "); TBYTE gatOk [] = T("OK"); TBYTE gatError [] = T("ERROR"); TBYTE gatLine [] = T("%s\r\n"); // ================================================================= // GLOBAL VARIABLES // ================================================================= BYTE gabName [MAX_PATH]; // %n = project name (canonical) BYTE gabNameU [MAX_PATH]; // %N = project name (upper case) BYTE gabSettings [MAX_PATH]; // %s = settings path BYTE gabDay [N_DECIMAL]; // %d = current day BYTE gabMonth [N_DECIMAL]; // %m = current month BYTE gabYear [N_DECIMAL]; // %y = current year BYTE gabText [N_VALUE]; // %t = default description BYTE gabCompany [N_VALUE]; // %c = author's company BYTE gabAuthor [N_VALUE]; // %a = author's name BYTE gabEmail [N_VALUE]; // %e = author's email address BYTE gabPrefix [N_VALUE]; // %p = author's ProgID prefix BYTE gabInclude [N_VALUE]; // %i = DDK include path BYTE gabFree [N_VALUE]; // %l = DDK library path (release) BYTE gabChecked [N_VALUE]; // %L = DDK library path (debug) // ================================================================= // REGISTRY MANAGEMENT // ================================================================= BOOL WINAPI RegistryRoot (PTBYTE ptRoot, PHKEY phk) { BOOL fOk = FALSE; if (phk != NULL) { if (!lstrcmpi (ptRoot, T("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"))) { *phk = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; } else if (!lstrcmpi (ptRoot, T("HKEY_CURRENT_USER"))) { *phk = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } else if (!lstrcmpi (ptRoot, T("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"))) { *phk = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; } else if (!lstrcmpi (ptRoot, T("HKEY_USERS"))) { *phk = HKEY_USERS; } else if (!lstrcmpi (ptRoot, T("HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA"))) { *phk = HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA; } else if (!lstrcmpi (ptRoot, T("HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG"))) { *phk = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; } else if (!lstrcmpi (ptRoot, T("HKEY_DYN_DATA"))) { *phk = HKEY_DYN_DATA; } else { *phk = INVALID_HKEY; } fOk = (*phk != INVALID_HKEY); } return fOk; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI RegistryParse (PTBYTE ptPath, PHKEY phkRoot, PPTBYTE pptKey, PPTBYTE pptValue) { DWORD dStop; HKEY hkRoot = INVALID_HKEY; DWORD dKey = 0; DWORD dValue = 0; if (ptPath != NULL) { while (ptPath [dKey] && (ptPath [dKey] != '\\')) dKey++; if (ptPath [dKey]) ptPath [dKey++] = 0; dValue = dStop = dKey + lstrlen (ptPath + dKey); while ((dValue > dKey) && (ptPath [dValue-1] != '\\')) dValue--; if (dValue > dKey) ptPath [dValue-1] = 0; else dKey = dStop; RegistryRoot (ptPath, &hkRoot); } if (phkRoot != NULL) *phkRoot = hkRoot; if (pptKey != NULL) *pptKey = ptPath + dKey; if (pptValue != NULL) *pptValue = ptPath + dValue; return (hkRoot != INVALID_HKEY); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD WINAPI RegistryRead (PTBYTE ptPath, PTBYTE ptBuffer, DWORD dBuffer) { HKEY hkRoot, hk; PTBYTE ptKey, ptValue; DWORD dType; DWORD n = 0; if ((ptBuffer != NULL) && dBuffer) { if (RegistryParse (ptPath, &hkRoot, &ptKey, &ptValue) && (RegOpenKeyEx (hkRoot, ptKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hk) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { n = dBuffer * sizeof (TBYTE); if ((RegQueryValueEx (hk, ptValue, NULL, &dType, (PVOID) ptBuffer, &n) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dType == REG_SZ)) { if (n /= sizeof (TBYTE)) n--; } else { n = 0; } RegCloseKey (hk); } ptBuffer [n] = 0; } return n; } // ================================================================= // FILE MANAGEMENT // ================================================================= DWORD WINAPI FileRoot (PTBYTE ptPath) { DWORD dRoot = 0; if ((ptPath != NULL) && ptPath [0]) { if (ptPath [0] == '\\') { if (ptPath [1] == '\\') { for (dRoot = 2; ptPath [dRoot] && (ptPath [dRoot] != '\\'); dRoot++); } } else { if (ptPath [1] == ':') dRoot = 2; } } return dRoot; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLE WINAPI FileOpen (PTBYTE ptPath) { HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if ((ptPath != NULL) && ptPath [0]) { hf = CreateFile (ptPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); } return hf; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLE WINAPI FileNew (PTBYTE ptPath) { DWORD i; HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if ((ptPath != NULL) && ptPath [0]) { i = FileRoot (ptPath); while (ptPath [i]) { while (ptPath [i] && (ptPath [++i] != '\\')); if (ptPath [i] == '\\') { ptPath [i] = 0; CreateDirectory (ptPath, NULL); ptPath [i] = '\\'; } } hf = CreateFile (ptPath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } return hf; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLE WINAPI FileClose (HANDLE hf) { if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hf); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- PBYTE WINAPI FileUnload (PBYTE pbData) { if (pbData != NULL) LocalFree (pbData); return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- PBYTE WINAPI FileLoad (PTBYTE ptPath, PDWORD pdData) { HANDLE hf; DWORD n; DWORD dData = 0; PBYTE pbData = NULL; if ((hf = FileOpen (ptPath)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dData = GetFileSize (hf, NULL); if ((dData != INVALID_FILE_SIZE) && (dData < MAXDWORD) && ((pbData = LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED, dData+1)) != NULL)) { if (ReadFile (hf, pbData, dData, &n, NULL) && (dData == n)) { pbData [dData] = 0; } else { pbData = FileUnload (pbData); } } FileClose (hf); if (pbData == NULL) dData = 0; } if (pdData != NULL) *pdData = dData; return pbData; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI FileWrite (HANDLE hf, PBYTE pbData, DWORD dData) { DWORD dData1, n; BOOL fOk = FALSE; if ((hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (pbData != NULL)) { dData1 = (dData != MAXDWORD ? dData : lstrlenA (pbData)); fOk = WriteFile (hf, pbData, dData1, &n, NULL) && (dData1 == n); } return fOk; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI FileEscape (HANDLE hf, BYTE bEscape) { BYTE abData [] = "% "; PBYTE pbData = abData; switch (abData [1] = bEscape) { case 'n': pbData = gabName; break; case 'N': pbData = gabNameU; break; case 's': pbData = gabSettings; break; case 'd': pbData = gabDay; break; case 'm': pbData = gabMonth; break; case 'y': pbData = gabYear; break; case 't': pbData = gabText; break; case 'c': pbData = gabCompany; break; case 'a': pbData = gabAuthor; break; case 'e': pbData = gabEmail; break; case 'p': pbData = gabPrefix; break; case 'i': pbData = gabInclude; break; case 'l': pbData = gabFree; break; case 'L': pbData = gabChecked; break; } return FileWrite (hf, pbData, MAXDWORD); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI FileCopy (PTBYTE ptSource, PTBYTE ptTarget, BOOL fCustomize) { PBYTE pbData; DWORD dData, i, n; HANDLE hf; BOOL fOk = FALSE; printf (gatLoading, ptSource); pbData = FileLoad (ptSource, &dData); printf (gatLine, (pbData != NULL ? gatOk : gatError)); if (pbData != NULL) { printf (gatWriting, ptTarget); if ((hf = FileNew (ptTarget)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (fCustomize) { for (n = i = 0; i < dData; i++) { if ((pbData [i] == '%') && (i+1 < dData)) { if ((!FileWrite (hf, pbData+n, (i++)-n)) || (!FileEscape (hf, pbData [i]))) break; n = i+1; } } fOk = (i == dData) && FileWrite (hf, pbData+n, i-n); } else { fOk = FileWrite (hf, pbData, dData); } FileClose (hf); } printf (gatLine, (fOk ? gatOk : gatError)); FileUnload (pbData); } return fOk; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI FileCopyEx (PTBYTE ptFolder, PTBYTE ptSource, PTBYTE ptTarget, BOOL fCustomize) { TBYTE atSource [MAX_PATH]; TBYTE atTarget [MAX_PATH]; DWORD i, j, n; BOOL fOk = FALSE; if ((ptFolder != NULL) && (ptSource != NULL) && (ptTarget != NULL) && (i = GetModuleFileName (NULL, atSource, MAX_PATH))) { while (i && (atSource [i-1] != '\\') && (atSource [i-1] != ':' ) && (atSource [--i] != '.' )); if ((atSource [i] == '.') && (i + lstrlen (ptSource) < MAX_PATH)) { lstrcpy (atSource+i, ptSource); if (n = lstrlen (ptFolder)) { i = j = n-1; while (i && (ptFolder [i-1] != '\\') && (ptFolder [i-1] != ':' )) i--; if ((j -= i) && (n+j + lstrlen (ptTarget) < MAX_PATH)) { lstrcpy (atTarget, ptFolder); lstrcpyn (atTarget+n, ptFolder+i, j+1); lstrcpy (atTarget+n+j, ptTarget); fOk = FileCopy (atSource, atTarget, fCustomize); } } } } return fOk; } // ================================================================= // SETTINGS MANAGEMENT // ================================================================= DWORD WINAPI SettingsFolder (PTBYTE ptRoot, PTBYTE ptFolder, PTBYTE ptBuffer, DWORD dBuffer) { TBYTE atPath [MAX_PATH]; PTBYTE ptFile; DWORD i, j, k; DWORD n = 0; if ((ptBuffer != NULL) && dBuffer) { i = 0; if ((ptFolder == NULL) || (!ptFolder [i])) { lstrcpyn (atPath, T("."), MAX_PATH); } else if (ptFolder [i] != '*') { lstrcpyn (atPath, ptFolder, MAX_PATH); } else { if (ptFolder [++i] && ((ptFolder [i] != '\\') || ptFolder [++i]) && (j = RegistryRead (ptRoot, atPath, MAX_PATH)) && ((atPath [j-1] == '\\') || (++j < MAX_PATH)) && (j + lstrlen (ptFolder+i) < MAX_PATH)) { atPath [j-1] = '\\'; lstrcpy (atPath+j, ptFolder+i); } else { atPath [0] = 0; } } if (atPath [0]) { n = GetFullPathName (atPath, dBuffer, ptBuffer, &ptFile); } if (n && (n < MAX_PATH) && ((ptBuffer [n-1] == '\\') || (++n < MAX_PATH))) { ptBuffer [n-1] = '\\'; } else { n = 0; } i = j = (n ? n-1 : 0); while (i && (ptBuffer [i-1] != '\\') && (ptBuffer [i-1] != ':' )) i--; if ((j-i) && (j-i < MAX_PATH)) { for (k = 0; k < j-i; k++) { if (ptBuffer [i+k] < 0x0100) { gabName [k] = (BYTE) ptBuffer [i+k]; } else { sprintfA (gabName+k, "%C", ptBuffer [i+k]); } } gabName [k] = 0; lstrcpyA (gabNameU, gabName); CharUpperA (gabNameU); } ptBuffer [n] = 0; } return n; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD WINAPI SettingsValue (PBYTE pbKey, PBYTE pbValue) { DWORD i; DWORD n = 0; if (pbValue != NULL) { if (pbKey != NULL) { GetPrivateProfileStringA ("Settings", pbKey, "", pbValue, N_VALUE, gabSettings); for (i = 0; pbValue [i] == ' '; i++); while (pbValue [i]) pbValue [n++] = pbValue [i++]; while (n && (pbValue [n-1] == ' ')) n--; } pbValue [n] = 0; } return n; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD WINAPI SettingsLoad (PBYTE pbExtension, PTBYTE ptFolder, PTBYTE ptBuffer, DWORD dBuffer) { BYTE abRoot [N_VALUE]; TBYTE atRoot [N_VALUE]; SYSTEMTIME st; DWORD i; DWORD n = 0; if ((ptBuffer != NULL) && dBuffer) { if ((pbExtension != NULL) && (i = GetModuleFileNameA (NULL, gabSettings, MAX_PATH))) { while (i && (gabSettings [i-1] != '\\') && (gabSettings [i-1] != ':' ) && (gabSettings [--i] != '.' )); if ((gabSettings [i] == '.') && (i + lstrlenA (pbExtension) < MAX_PATH)) { lstrcpyA (gabSettings+i, pbExtension); GetLocalTime (&st); sprintfA (gabDay, "%02hu", st.wDay ); sprintfA (gabMonth, "%02hu", st.wMonth); sprintfA (gabYear, "%04hu", st.wYear ); if (SettingsValue ("Text", gabText ) && SettingsValue ("Company", gabCompany) && SettingsValue ("Author", gabAuthor ) && SettingsValue ("Email", gabEmail ) && SettingsValue ("Prefix", gabPrefix ) && SettingsValue ("Include", gabInclude) && SettingsValue ("Free", gabFree ) && SettingsValue ("Checked", gabChecked) && SettingsValue ("Root", abRoot )) { for (i = 0; i < N_VALUE; i++) { if (!(atRoot [i] = abRoot [i])) break; } n = SettingsFolder (atRoot, ptFolder, ptBuffer, dBuffer); } } } ptBuffer [n] = 0; } return n; } // ================================================================= // MAIN PROGRAM // ================================================================= DWORD Main (DWORD argc, PTBYTE *argv, PTBYTE *argp) { TBYTE atFolder [MAX_PATH]; printf (atAbout); if (argc < 2) { printf (atUsage, T("[*]")); } else { if (SettingsLoad (".ini", argv [1], atFolder, MAX_PATH)) { printf (gatTarget, atFolder); FileCopyEx (atFolder, T(".tc"), T(".c"), TRUE); FileCopyEx (atFolder, T(".td"), T(".def"), TRUE); FileCopyEx (atFolder, T(".th"), T(".h"), TRUE); FileCopyEx (atFolder, T(".ti"), T(".ico"), FALSE); FileCopyEx (atFolder, T(".tp"), T(".dsp"), TRUE); FileCopyEx (atFolder, T(".tr"), T(".rc"), TRUE); FileCopyEx (atFolder, T(".tw"), T(".dsw"), TRUE); } else { printf (gatAborted); } } return 0; } // ================================================================= // END OF PROGRAM // =================================================================