Names of design patterns appear in small capitals: e.g., ADAPTER. Page numbers in bold indicate the definition of a term. Numbers in italics indicate a diagram for the term. Letters after a diagram's page number indicate the kind of diagram: a "c" denotes a class diagram, an "i" denotes an interaction diagram, and an "o" denotes an object diagram. For example, 88co means that a class and object diagram appears on page 88.


BTree 202
base class, see class, parent
Beck, Kent xi, 357
use of DECORATOR 179, 180
behavioral pattern 10, 221
comparison between class and object scope 221
discussion 345
black-box reuse, see reuse, black-box
block, Smalltalk 270
BNF form 247
examples of 243, 248, 251
BombedMazeFactory 93
BombedMazeGame 115
BombedWall 93 94 124
Booch Components
use of ITERATOR 270
use of Strategy 323
Booch, Grady xiii, 260
Booch method 363
expression 251
variable 254
BooleanExp 252
Border 44, 45c, 46o
BorderDECORATOR 176o, 176c, 180
compared with ADAPTER 219
configured by ABSTRACT FACTORY 155
in catalog summary 8
Lexi's use of 58
use of delegation in 21
bridge 152
broadcast communication 296
Builder 97
compared with ABSTRACT FACTORY 105, 135
compared with PROTOTYPE 135
in catalog summary 8
use in compiler example 189
participant of Builder 98, 98c
Bureaucrat, see also CHAIN OF RESPONSIBILITY 232
Button 50c, 223o, 224ci, 229, 279