Frequently Asked Questions (And Their Answers)

How do I link my documents to the CD?
Because the Design Patterns CD makes use of framesets to provide important navigational tools, any hyperlinks you make to point to the CD should invoke the appopriate frameset file, not just the chapter file itself.

The best method for obtaining the appropriate URL for use in your own web page is to use one of the built-in navigational aids (such as the top banner or bottom pattern menu) to open the desired section of the book, then highlight the contents of your browser's Location box and copy it to your computer's clipboard. You may then paste the URL into your own HTML document as an attribute to the anchor (<A>) tag.

When I press the Search button, nothing happens. What's wrong?
Design Patterns CD is designed to run on internet browsers which support Java and JavaScript. Make sure that your browser's support for these components is enabled.

Clicking on the "Contents" link [on the splash page] produces a blank page. What's wrong?
Your browser's support for JavaScript is disabled (or does not exist at all). Enable JavaScript, or obtain a newer version of your browser which supports JavaScript.