*********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Frame Time Src MAC Addr Dst MAC Addr Protocol Description Src Other Addr Dst Other Addr Type Other Addr 1 4076.102320 DEC C46E1F DELL 6838C5 IP6 ???y?6? *** no description available *** 3ffe:2900:d005:4f: 3ffe:2900:d005:1d4 Frame: Base frame properties Frame: Time of capture = 5/3/2001 11:47:42 PM Frame: Time delta from previous physical frame: 0 microseconds Frame: Frame number: 1 Frame: Total frame length: 94 bytes Frame: Capture frame length: 94 bytes Frame: Frame data: Number of data bytes remaining = 94 (0x005E) ETHERNET: EType = IPv6 ETHERNET: Destination address = 00C04F6838C5 ETHERNET: 0....... = Individual address ETHERNET: .0...... = Universally administered address ETHERNET: Source address = 08002BC46E1F ETHERNET: .0...... = Universally administered address ETHERNET: Ethernet Type : 0x86DD IP6: Dest Opts; Len = 0 IP6: Version = 6 (0x6) IP6: Traffic Class = 0 (0x0) IP6: Flow Label = 0 (0x0) IP6: Payload Length = 40 (0x28) IP6: Next Header = 60 (Destination Options Header) IP6: Hop Limit = 255 (0xFF) IP6: Source Address = 3ffe:2900:d005:4f:2c0:4fff:fe68:38c5 IP6: Destination Address = 3ffe:2900:d005:1d4a:2c0:4fff:fe09:2f31 IP6: Destination Options Header IP6: Next Header = 59 (None) IP6: Length = 4 (0x4) IP6: Padding (4 bytes) IP6: Type = 1 (PadN) IP6: 00...... = Skip option if not recognized IP6: ..0..... = Option data does not change enroute IP6: Length = 2 (0x2) IP6: Data = 00 00 IP6: Binding Update Option IP6: Type = 198 IP6: 11...... = Discard packet if not recognized, and send ICMP if not multicast IP6: ..0..... = Option data does not change enroute IP6: Length = 8 (0x8) IP6: ...0.... = Not a request for duplicate address detection IP6: ..0..... = Sender is not a router IP6: .0...... = Not a request for host to act as home agent IP6: 1....... = Request a binding acknowledgement response IP6: Prefix Length = 0 (0x0) IP6: Sequence Number = 1025 (0x401) IP6: Lifetime = 0 (0x0) IP6: Padding (6 bytes) IP6: Type = 1 (PadN) IP6: 00...... = Skip option if not recognized IP6: ..0..... = Option data does not change enroute IP6: Length = 4 (0x4) IP6: Data = 00 00 00 00 IP6: Home Address Option IP6: Type = 201 IP6: 11...... = Discard packet if not recognized, and send ICMP if not multicast IP6: ..0..... = Option data does not change enroute IP6: Length = 16 (0x10) IP6: Home Address = 3ffe:2900:d005:6:2c0:4fff:fe68:38c5 00000: 00 C0 4F 68 38 C5 08 00 2B C4 6E 1F 86 DD 60 00 .ÀOh8Å..+Än.?Ý`. 00010: 00 00 00 28 3C FF 3F FE 29 00 D0 05 00 4F 02 C0 ...(<ÿ?þ).Ð..O.À 00020: 4F FF FE 68 38 C5 3F FE 29 00 D0 05 1D 4A 02 C0 Oÿþh8Å?þ).Ð..J.À 00030: 4F FF FE 09 2F 31 3B 04 01 02 00 00 C6 08 80 00 Oÿþ./1;.....Æ.?. 00040: 04 01 00 00 00 00 01 04 00 00 00 00 C9 10 3F FE ............É.?þ 00050: 29 00 D0 05 00 06 02 C0 4F FF FE 68 38 C5 ).Ð....ÀOÿþh8Å