(1) To
allow http_access for only one machine with MAC Address
To use MAC address in ACL rules.
Configure with option -enable-arp-acl.
acl all src
acl pl800_arp arp 00:08:c7:9f:34:41
http_access allow pl800_arp
http_access deny all
(2) To
restrict access to work hours (9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday) from IP
acl ip_acl src
acl time_acl time M T W H F 9:00-17:00
http_access allow ip_acl time_acl
http_access deny all
(3) Can i
use multitime access control list for different users for different
acl abc src
acl xyz src
acl asd src
acl morning time 06:00-11:00
acl lunch time 14:00-14:30
acl evening time 16:25-23:59
Access Controls
http_access allow abc morning
http_access allow xyz morning lunch
http_access allow asd lunch
This is wrong. The description
Here access line "http_access allow xyz morning lunch" will not work.
So ACLs are interpreted like this ...
http_access RULE statement1 AND statement2
AND statement3 OR
http_access ACTION statement1 AND statement2 AND statement3 OR
So, the ACL "http_access allow xyz
morning lunch" will never work, as pointed, because at any given time,
morning AND lunch will ALWAYS be false, because both morning and lunch
will NEVER be true at the same time. As one of them is false, and acl
uses AND logical statement, 0/1 AND 0 will always be 0 (false).
That's because this line is in two. If
now read:
http_access allow xyz AND morning OR
http_access allow xyz lunch
If request
comes from xyz, and we're in one of the allowed time, one of the rules
will match TRUE. The other will obviously match FALSE. TRUE OR FALSE
will be TRUE, and access will be permitted.
Finally Access Control looks...
http_access allow abc morning
http_access allow xyz morning
http_access allow xyz lunch
http_access allow asd lunch
http_access deny all
(4) Rules
are read from top to bottom. The first rule matched will be used. Other
rules won't be applied.
http_access allow xyz morning
http_access deny xyz
http_access allow xyz lunch
If xyz tries to access something
in the morning, access will be granted. But if he tries to access
something at lunchtime, access will be denied. It will be denied by the
deny xyz rule, that was matched before the 'xyz lunch' rule.