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Professional PHP4

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Index to Code Files:

Chapter 3: PHP Fundamentals
Chapter 4: PHP Structures

Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming with PHP
Chapter 6: Debugging
Chapter 7: User Input and Regular Expressions
Chapter 8: Sessions and Cookies
Chapter 9: File Handling
Chapter 10: Coding FTP Clients
Chapter 11: Email and News
Chapter 12: Retrieving E-Mail and News
Chapter 13: Networking and TCP/IP
Chapter 14: LDAP
Chapter 16: A WAP Case Study
Chapter 17: PHP and MySQL
Chapter 18: PHP and PostgreSQL
Chapter 19: PHP and ODBC
Chapter 20: Non-Web PHP Programming
Chapter 21: PHP XML
Chapter 22: Internationaliztaion
Chapter 23: Security
Chapter 24: Optimization
Chapter 25: PHP Extension Libraries
Chapter 26:User Privilege System


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Migrating your ASP site to PHP - Want to know about migrating your ASP site to PHP?

Beginning PHP - Starting out with PHP

phakt - Know more about the Open Source PHP extension for Macromedia Ultradev 4.0

Installation - Installation problems and answers

Data-access using PHP - Discussion and help with data-access using PHP

PHP_Deutsch - A German language list for PHP developers Deutsche Liste

PHP Solutions - Solving your PHP questions

PHP Jobs - For those looking for (or offering) jobs for PHP programmers

PHP Websites - Discussion and information about PHP websites

Windows support - Support for PHP developers using Windows

XML with PHP - Discussion and help with parsing XML with PHP

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