- Number representations and
- int a, b;
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- a = 1; // mov [a], 1
- b = 1; // mov [b], 1
- b = b + a; // mov eax, [a]
- // add [b],
- ++a; // inc eax
- // mov [a], eax
- b = a * b; // imul [b]
- // mov [b], eax
- // results: [a] = 2 and [b] = 4
- return 0;
- }
- ArithmeticProjectC!main:
- 00401000 c705c472400002000000 mov dword ptr [ArithmeticProjectC!a
- 0040100a c705c072400004000000 mov dword ptr [ArithmeticProjectC!b
- mov [a], 2 ; [a] := 2
- mov [b], 4 ; [b] := 4
- number of stones
- a guy can only count up to 3
- The last picture is representation (notation) of the number of stones
- 12 stones
- 12dec = 1 * 10 + 2
or 1*101 +
- 123 stones
- 123dec = 1 * 100 + 2 * 10 + 3 or
1 * 102 + 2 * 101 + 3*100
- Ndec = an*10n + an-1*10n-2
+ … + a2*102 + a1*101 + a0*100 0 <= ai
<= 9
- n
- Ndec = ∑ ai*10i
- i=0
- 12 stones
- 110 in ternary representation (notation)
- 12dec = 1*32 + 1*31 + 0*30
- Ndec = an*3n + an-1*3n-2
+ … + a2*32 + a1*31 + a0*30 ai = 0 or
1 or 2
- n
- Ndec = ∑ ai*3i
- i=0
- 12 stones
- 1100 in binary representation (notation)
- 12dec = 1*23 + 1*22 + 0*21 +
- Ndec = an*2n + an-1*2n-2
+ … + a2*22 + a1*21 + a0*20 ai = 0
or 1
- n
- Ndec = ∑ ai*2i
- i=0
- 12 stones
- 12dec = C in hexadecimal representation (notation)
- 123 stones
- 123dec = 7B in hexadecimal representation (notation)
- 123dec = 7*161 + 11*160 …8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
- n
- Ndec = ∑ ai*16i
- i=0
- 110001010011 (binary notation)
- 3155dec = 1*211 + 1*210 + 0*29
+ 0*28 + 0*27 + 1*26 + 0*25
+ 1*24 + 0*23 + 0*22 + 1*21
+ 1*20
- 110001010011 is C53 in
- 12dec 5dec
- Chex 5hex 3hex
- In WinDbg memory addresses are always displayed in hexadecimal notation
- 0000 0 0
- 0001 1 1
- 0010 2 2
- 0011 3 3
- 0100 4 4
- 0101 5 5
- 0110 6 6
- 0111 7 7
- 1000 8 8
- 1001 9 9
- 1010 10 A
- 1011 11 B
- 1100 12 C
- 1101 13 D
- 1110 14 E
- 1111 15 F
- Pointer is a memory cell or a register that contains the address of
another memory cell. Has its own address (as any memory cell)
- Another name: Indirect address (vs. direct address, the address of
memory cell). Another level of indirection
- Levels of indirection: pointer to a pointer
- (Memory cell or register that
contains the address of another memory cell that contains the address of
another memory cell)
- Two memory addresses (locations):
- “a” and “b”. We can think about “a” and “b” as names of addresses
- Notation [a] means contents at the memory address (location) “a”
- Registers EAX and EBX; pointers to “a” and “b”; contain addresses of “a”
and “b”
- Notation [EAX] means contents of the memory cell whose address is in EAX
- In C we declare pointers to “a” and “b” as:
- int *a, *b;
- eax := address a
- [eax] := 1 ; [a] = 1
- ebx := address b
- [ebx] := 1 ; [b] = 1
- [ebx] := [ebx] + [eax]
- ; [b] = 2
- [ebx] := [ebx] * 2
- ; [b] = 4
- eax := address a
- [eax] := 1
- means using the contents of eax as address of a memory cell and assign a
value to the contents of this memory cell
- In C language it is called a “pointer” and we write:
- int *a; // definition of a
- *a = 1; // get memory cell
(dereferencing a pointer) and assign a value to it
- In Assembler we write:
- lea eax, a ; load the address a into eax
- mov [eax], 1 ; use eax as a
- In WinDbg disassembly output we see:
- 00411a2e 8d0504854200 lea eax,[PointersProject!a
- 00411a34 c60001
mov byte ptr [eax],0x1
- eax := address a
- [eax] := 1 ; [a] = 1
- ebx := address b
- [ebx] := 1 ; [b] = 1
- [ebx] := [ebx] + [eax]
- ; [b] = 2
- [ebx] := [ebx] * 2
- ; [b] = 4
- [ebx] := [ebx] + [eax]
- [eax] and [ebx] mean contents of memory cells whose addresses
(locations) are stored in eax and ebx
- In C language we write:
- *b = *b + *a;
- In Assembler we use instruction add
- We cannot use both memory addresses in one step (instruction):
- add [ebx], [eax]
- We can only use add [ebx], register
- register := [eax]
- [ebx] := [ebx] + register
- In Assembler we write:
- mov eax, [eax]
- add [ebx], eax
- In WinDbg disassembly output we see:
- 00411a40 8b00 mov eax,[eax]
- 00411a42 0103 add [ebx],eax
- eax := address a
- [eax] := 1 ; [a] = 1
- ebx := address b
- [ebx] := 1 ; [b] = 1
- [ebx] := [ebx] + [eax]
- ; [b] = 2
- [ebx] := [ebx] * 2
- ; [b] = 4
- [ebx] := [ebx] * 2
- Means multiply contents of the memory whose address is stored in ebx by
- In C language we write:
- *b = *b * 2; or *b *= 2;
- In Assembler we use instruction imul (integer multiply)
- imul [ebx]
- Means [ebx] := [ebx] * eax, so we have to put 2 into eax, but we already
have 1 in eax so we use inc eax before imul to increment by 1
- Result of multiplication is put into registers eax only! This is because
the compiler recognized that we multiply small numbers.
- In WinDbg disassembly output we see:
- 00411a44 40 inc eax
- 00411a45 f62b
imul byte ptr [ebx]
- 00411a47 8903 mov [ebx],eax
- eax := address a
- [eax] := 1 ; [a] = 1
- ebx := address b
- [ebx] := 1 ; [b] = 1
- [ebx] := [ebx] + [eax]
- ; [b] = 2
- [ebx] := [ebx] * 2
- ; [b] = 4
- More practice with binary and hexadecimal notations.
- Bits, bytes, words and double words.
- Pointers to bytes and double words.
- Pointers as variables. Null pointer.
- We will rewrite our “arithmetical” project using pointers as variables.