Disclaimer: This manual is NOT a Squid tutorial. It is only a reference material that provides detailed explanation of all configuration parameters available in Squid 2.4. The reader is expected to have prior knowledge of basic Squid installation and configuration. For Complete tutorial on Squid, please visit http://www.squid-cache.org

Squid 2.4 Configuration Manual


Support for external functions

Tag Name ftp_user
Usage ftp_user username

This tag can be used if you want the anonymous login password to be more informative. You can set this to something reasonable for your domain, like squid@squid.visolve.com. The reason why this is domain less by default is that the request can be made on the behalf of a user in any domain, depending on how the cache is used. Some ftp servers also validate the email address. For detailed explanation Click Here

Default ftp_user Squid@

ftp_user squid@squid.visolve.com


Tag Name ftp_list_width
Usage ftp_list_width number

This tag is used to set the width of ftp listings. This should be set to fit in the width of a standard browser. Setting this too small can cut off long filenames when browsing ftp sites.

Default ftp_list_width 32

ftp_list_width 64


Tag Name ftp_passive
Usage ftp_passive on|off

If your firewall does not allow Squid to use passive connections, then turn off this option.

Default ftp_passive on


Tag Name cache_dns_program
Usage cache_dns_program program

This tag is used to specify the location of the executable for dns lookup process. This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the --disable-internal-dns option.

The external dns program uses the normal resolver libraries which is a much more mature DNS client. The internal DNS client still has some problems with special cases in the DNS protocol. However, things has gotten a lot better compared to the early version so any of these issues are not likely to be noticed, and is heavily out weighted by the improved performance and reliability. But drawbacks of the external DNS helper are likely to be noticed when using external DNS. If DNS lookups are slow then the external DNS helper will hit the roof and no further DNS lookups can complete (some Squid versions even abort in such case).

Recommendation: Use the internal DNS client unless an experience problem which forces to use the external one until a fix is provided.

Default cache_dns_program /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid/

cache_dns_program /usr/local/squid/bin/dnsserver


Tag Name dns_children
Usage dns_children number (1 to 32)

The number of processes spawn to service DNS name lookups are specified here. For heavily loaded caches on large servers, There is probably need to increase this value to at least 10. The maximum is 32. The default is 5. This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the --disable-internal-dns option. The number of processes increases, the performance of DNS lookups also increases. It is recommended to use maximum child processes (32).

The limitation that the external dnsserver helper can only handle one DNS lookup at a time and cannot be aborted prior to the 2 minutes DNS lookup time-out. The internal DNS client does not have this limitation and can handle any number of concurrent lookups. See the description of cache_dns_program.

Default dns_children 5

dns_children 10

You must have at least one dnsserver process


Tag Name dns_retransmit_interval
Usage dns_retransmit_interval time-units

This tag is used to set the initial retransmit interval for DNS queries. The interval is doubled each time all configured DNS servers have been tried

Default dns_retransmit_interval 5 seconds


Tag Name dns_timeout
Usage dns_timeout time-units

This tag is used to set the DNS Query time-out. If no response is received to a DNS query within this time then all DNS servers for the queried domain is assumed to be unavailable

Default dns_timeout 5 minutes


Tag Name dns_defnames
Usage dns_defnames on|off

Normally the 'dnsserver' disables the RES_DEFNAMES resolver option (see res_init(3)). This prevents caches in a hierarchy from interpreting single component hostnames locally. To allow dnsserver handle single component names, enable this option. This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the --disable-internal-dnsoption.

Default dns_defnames off


Tag Name dns_nameservers
Usage dns_nameservers IPaddress

This tag can be used if you want to specify a list of DNS name servers (IP addresses) to use instead of those given in your /etc/resolv.conf file

Default dns_nameservers none



Tag Name diskd_program
Usage diskd_program path/to/diskdfile

To specify the location of the diskd executable. Note that this is only useful if you have compiled in diskd as one of the store io modules.

Default diskd_program /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid/diskd

diskd_program /local/squid/bin/diskd


Tag Name unlinkd_program
Usage unlinkd_program path/to/unlinkedfile

This tag specifies the location of the unlinkd program. This isn't needed if you are using async-io since it's handled by a thread

Default unlinkd_program /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid/unlinkd

unlinkd_program /usr/local/squid/bin/unlinkd


Tag Name pinger_program
Usage pinger_program path/to/pingerfile

This tag is used to specify the location of the executable for the pinger process. This is only useful if you configured Squid (during compilation) with the '--enable-icmp' option

Default pinger_program /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid/

pinger_program /usr/local/squid/bin/pinger


Tag Name redirect_program
Usage redirect_program path/to/redirector

This tag is used to specify the location of the executable for the URL redirector. Since they can perform almost any function there isn't one included. Click here for information on how to write one. By default, a redirector is not used

Default redirect_program none

redirect_program /usr/local/squirm/bin/squirm


Tag Name redirect_children
Usage redirect_children number

This tag is used to set the number of redirect processes to spawn

Default redirect_children 5

redirect_children 10

If you start too few Squid will have to wait for them to process a back log of URLs, slowing it down. If you start too many they will use RAM and other system resources.


Tag Name redirect_rewrites_host_header
Usage redirect_rewrites_host_header on|off

By default Squid rewrites any Host: header in redirected requests. If you are running a accelerator then this may not be a wanted effect of a redirector

Default redirect_rewrites_host_header on


Tag Name redirector_access
Usage redirector_access allow|deny

If defined, this access list specifies which requests are sent to the redirector processes

Default All requests are sent

redirector_access allow aclname


Tag Name authenticate_program
Usage authenticate_program path/to/program path/to/passwdfile

This tag is used to specify the command for the external authenticator. Such a program reads a line containing "username password" and replies "OK" or "ERR" in an endless loop. If you use an authenticator, make sure you have 1 acl of type proxy_auth. If you want to use the traditional proxy authentication, jump over to the ../auth_modules/NCSA directory and give

# make
# make install

The source for this program is included in the source distribution, in the auth_modules/NCSA directory. You should now have an ncsa_authprogram in the same directory where your squid binary lives. You may need to create a password file. If you have been using proxy authentication before, you probably already have such a file. You can get apache's htpasswd program from here. Pick a pathname for your password file. We will assume you will want to put it in the same directory as your Squid.conf.

Default authenticate_program none By default, the authenticator_program is not used

authenticate_program /usr/local/squid/bin/ncsa_auth /usr/local/squid/etc/passwd


Tag Name authenticate_children
Usage authenticate_children number

The number of authenticator processes to spawn (default 5).

Default authenticate_children 5

If you start too few Squid will have to wait for them to process aback log of usercode/password verifications, slowing it down. When password verifications are done via a (slow) network you are likely to need lots of authenticator processes.


Tag Name authenticate_ttl
Usage authenticate_ttl seconds

This tag is used to specify the time a checked username/password combination remains cached (default 3600). If a wrong password is given for a cached user, the user gets removed from the username/password cache forcing a revalidation.

Default authenticate_ttl 3600


Tag Name authenticate_ip_ttl
Usage authenticate_ip_ttl number

With this option you control how long a proxy authentication will be bound to a specific IP address. If a request using the same user name is received during this time then access will be denied and both users are required to reauthenticate them selves. The idea behind this is to make it annoying for people to share their password to their friends, but yet allow a dialup user to reconnect on a different dialup port. The default is 0 to disable the check. Recommended values if you have dialup users are no more than 60 (seconds). If all your users are stationary then higher values may be used.

Default authenticate_ip_ttl 0

authenticate_ip_ttl 3600


Tag Name authenticate_ip_ttl_is_strict
Usage authenticate_ip_ttl_is_strict on|off

This option makes authenticate_ip_ttl a bit stricter. With this enabled authenticate_ip_ttl will deny all access from other IPaddresses until the TTL has expired, and the IP address "owning" the userid will not be forced to reauthenticate.

Default authenticate_ip_ttl_is_strict on




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Revision No:0.0  
Last Modified By: ViSolve Date: July 30 2006