eax,[ebp-0x14] ;
address of b
•push eax ;
ecx,[ebp-0x8] ; value
of a
•push ecx ;
FunctionParameters!ILT+535(?arithmeticYA_NHPAHZ) (0041121c)
•add esp,0x8 ; adjust stack pointer (2 parameters)
•movzx edx,al ; bool result from arithmetic
•test edx,edx ; testing for zero
•jz FunctionParameters!main+0x68
•mov eax,[ebp-0x14] ; value of b
•push eax ;
•push 0x42701c ; address of "Result = %d“ string
•call FunctionParameters!ILT+1285(_printf)
•add esp,0x8 ; adjust stack pointer (2 variables)
•xor eax,eax ; return result 0
•push edx ; saving register ?
•mov ecx,ebp ; pasing parameter via ecx
•push eax ; saving register ?
edx,[FunctionParameters!main+0x8f (00411c1f)] ; probably address of
info about ; stack frame
FunctionParameters!ILT+455(_RTC_CheckStackVars (004111cc)
•pop eax ; restoring register
•pop edx ;
•pop edi ;
•pop esi ;
•pop ebx ;
•add esp,0xd8 ; adjusting stack pointer
•cmp ebp,esp ; ESP == EBP ?
FunctionParameters!ILT+1035(__RTC_CheckEsp) (00411410)
•mov esp,ebp ; restoring previous stack pointer
•pop ebp ; restoring previous stack frame
•ret ; return