push ebp ; establishing stack frame
mov ebp,esp ;
sub esp,0xd8 ;
creating stack frame for locals
push ebx ; saving registers that might be used
push esi ; outside
push edi ;
lea edi,[ebp-0xd8] ; getting lowest address of stack frame
mov ecx,0x36 ; filling
stack frame with 0xCC
mov eax,0xcccccccc ;
rep stosd ;
push 0x427034 ; address of Enter a and b: string
call FunctionParameters!ILT+1285(_printf)
add esp,0x4 ; adjust stack pointer (1 parameter)
lea eax,[ebp-0x14] ; address of b
push eax ;
lea ecx,[ebp-0x8] ; address of a
push ecx ;
push 0x42702c ; address of "%d %d string
call FunctionParameters!ILT+990(_scanf)
add esp,0xc ; adjust stack pointer (3 parameters,
; 3*4 = 12 bytes, 0xc in hexadecimal)