- Function Pointer Parameters - Part 2
- Function prolog
- push ebp
- mov ebp,esp
- Function epilog
- mov esp,ebp
- pop ebp
- ret [number]
- or
- leave
- ret [number]
- .PDB file
- func 0x10001000 – 0x10001100
- func2 0x10001101 – 0x10001200
- func3 0x10001201 – 0x10001300
- .PDB file
- func 0x10001000 – 0x10001090
- func2 0x10001091 – 0x10001190
- func3 0x10001191 – 0x10001290
- [ebp-XXX] local variable
- [ebp+XXX] function parameter
- Mnemonic: first push parameters (+, up ) then use local variables (-,
- push 0x427034
- Address of static/global variable. But more likely string constant (db
- mov reg,[ebp-XXX]
- push reg ; local variable
- …
- call func
- lea reg,[ebp-XXX]
- push reg ; address of local
- …
- call func
- lea eax,[ebp-0x8]
- is equivalent to:
- mov eax,ebp
- sub eax,0x8
- mov eax,[ebp+0x8] accessing
DWORD parameter
- add eax,0x1
- mov eax,[ebp+0x8] accessing a
- mov eax,[eax]
- add eax,0x1
- mov eax,[ebp-0x8] accessing
DWORD local
- add eax,0x1
- mov eax,[ebp-0x8] accessing a
pointer to local
- mov eax,[eax]
- add eax,0x1
- // FunctionParameters.cpp
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "Arithmetic.h"
- int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- int a, b;
- printf("Enter a and b: ");
- scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
- if (arithmetic (a, &b))
- {
- printf("Result = %d", b);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- FunctionParameters!main:
- push ebp ; establishing stack
- mov ebp,esp ;
- sub esp,0xd8 ; creating
stack frame for locals
- push ebx ; saving registers
that might be used
- push esi ; outside
- push edi ;
- lea edi,[ebp-0xd8] ; getting
lowest address of stack frame
- mov ecx,0x36 ; filling stack
frame with 0xCC
- mov eax,0xcccccccc ;
- rep stosd ;
- push 0x427034 ; address of “Enter
a and b: “ string
- call
FunctionParameters!ILT+1285(_printf) (0041150a)
- add esp,0x4 ; adjust stack
pointer (1 parameter)
- lea eax,[ebp-0x14] ; address
of b
- push eax ;
- lea ecx,[ebp-0x8] ; address
of a
- push ecx ;
- push 0x42702c ; address of
"%d %d“ string
- call FunctionParameters!ILT+990(_scanf)
- add esp,0xc ; adjust stack
pointer (3 parameters,
- … ; 3*4 = 12 bytes, 0xc in
- lea eax,[ebp-0x14] ; address
of b
- push eax ;
- mov ecx,[ebp-0x8] ; value of
- push ecx ;
- call
FunctionParameters!ILT+535(?arithmeticYA_NHPAHZ) (0041121c)
- add esp,0x8 ; adjust stack
pointer (2 parameters)
- movzx edx,al ; bool result
from arithmetic
- test edx,edx ; testing for
- jz
FunctionParameters!main+0x68 (00411bf8)
- mov eax,[ebp-0x14] ; value of
- push eax ;
- push 0x42701c ; address of "Result
= %d“ string
- call
FunctionParameters!ILT+1285(_printf) (0041150a)
- add esp,0x8 ; adjust stack
pointer (2 variables)
- 00411bf8:
- xor eax,eax ; return result
- push edx ; saving register ?
- mov ecx,ebp ; pasing
parameter via ecx
- push eax ; saving register ?
- lea
edx,[FunctionParameters!main+0x8f (00411c1f)] ; probably address
of info about ; stack frame
- call
FunctionParameters!ILT+455(_RTC_CheckStackVars (004111cc)
- pop eax ; restoring register
- pop edx ;
- pop edi ;
- pop esi ;
- pop ebx ;
- add esp,0xd8 ; adjusting
stack pointer
- cmp ebp,esp ; ESP == EBP ?
- call
FunctionParameters!ILT+1035(__RTC_CheckEsp) (00411410)
- mov esp,ebp ; restoring
previous stack pointer
- pop ebp ; restoring previous
stack frame
- ret ; return
- FunctionParameters!arithmetic:
- push ebp
- mov ebp,esp
- sub esp,0xc0
- push ebx
- push esi
- push edi
- lea edi,[ebp-0xc0]
- mov ecx,0x30
- mov eax,0xcccccccc
- rep stosd
- cmp dword ptr [ebp+0xc],0x0 ;
&b == 0 ?
- jnz
FunctionParameters!arithmetic+0x28 (00411b48)
- xor al,al ; return bool
value false (0)
- jmp
FunctionParameters!arithmetic+0x4e (00411b6e)
- 00411b48:
- mov eax,[ebp+0xc] ; eax :=
address of b
- mov ecx,[eax]
- add ecx,[ebp+0x8] ; ecx :=
ecx + [a] (in C: t = *b + a)
- mov edx,[ebp+0xc] ; edx :=
address of b
- mov [edx],ecx ; (in C: *b
:= t)
- mov eax,[ebp+0x8] ; eax :=
[a] (in C: ++a)
- add eax,0x1
- mov [ebp+0x8],eax ; [a] :=
- mov eax,[ebp+0xc] ; eax :=
address of b
- mov ecx,[ebp+0x8] ; ecx :=
- imul ecx,[eax] ; ecx := ecx *
[b] (in C: t = a * *b)
- mov edx,[ebp+0xc] ; edx :=
address of b
- mov [edx],ecx ; (in C: *b
= t)
- mov al,0x1 ; return bool
value true (0)
- 00411b6e:
- pop edi
- pop esi
- pop ebx
- mov esp,ebp
- pop ebp
- ret
- With FPO (dynamic addressing of local variables)
- FunctionParameters!main:
- sub esp,0x8 ; allocating room
for local variables
- push 0x408110 ; address of "Enter
a and b: "
- call FunctionParameters!printf
- lea eax,[esp+0x4] ; address of
b ([ESP + 0 + 4])
- push eax
- lea ecx,[esp+0xc] ; address of
a ([ESP + 4 + 8])
- push ecx
- push 0x408108 ; address of "%d
- call FunctionParameters!scanf
- mov eax,[esp+0x14] ; value of
a ([ESP + 4 + 10])
- lea edx,[esp+0x10] ; address
of b ([ESP + 0 + 10])
- push edx
- push eax
- call
FunctionParameters!arithmetic (00401000)
- add esp,0x18 ; adjusting
stack after all pushes
- test al,al ; al == 0 ?
- jz
FunctionParameters!main+0x48 (00401068)
- mov ecx,[esp] ; address of
b ([ESP + 0])
- push ecx
- push 0x4080fc ; address of "Result
= %d"
- call FunctionParameters!printf
- add esp,0x8 ; adjust stack
pointer (2 parameters)
- 00401068:
- xor eax,eax ; return value 0
- add esp,0x8 ; adjust stack
pointer (local variables)
- ret
- With FPO
- FunctionParameters!arithmetic:
- mov eax,[esp+0x8] ; address of
- test eax,eax ; &b == 0 ?
- jnz
FunctionParameters!arithmetic+0xb (0040100b)
- xor al,al ; return value
false (0)
- ret
- 0040100b:
- mov edx,[eax] ; edx :=
[b] (in C: *b)
- mov ecx,[esp+0x4] ; ecx := [a]
- add edx,ecx
- inc ecx
- imul edx,ecx
- mov [eax],edx ; [b] := edx
- mov al,0x1 ; return value
true (1)
- ret
- f3fbfffc f3c83163 85216000 00000001 00000001 drv+0x13bf2
- f3fc0020 f3c83a05 85216000 85e60424 00000000 drv+0x13163
- f3fc0048 f3c831c2 85216000 00000000 000000a8 drv+0x13a05
- f3fc006c f3c83a05 00000002 85e60424 00000000 drv+0x131c2
- f3fc0094 f3c831c2 85216000 00000000 000000a8 drv+0x13a05
- f3fc00b8 f3c83a05 00000002 85e60424 00000000 drv+0x131c2
- f3fc00e0 f3c831c2 85216000 00000000 000000a8 drv+0x13a05
- f3fc0104 f3c83a05 00000002 85e60424 00000000 drv+0x131c2
- …
- …
- drv+13bf2
- f3c83bf2 55
push ebp
- Virtual memory
- Processes and threads
- Calling Windows functions
- (stdcall vs. cdecl)
- Strings
- Pointers to pointers (LPSTR *)
- Structures in memory