Disclaimer: This manual is NOT a Squid tutorial. It is only a reference material that provides detailed explanation of all configuration parameters available in Squid 2.4. The reader is expected to have prior knowledge of basic Squid installation and configuration. For Complete tutorial on Squid, please visit http://www.squid-cache.org

Squid 2.4 Configuration Manual



Tag Name cache_mgr
Usage cache_mgr Administrator mailid

Using this tag, we can specify the email-address of the local cache manager who will receive mail, if the cache dies. The default is "webmaster." In case squid dies, the mail will be sent to the given mailid.

Default cache_mgr webmaster

cache_mgr balu


Tag Name cache_effective_user
Usage cache_effective_user userid

If the cache is run as root, it will change its effective/real UID to the UID specified below. The default is to change the UID to nobody. If Squid is not started as root, the default is to keep the current UID. Note that, if Squid is not started as root, then you cannot set http_port to a value lower than 1024.

If Squid is started with the userid squid, then the cache_effective_user will be given as squid. If it is started as root then the default value will be taken

Default cache_effective_user nobody

cache_effective_user squid

If the above directive is not configured properly then Squid will have problems in starting.


Tag Name cache_effective_group
Usage cache_effective_group groupid

If the cache is run as root, it will change its effective/real GID to the GID specified below. The default is to change the GID to nogroup. If Squid is not started as root, the default is to keep the current GID. Note that if Squid is not started as root then you cannot set http_port to a value lower than 1024.

If the squid started with the groupid squid then the cache_effective_group will be given as squid. If it is started as root, then the default value will be taken. For further info on the above two tags, see Effective user and group

Default cache_effective_group nogroup

cache_effective_group squid

If it is not configured properly, then squid may run in to problem.


Tag Name visible_hostname
Usage visible_hostname anyhostname

If you want to present a special hostname in error messages, etc then define this. Otherwise, the return value of gethostname () will be used. If you have multiple caches in a cluster and get errors about IP-forwarding, you must set them to have individual names with this setting. When the error message appears in the browser, it will show as it is generated from the visible_hostname.

Default none

visible_hostname www.visolve.com


Tag Name unique_hostname
Usage unique_hostname hostname

If you want to have multiple machines with the same 'visible_hostname' then you must give each machine a different unique_hostname' so that forwarding loops can be detected. In brief, Just set visible_hostname to the address the clients connects to, and unique_hostname to the externally visible address of each proxy. (address == registered domain name)

Default none

unique_hostname www.kovaiteam.com


Tag Name hostname_aliases
Usage hostname_aliases

A list of other DNS names that your cache has. This option is used to detect internal requests ( Cache Digests ), when a cache has more than one hostname in use.

Default none




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Revision No:0.0  
Last Modified By: ViSolve Date: July 30 2006