Kernel Mode Driver Development Kit for MASM32 programmers. v1.4, November 2003. First of all. I've changed since v1.2 some structures field names. You may get compiler error while building your old drivers. The problem is that the masm has some reserved words those cause collision with some ddk structure fields. The best example of such reserved words is Size and Length. Previously if I encounter such reserved word, I prefixed it with 'wo', 'dw' etc. depending on its size. Now all such words are prefixed with underscore ('_') symbol. So, update your sources and forgive me for this. ------------ DISCLAIMER ------------ This package is provided “as is”. You use it at YOUR OWN RISK, without warranty of ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. I accept no responsibility for any damage caused either directly or indirectly to your data, computer or business due to the use or misuse of this product. ------------ INSTALLATION ------------ Copy \include\w2k to \masm32\include Copy \macros\Strings.mac to \masm32\macros Copy \lib\w2k to \masm32\lib or simply run install.bat ------------ TUTTORIALS ------------ For tuts go to... English (not perfect, btw). Currently only tuts #1-5 available. Russian. Currently available tuts #1-9. ---------------------- Four-F,