Disclaimer: This manual is NOT a Squid tutorial. It is only a reference material that provides detailed explanation of all configuration parameters available in Squid 2.4. The reader is expected to have prior knowledge of basic Squid installation and configuration. For Complete tutorial on Squid, please visit http://www.squid-cache.org

Squid 2.4 Configuration Manual



Tag Name acl
Usage acl aclname acltype string1 ... | "file"

This tag is used for defining an access List. When using "file" the file should contain one item per line By default, regular expressions are CASE-SENSITIVE. To make them case-insensitive, use the -i option.


Acl Type: src

This will look client IP Address.

Usage acl aclname src ip-address/netmask.

1.This refers to the whole Network with address - acl aclname src
2.This refers specific single IP Address - acl aclname src
3.This refers range of IP Addresses from - acl aclname src

While giving Netmask caution must be exerted in what value is given


Acl Type: dst

This is same as src with only difference refers Server IPaddress. First Squid will dns-lookup for IPAddress from the domain-name, which is in request header. Then this acl is interpreted.

Usage acl aclname dst ip-address/netmask.


Acl Type: srcdomain

Since squid needs to reverse dns lookup (from client ip-address to client domain-name) before this acl is interpreted, it can cause processing delays. This lookup adds some delay to the request.

Usage acl aclname srcdomain domain-name

acl aclname srcdomain .kovaiteam.com

Here "." is more important.


Acl Type: dstdomain

This is the effective method to control specific domain

Usage acl aclname dstdomain domain-name

acl aclname dstdomain .kovaiteam.com
Hence this looks for *.kovaiteam.com from URL
Hence this looks for *.kovaiteam.com from URL

Here "." is more important.


Acl Type: srcdom_regex

Since squid needs to reverse dns lookup (from client ip-address to client domain-name) before this acl is interpreted, it can cause processing delays. This lookup adds some delay to the request

Usage acl aclname srcdom_regex pattern

acl aclname srcdom_regex kovai
Hence this looks for the word kovai from the client domain name

Better avoid using this acl type to be away from latency.


Acl Type: dstdom_regex

This is also an effective method as dstdomain

Usage acl aclname dstdom_regex pattern

acl aclname dstdom_regex kovai
Hence this looks for the word kovai from the client domain name


Acl Type: time

Time of day, and day of week


acl aclname time [day-abbreviations] [h1:m1-h2:m2]
S - Sunday
M - Monday
T - Tuesday
W - Wednesday
H - Thursday
F - Friday
A - Saturday
h1:m1 must be less than h2:m2

acl ACLTIME time M 9:00-17:00
ACLTIME refers day of Monday from 9:00 to 17:00.


Acl Type: url_regex

The url_regex means to search the entire URL for the regular expression you specify. Note that these regular expressions are case-sensitive. To make them case-insensitive, use the -i option.

Usage acl aclname url_regex pattern

acl ACLREG url_regex cooking
ACLREG refers to the url containing "cooking" not "Cooking"


Acl Type: urlpath_regex

The urlpath_regex regular expression pattern matching from URL but without protocol and hostname. Note that these regular expressions are case-sensitive

Usage acl aclname urlpath_regex pattern

acl ACLPATHREG urlpath_regex cooking
ACLPATHREG refers only containing "cooking'' not "Cooking"; and without referring protocol and hostname.
If URL is http://www.visolve.com/folder/subdir/cooking/first.html then this acltype only looks after http://www.visolve.com/ .


Acl Type: port

Access can be controlled by destination (server) port address

Usage acl aclname port port-no

This example allows http_access only to the destination from network

acl acceleratedhost dst
acl acceleratedport port 80
acl mynet src
http_access allow acceleratedhost acceleratedport mynet
http_access deny all


Acl Type: proto

This specifies the transfer protocol

Usage acl aclname proto protocol

acl aclname proto HTTP FTP
This refers protocols HTTP and FTP


Acl Type: method

This specifies the type of the method of the request

Usage acl aclname method method-type

acl aclname method GET POST
This refers get and post methods only


Acl Type: browser

Regular expression pattern matching on the request's user-agent header

Usage acl aclname browser pattern

acl aclname browser MOZILLA
This refers to the requests, which are coming from the browsers who have "MOZILLA" keyword in the user-agent header.


Acl Type: ident

String matching on the user's name

Usage acl aclname ident username ...

You can use ident to allow specific users access to your cache. This requires that an ident server process runs on the user's machine(s). In your squid.conf configuration file you would write something like this:

ident_lookup on
acl friends ident kim lisa frank joe
http_access allow friends
http_access deny all


Acl Type: ident_regex

Regular expression pattern matching on the user's name. String match on ident output. Use REQUIRED to accept any non-null ident

Usage acl aclname ident_regex pattern

You can use ident to allow specific users access to your cache. This requires that an ident server process run on the user's machine(s). In your squid.conf configuration file you would write something like this:

ident_lookup on
acl friends ident_regex joe
This looks for the pattern "joe" in username

Acl Type: src_as

source (client) Autonomous System number

Acl Type: dst_as

destination (server) Autonomous System number

Acl Type: proxy_auth

User authentication via external processes. proxy_auth requires an EXTERNAL authentication program to check username/password combinations (see authenticate_program ).


acl aclname proxy_auth username...

use REQUIRED instead of username to accept any valid username

acl ACLAUTH proxy_auth usha venkatesh balu deepa

This acl is for authenticating users usha, venkatesh, balu and deepa by external programs.

proxy_auth can't be used in a transparent proxy. It collides with any authentication done by origin servers. It may seem like it works at first, but it doesn't. When a Proxy-Authentication header is sent but it is not needed during ACL checking the username is NOT logged in access.log.

Acl Type: proxy_auth_regex

This is same as proxy_auth with a difference. That is it matches the pattern with usernames, which are given in authenticate_program

Usage acl aclname proxy_auth_regex [-i] pattern...


Acl Type: snmp_community

SNMP community string matching

acl aclname snmp_community public
snmp_access aclname

Acl Type: maxconn

A limit on the maximum number of connections from a single client IP address. It is an ACL that will be true if the user has more than maxconn connections open. It is used in http_access to allow/deny the request just like all the other acl types.

acl someuser src
acl twoconn maxconn 5
http_access deny someuser twoconn
http_access allow !twoconn

maxconn acl requires client_db feature, so if you disabled that (client_db off) maxconn won't work.


Acl Type: req_mime_type
Usage acl aclname req_mime_type pattern

Regular expression pattern matching on the request content-type header

acl aclname req_mime_type text

This acl looks for the pattern "text" in request mime header


Acl Type: arp
Usage acl aclname arp ARP-ADDRESS

Ethernet (MAC) address matching This acl is supported on Linux, Solaris, and probably BSD variants.

To use ARP (MAC) access controls, you first need to compile in the optional code.
Do this with the --enable-arp-acl configure option:
% ./configure --enable-arp-acl ...
% make clean
% make

If everything compiles, then you can add some ARP ACL lines to your squid.conf


acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 21 443 563 70 210 1025-65535
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http

acl ACLARP arp 11:12:13:14:15:16
ACLARP refers
MACADDRESS of the ethernet 11:12:13:14:15:16

Squid can only determine the MAC address for clients that are on the same subnet. If the client is on a different subnet, then Squid cannot find out its MAC address.


Tag Name http_access
Usage http_access allow|deny [!]aclname ...

Allowing or denying http access based on defined access lists

If none of the "access" lines cause a match, the default is the opposite of the last line in the list. If the last line was deny, then the default is allow. Conversely, if the last line is allow, the default will be deny. For these reasons, it is a good idea to have a "deny all" or "allow all" entry at the end of your access lists to avoid potential confusion


http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access deny all

If there are no "access" lines present, the default is to allow the request

1. To allow http_access for only one machine with MAC Address 00:08:c7:9f:34:41
2. To restrict access to work hours (9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday) from IP 192.168.2/24
3. Can i use multitime access control list for different users for different timing
4. Rules are read from top to bottom

The deny all line is very important. After all the http_access rules, if access isn't denied, it's ALLOWED !! So, specifying a LOT of http_access allow rules, and forget the deny all after them, is the same of NOTHING. If access isn't allowed by one of your rules, the default action ( ALLOW ) will be triggered. So, don't forget the deny all rule AFTER all the rules.

And, finally, don't forget rules are read from top to bottom. The first rule matched will be used. Other rules won't be applied. Click here to See examples.


Tag Name icp_access
Usage icp_access allow|deny [!]aclname ...

icp_access allow|deny [!]aclname ...

Default icp_access deny all

icp_access allow all - Allow ICP queries from everyone


Tag Name miss_access
Usage miss_access allow|deny [!]aclname...

Used to force your neighbors to use you as a sibling instead of a parent. For example:

acl localclients src
miss_access allow localclients
miss_access deny !localclients

This means that only your local clients are allowed to fetch MISSES and all other clients can only fetch HITS.

Default By default, allow all clients who passed the http_access rules to fetch MISSES from us.
miss_access allow all



Tag Name cache_peer_access
Usage cache_peer_access cache-host allow|deny [!]aclname ...

Similar to 'cache_peer_domain ' but provides more flexibility by using ACL elements.

The syntax is identical to 'http_access' and the other lists of ACL elements. See 'http_access ' for further reference.

Default none

The following example could be used, if we want all requests from a specific IP address range to go to a specific cache server (for accounting purposes, for example). Here, all the requests from the 10.0.1.* range are passed to proxy.visolve.com, but all other requests are handled directly.

Using acls to select peers,

acl myNet src
acl cusNet src
acl all src
cache_peer proxy.visolve.com parent 3128 3130
cache_peer_access proxy.visolve.com allow custNet
cache_peer_access proxy.visolve.com deny all


Tag Name proxy_auth_realm
Usage proxy_auth_realm string

Specifies the realm name, which is to be reported to the client for proxy authentication (part of the text the user will see when prompted for the username and password).

Default proxy_auth_realm Squid proxy-caching web server

proxy_auth_realm My Caching Server


Tag Name ident_lookup_access
Usage ident_lookup_access allow|deny aclname...

A list of ACL elements, which, if matched, cause an ident (RFC 931) lookup to be performed for this request. For example, you might choose to always perform ident lookups for your main multi-user Unix boxes, but not for your Macs and PCs


By default, ident lookups are not performed for any requests
ident_lookup_access deny all

To enable ident lookups for specific client addresses, you can follow this example:

acl ident_aware_hosts src
ident_lookup_access allow ident_aware_hosts
ident_lookup_access deny all

This option may be disabled by using --disable-ident with the configure script.



(1) To allow http_access for only one machine with MAC Address 00:08:c7:9f:34:41

To use MAC address in ACL rules. Configure with option -enable-arp-acl.

acl all src
acl pl800_arp arp 00:08:c7:9f:34:41
http_access allow pl800_arp
http_access deny all

(2) To restrict access to work hours (9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday) from IP 192.168.2/24

acl ip_acl src
acl time_acl time M T W H F 9:00-17:00
http_access allow ip_acl time_acl
http_access deny all

(3) Can i use multitime access control list for different users for different timing.


acl abc src
acl xyz src
acl asd src
acl morning time 06:00-11:00
acl lunch time 14:00-14:30
acl evening time 16:25-23:59

Access Controls
http_access allow abc morning
http_access allow xyz morning lunch
http_access allow asd lunch

This is wrong. The description follows:
Here access line "http_access allow xyz morning lunch" will not work. So ACLs are interpreted like this ...

http_access RULE statement1 AND statement2 AND statement3 OR
http_access ACTION statement1 AND statement2 AND statement3 OR


So, the ACL "http_access allow xyz morning lunch" will never work, as pointed, because at any given time, morning AND lunch will ALWAYS be false, because both morning and lunch will NEVER be true at the same time. As one of them is false, and acl uses AND logical statement, 0/1 AND 0 will always be 0 (false).

That's because this line is in two. If now read:

http_access allow xyz AND morning OR
http_access allow xyz lunch

If request comes from xyz, and we're in one of the allowed time, one of the rules will match TRUE. The other will obviously match FALSE. TRUE OR FALSE will be TRUE, and access will be permitted.

Finally Access Control looks...

http_access allow abc morning
http_access allow xyz morning
http_access allow xyz lunch
http_access allow asd lunch
http_access deny all

(4) Rules are read from top to bottom. The first rule matched will be used. Other rules won't be applied.


http_access allow xyz morning
http_access deny xyz
http_access allow xyz lunch

If xyz tries to access something in the morning, access will be granted. But if he tries to access something at lunchtime, access will be denied. It will be denied by the deny xyz rule, that was matched before the 'xyz lunch' rule.




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Revision No:0.0  
Last Modified By: ViSolve Date: July 30 2006