•push ebp ; establishing stack frame
•mov ebp,esp ;
•sub esp,0xcc ; creating stack frame for locals
•push ebx ; saving registers that might be used
•push esi ; outside
•push edi ;
•lea edi,[ebp-0xcc] ; getting lowest address of stack frame
•mov ecx,0x33 ; filling stack frame with 0xCC
•mov eax,0xcccccccc ;
•rep stosd ;
•push 0x1 ; push rightmost parameter
•push 0x1 ; push next to right parameter
•call FunctionParameters!ILT+845(?arithmeticYAHHHZ) (00411352)
•add esp,0x8 ; adjust stack (2 int parameters)
•mov [ebp-0x8],eax ; save result to local variable
•xor eax,eax ; return value (0)
•pop edi ; restoring registers
•pop esi ; (in reverse order)
•pop ebx ;
•add esp,0xcc ; clearing stack
•cmp ebp,esp ; ESP == EBP ?
•call FunctionParameters!ILT+935(__RTC_CheckEsp) (004113ac)
•mov esp,ebp ; restoring previous stack pointer
•pop ebp ; restoring previous stack frame
•ret ; return 0