- Frame Pointer and Local Variables – Part 2
- LocalVariables!main:
- push ebp ; establishing stack
- mov ebp,esp ;
- sub esp,0xd8 ; creating
stack frame for locals
- push ebx ; saving registers
that might be used
- push esi ; outside
- push edi ;
- lea edi,[ebp-0xd8] ; getting
lowest address of stack frame
- mov ecx,0x36 ; filling stack
frame with 0xCC
- mov eax,0xcccccccc ;
- rep stosd ;
- mov dword ptr [ebp-0x8],0x1 ;
[a] = 1 ([ebp-0x8])
- mov dword ptr [ebp-0x14],0x1 ;
[b] = 1 ([ebp-0x14])
- mov eax,[ebp-0x14] ; eax :=
- add eax,[ebp-0x8] ; eax :=
eax + [a]
- mov [ebp-0x14],eax ; [b] :=
eax (b = b + a)
- mov eax,[ebp-0x8] ; eax :=
- add eax,0x1 ; eax := eax + 1
- mov [ebp-0x8],eax ; [a] :=
eax (++a)
- mov eax,[ebp-0x8] ; eax :=
- imul eax,[ebp-0x14] ; eax :=
eax * [b]
- mov [ebp-0x14],eax ; [b] := eax (b = a * b)
- xor eax,eax ; eax := 0 (return value)
- pop edi ; restoring
- pop esi ;
- pop ebx ;
- mov esp,ebp ; restoring
previous stack pointer
- pop ebp ; restoring previous
stack frame
- ret ; return 0
- The function that called main may use EDI register (group 1) so it is
- Other group 1 registers are saved because without optimization compiler
emits standard code (saves all group 1 registers, standard
prolog/epilog, etc.)
- int mainCRTStartup (/*…*/)
- {
- // may use group 1 registers (EDI, …)
- main(/*…*/);
- // may continue use group 1 registers (EDI, …)
- }
- int main(/*…*/)
- {
- // saves group 1 registers if it uses them (EDI, …)
- // uses group 1 registers
- // restores group 1 registers (if saved)
- }
- LocalVariables!main:
- 00401000 33c0 xor eax,eax
- 00401002 c3 ret
- int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- return 0;
- }
- Where is all the code?
- How to preserve the code under optimization?
- static
- static int a, b;
- const
- const int a = 1, b = 1;
- volatile
- volatile int a, b;
- static const volatile a = 1, b = 1;
- int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- volatile int a, b;
- a = 1;
- b = 1;
- b = b + a;
- ++a;
- b = a * b;
- return 0;
- }
- Frame Pointer omission
- Optimization where ESP is used to address local variables and parameters
and EBP is used as a general purpose register (like EAX, ECX, etc.)
- LocalVariables!main:
- sub esp,0x8 ; allocating
stack space for locals
- mov eax,0x1 ; eax := 1
- mov [esp],eax ; [a] :=
eax ([esp])
- mov [esp+0x4],eax ; [b] :=
eax ([esp+0x4])
- mov eax,[esp+0x4] ; eax := [b]
- add eax,[esp] ; eax := eax +
- mov [esp+0x4],eax ; [b] :=
eax (b = b + a)
- mov ecx,[esp] ; ecx := [a]
- inc ecx ; ecx += 1
- mov [esp],ecx ; [a] :=
ecx (++a)
- mov edx,[esp+0x4] ; edx := [b]
- mov eax,[esp] ; eax := [a]
- imul edx,eax ; edx := edx *
- mov [esp+0x4],edx ; [b] :=
edx (b = b * a)
- xor eax,eax ; eax := 0
- add esp,0x8 ; clearing stack
space for locals
- ret ; return 0
- Passing parameters to functions
- Accessing function parameters
- “Arithmetical” project with function parameters