Compex WPP54AG, WPP54G firmware recovery procedure. --------------------------------------------------- This procedure shows how to reload the firmware to AP device should something goes wrong and the system could not startup properly. Should this happened, AP device will automatically switch to firmware upload mode and the DIAG LED will light up blink very fast. See table 1 below to check AP device power up status. Table 1: -------- AP device Operation state DIAG light status ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Firmware Upload mode, ready for tftp Blinking very fast (3/5 flashes/sec) upload. 2) Writing uploaded firmware to flashrom. Steady ON 3) Writing to flashrom succcessful Blinking very slowly (1 flash/sec) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to recover AP device from failed firmware ========================================== Before you start, after power ON Access Point, check the DIAG LED status as described intable (1). Otherwise, AP device have this problem. If you experienced other problems please call technical support for help. 1) Power OFF and disconnect AP device from the network. 2) Connect a MDIX (cross) UTP cable between AP device and your computer nic network port. 3) Power ON AP device then startup your computer. It is assumed your computer will obtain IP automatically. Computer will obtain an IP address, for AP device device. If it doesn't please change the TCPIP setting to obtain IP automatically or set a fixed IP 4) Insert the AP device Product CD in CDROM then change directory to the recovery folder. Double click on the batch file, wp54grcv.bat OR if manually execute the command, open a Command Prompt, change to the recovery folder in product CD and type the command below. Assuming CDROM is driver D. D:\Recovery\TFTP -i PUT image_name.IMG (image_name.IMG is the firmware image filename in the recovery disk. If you have downloaded a newer firmware and have it put in local hard disk e.g. in C:\wpp54Ag\pp54axxx.IMG, then select this as your new path and firmware name. When the firmware image file is successfully transferred from your computer to the router, the DIAG LED will display as described in table 1. 5) Firmware restoration is now completed. Reboot AP device and it is ready to operate. ---------------------------------