******************************************************************************************************************************************************** Frame Time Src MAC Addr Dst MAC Addr Protocol Description Src Other Addr Dst Other Addr Type Other Addr 1 453.078875 00B0D0234733 3333FF52F9D8 ICMP6 Multicast Listener Report fe80::290:27ff:fe6 ff02::1:ffb1:7480 Frame: Base frame properties Frame: Time of capture = 7/12/2001 2:04:29 PM Frame: Time delta from previous physical frame: 0 microseconds Frame: Frame number: 1 Frame: Total frame length: 86 bytes Frame: Capture frame length: 86 bytes Frame: Frame data: Number of data bytes remaining = 86 (0x0056) ETHERNET: EType = IPv6 ETHERNET: Destination address = 3333FF52F9D8 ETHERNET: 0....... = Individual address ETHERNET: .0...... = Universally administered address ETHERNET: Source address = 00B0D0234733 ETHERNET: .0...... = Universally administered address ETHERNET: Ethernet Type : 0x86DD IP6: Hop Opts; Proto = ICMP6; Len = 24 IP6: Version = 6 (0x6) IP6: Traffic Class = 0 (0x0) IP6: Flow Label = 0 (0x0) IP6: Payload Length = 32 (0x20) IP6: Next Header = 0 (Hop-by-Hop Options Header) IP6: Hop Limit = 1 (0x1) IP6: Source Address = fe80::290:27ff:fe66:c140 IP6: Destination Address = ff02::1:ffb1:7480 IP6: Hop-by-Hop Options Header IP6: Next Header = 58 (ICMP6) IP6: Length = 0 (0x0) IP6: Router Alert Option IP6: Type = 5 IP6: 00...... = Skip option if not recognized IP6: ..0..... = Option data does not change enroute IP6: Length = 2 (0x2) IP6: Router Alert Value = 0 (0x0) IP6: Padding (2 bytes) IP6: Type = 1 (PadN) IP6: 00...... = Skip option if not recognized IP6: ..0..... = Option data does not change enroute IP6: Length = 0 (0x0) IP6: Payload: Number of data bytes remaining = 24 (0x0018) ICMP6: Multicast Listener Report ICMP6: Type = 131 (Multicast Listener Report) ICMP6: Code = 0 (0x0) ICMP6: Checksum = 0xAD88 ICMP6: Maximum Response Delay = 0 (0x0) ICMP6: Unused ICMP6: Multicast Address = ff02::1:ffb1:7480 00000: 33 33 FF 52 F9 D8 00 B0 D0 23 47 33 86 DD 60 00 33R.#G3?`. 00010: 00 00 00 20 00 01 FE 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 90 ... ..?....... 00020: 27 FF FE 66 C1 40 FF 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 'f@......... 00030: 00 01 FF B1 74 80 3A 00 05 02 00 00 01 00 83 00 ..t?:.......?. 00040: AD 88 00 00 00 00 FF 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?............. 00050: 00 01 FF B1 74 80 ..t?