/* dos.h Defines structs, unions, macros, and functions for dealing with MSDOS and the Intel iAPX86 microprocessor family. Copyright (c) 1987, 1991 by Borland International All Rights Reserved. */ #ifndef __DOS_H #define __DOS_H #if !defined( __DEFS_H ) #include <_defs.h> #endif extern int _Cdecl errno; extern int _Cdecl _doserrno; /* Variables */ extern int const _Cdecl _8087; extern int _Cdecl _argc; extern char **_Cdecl _argv; extern char **_Cdecl environ; extern unsigned _Cdecl _psp; extern unsigned _Cdecl _heaplen; extern unsigned char _Cdecl _osmajor; extern unsigned char _Cdecl _osminor; extern unsigned _Cdecl _stklen; extern unsigned _Cdecl _fpstklen; extern unsigned _Cdecl _version; extern unsigned _Cdecl _osversion; /* MSC name for _version */ #define FA_NORMAL 0x00 /* Normal file, no attributes */ #define FA_RDONLY 0x01 /* Read only attribute */ #define FA_HIDDEN 0x02 /* Hidden file */ #define FA_SYSTEM 0x04 /* System file */ #define FA_LABEL 0x08 /* Volume label */ #define FA_DIREC 0x10 /* Directory */ #define FA_ARCH 0x20 /* Archive */ /* MSC names for file attributes */ #define _A_NORMAL 0x00 /* Normal file, no attributes */ #define _A_RDONLY 0x01 /* Read only attribute */ #define _A_HIDDEN 0x02 /* Hidden file */ #define _A_SYSTEM 0x04 /* System file */ #define _A_VOLID 0x08 /* Volume label */ #define _A_SUBDIR 0x10 /* Directory */ #define _A_ARCH 0x20 /* Archive */ #define NFDS 20 /* Maximum number of fds */ struct fcb { char fcb_drive; /* 0 = default, 1 = A, 2 = B */ char fcb_name[8]; /* File name */ char fcb_ext[3]; /* File extension */ short fcb_curblk; /* Current block number */ short fcb_recsize; /* Logical record size in bytes */ long fcb_filsize; /* File size in bytes */ short fcb_date; /* Date file was last written */ char fcb_resv[10]; /* Reserved for DOS */ char fcb_currec; /* Current record in block */ long fcb_random; /* Random record number */ }; struct xfcb { char xfcb_flag; /* Contains 0xff to indicate xfcb */ char xfcb_resv[5];/* Reserved for DOS */ char xfcb_attr; /* Search attribute */ struct fcb xfcb_fcb; /* The standard fcb */ }; struct COUNTRY { int co_date; char co_curr[5]; char co_thsep[2]; char co_desep[2]; char co_dtsep[2]; char co_tmsep[2]; char co_currstyle; char co_digits; char co_time; long co_case; char co_dasep[2]; char co_fill[10]; }; #if defined(__MSC) && !defined(__cplusplus) struct DOSERROR { int exterror; char class; char action; char locus; }; #else struct DOSERROR { int de_exterror; char de_class; char de_action; char de_locus; }; #endif /* __MSC and not C++ */ struct dfree { unsigned df_avail; unsigned df_total; unsigned df_bsec; unsigned df_sclus; }; struct diskfree_t { unsigned total_clusters; unsigned avail_clusters; unsigned sectors_per_cluster; unsigned bytes_per_sector; }; struct fatinfo { char fi_sclus; char fi_fatid; unsigned fi_nclus; int fi_bysec; }; struct devhdr { long dh_next; /* Next device pointer */ short dh_attr; /* Attributes */ unsigned short dh_strat; /* Driver strategy routine */ unsigned short dh_inter; /* Driver interrupt routine */ char dh_name[8]; /* Device name */ }; struct time { unsigned char ti_min; /* Minutes */ unsigned char ti_hour; /* Hours */ unsigned char ti_hund; /* Hundredths of seconds */ unsigned char ti_sec; /* Seconds */ }; struct dostime_t { unsigned char hour; /* Hours */ unsigned char minute; /* Minutes */ unsigned char second; /* Seconds */ unsigned char hsecond; /* Hundredths of seconds */ }; struct date { int da_year; /* Year - 1980 */ char da_day; /* Day of the month */ char da_mon; /* Month (1 = Jan) */ }; struct dosdate_t { unsigned char day; /* 1-31 */ unsigned char month; /* 1-12 */ unsigned int year; /* 1980 - 2099 */ unsigned char dayofweek;/* 0 - 6 (0=Sunday) */ }; #ifndef _REG_DEFS #define _REG_DEFS struct WORDREGS { unsigned int ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, cflag, flags; }; struct BYTEREGS { unsigned char al, ah, bl, bh, cl, ch, dl, dh; }; union REGS { struct WORDREGS x; struct BYTEREGS h; }; struct SREGS { unsigned int es; unsigned int cs; unsigned int ss; unsigned int ds; }; struct REGPACK { unsigned r_ax, r_bx, r_cx, r_dx; unsigned r_bp, r_si, r_di, r_ds, r_es, r_flags; }; #endif /* _REG_DEFS */ typedef struct { char ds_drive; /* do not change */ char ds_pattern [13]; /* these fields, */ char ds_reserved [7]; /* Microsoft reserved */ char ds_attrib; short ds_time; short ds_date; long ds_size; char ds_nameZ [13]; /* result of the search, asciiz */ } dosSearchInfo; /* used with DOS functions 4E, 4F */ #ifndef _FFBLK_DEF #define _FFBLK_DEF struct ffblk { char ff_reserved[21]; char ff_attrib; unsigned ff_ftime; unsigned ff_fdate; long ff_fsize; char ff_name[13]; }; #endif /* _FFBLK_DEF */ /* The MSC find_t structure corresponds exactly to the ffblk structure */ struct find_t { char reserved[21]; /* Microsoft reserved - do not change */ char attrib; /* attribute byte for matched file */ unsigned wr_time; /* time of last write to file */ unsigned wr_date; /* date of last write to file */ long size; /* size of file */ char name[13]; /* asciiz name of matched file */ }; /* axret values for _hardresume() */ #define _HARDERR_IGNORE 0 /* ignore error */ #define _HARDERR_RETRY 1 /* retry the operation */ #define _HARDERR_ABORT 2 /* abort program */ #define _HARDERR_FAIL 3 /* fail the operation */ #define SEEK_CUR 1 #define SEEK_END 2 #define SEEK_SET 0 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int _Cdecl absread( int __drive, int __nsects, long __lsect, void *__buffer ); int _Cdecl abswrite( int __drive, int __nsects, long __lsect, void *__buffer ); int _Cdecl allocmem( unsigned __size, unsigned *__segp ); int _CType bdos( int __dosfun, unsigned __dosdx, unsigned __dosal ); int _CType bdosptr( int __dosfun, void *__argument, unsigned __dosal ); struct COUNTRY *_Cdecl country( int __xcode, struct COUNTRY *__cp); void _Cdecl ctrlbrk( int _Cdecl( *handler )( void )); void _CType delay( unsigned __milliseconds ); void _Cdecl disable( void ); int _Cdecl dosexterr( struct DOSERROR *__eblkp ); long _Cdecl dostounix( struct date *__d, struct time *__t ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_allocmem( unsigned __size, unsigned *__segp ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_close ( int __fd ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_creat( const char *__pathP, unsigned __attr, int *__fd ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_creatnew( const char *__pathP, unsigned __attr, int *__fd ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_findfirst( const char *__path, unsigned __attrib, struct find_t *__finfo ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_findnext( struct find_t *__finfo ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_freemem( unsigned __segx ); void _Cdecl _dos_getdate( struct dosdate_t *__datep ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_getdiskfree( unsigned __drive, struct diskfree_t *__dtable); void _Cdecl _dos_getdrive( unsigned *__drive ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_getfileattr( const char *__filename, unsigned *__attrib ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_getftime( int __fd, unsigned *__date, unsigned *__time ); void _Cdecl _dos_gettime( struct dostime_t *__timep ); void _Cdecl _dos_keep(unsigned char __status, unsigned __size); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_open( const char *__pathP, unsigned __oflag, int *__fd ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_read( int __fd, void far *__buf, unsigned __len, unsigned *__nread ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_setblock( unsigned __size, unsigned __segx, unsigned *__maxp ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_setdate( struct dosdate_t *__datep ); void _Cdecl _dos_setdrive( unsigned __drive, unsigned *__ndrives ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_setfileattr( const char *__filename, unsigned __attrib); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_setftime( int __fd, unsigned __date, unsigned __time ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_settime( struct dostime_t *__timep ); unsigned _Cdecl _dos_write( int __fd, void far *__buf, unsigned __len, unsigned *__nread ); void __emit__( unsigned char __byte, ...); void _Cdecl enable( void ); int _Cdecl freemem( unsigned __segx ); int _Cdecl getcbrk( void ); void _CType getdate( struct date *__datep ); void _Cdecl getdfree( unsigned char __drive, struct dfree *__dtable ); int _Cdecl _getdrive( void ); void _Cdecl getfat( unsigned char __drive, struct fatinfo *__dtable ); void _Cdecl getfatd( struct fatinfo *__dtable ); unsigned _Cdecl getpsp( void ); int _Cdecl getswitchar( void ); void _CType gettime( struct time *__timep ); int _Cdecl getverify( void ); #ifdef __cplusplus void _Cdecl _harderr( void _Cdecl (far *__fptr)( unsigned __deverr, unsigned __doserr, unsigned far *__hdr) ); #else void _Cdecl _harderr( void _Cdecl (far *__fptr)( ) ); #endif void _Cdecl _hardresume( int __axret ); void _Cdecl _hardretn( int __retn ); #ifdef __cplusplus void _CType harderr( int _Cdecl( *__handler )( int __errval, int __ax, int __bp, int __si) ); #else void _CType harderr( int _Cdecl( *__handler )( ) ); #endif void _CType hardresume( int __axret ); void _CType hardretn( int __retn ); #ifndef _PORT_DEFS int _Cdecl inp( unsigned __portid ); unsigned _Cdecl inpw( unsigned __portid ); #endif int _Cdecl inport( int __portid ); #ifndef _PORT_DEFS unsigned char _Cdecl inportb( int __portid ); #endif int _Cdecl int86( int __intno, union REGS *__inregs, union REGS *__outregs ); int _Cdecl int86x( int __intno, union REGS *__inregs, union REGS *__outregs, struct SREGS *__segregs ); int _Cdecl intdos( union REGS *__inregs, union REGS *__outregs ); int _Cdecl intdosx( union REGS *__inregs, union REGS *__outregs, struct SREGS *__segregs ); void _Cdecl intr( int __intno, struct REGPACK *__preg ); void _Cdecl keep( unsigned char __status, unsigned __size ); void _Cdecl nosound( void ); #ifndef _PORT_DEFS int _Cdecl outp( unsigned __portid, int __value ); unsigned _Cdecl outpw( unsigned __portid, unsigned __value ); #endif void _Cdecl outport( int __portid, int __value ); #ifndef _PORT_DEFS void _Cdecl outportb( int __portid, unsigned char __value ); #endif char * _Cdecl parsfnm( const char *__cmdline, struct fcb *__fcb, int __opt ); int _Cdecl peek( unsigned __segment, unsigned __offset ); char _Cdecl peekb( unsigned __segment, unsigned __offset ); void _Cdecl poke( unsigned __segment, unsigned __offset, int __value); void _Cdecl pokeb( unsigned __segment, unsigned __offset, char __value ); int _Cdecl randbrd( struct fcb *__fcb, int __rcnt ); int _Cdecl randbwr( struct fcb *__fcb, int __rcnt ); void _Cdecl segread( struct SREGS *__segp ); int _Cdecl setblock( unsigned __segx, unsigned __newsize ); int _Cdecl setcbrk( int __cbrkvalue ); void _Cdecl setdate( struct date *__datep ); void _Cdecl setswitchar( char __ch ); void _Cdecl settime( struct time *__timep ); void _Cdecl setverify( int __value ); void _Cdecl sleep( unsigned __seconds ); void _Cdecl sound( unsigned __frequency ); void _Cdecl unixtodos( long __time, struct date *__d, struct time *__t ); int _CType unlink( const char *__path ); /* These are in-line functions. These prototypes just clean up some syntax checks and code generation. */ void _Cdecl __cli__( void ); void _Cdecl __sti__( void ); void _Cdecl __int__( int __interruptnum ); #define disable( ) __emit__( (char )( 0xfa ) ) #define _disable( ) __emit__( (char )( 0xfa ) ) /* MSC name */ #define enable( ) __emit__( (char )( 0xfb ) ) #define _enable( ) __emit__( (char )( 0xfb ) ) /* MSC name */ #define geninterrupt( i ) __int__( i ) /* Interrupt instruction */ #ifndef _PORT_DEFS #define _PORT_DEFS unsigned char _Cdecl __inportb__( int __portid ); unsigned int _Cdecl __inportw__( int __portid ); void _Cdecl __outportb__( int __portid, unsigned char __value ); void _Cdecl __outportw__( int __portid, unsigned int __value ); #define inportb __inportb__ #define outportb __outportb__ /* MSC-compatible macros for port I/O */ #define inp( portid ) __inportb__( portid ) #define outp( portid,v ) (__outportb__( portid,v ), (int)_AL) #define inpw( portid ) __inportw__( portid ) #define outpw( portid,v ) (__outportw__( portid,v ), (unsigned)_AX) #endif /* _PORT_DEFS */ #if !__STDC__ extern unsigned _Cdecl _ovrbuffer; int cdecl far _OvrInitEms( unsigned __emsHandle, unsigned __emsFirst, unsigned __emsPages ); int cdecl far _OvrInitExt( unsigned long __extStart, unsigned long __extLength ); char far *cdecl getdta( void ); void cdecl setdta( char far *__dta ); #define MK_FP( seg,ofs )( (void _seg * )( seg ) +( void near * )( ofs )) #define FP_SEG( fp )( (unsigned )( void _seg * )( void far * )( fp )) #define FP_OFF( fp )( (unsigned )( fp )) #ifdef __cplusplus void _Cdecl _chain_intr ( void interrupt (far *__target)( ... )); void interrupt( far * _Cdecl _dos_getvect( unsigned __interruptno ))( ... ); void interrupt( far * _CType getvect( int __interruptno ))( ... ); void _Cdecl _dos_setvect( unsigned __interruptno, void interrupt( far *__isr )( ... )); void _CType setvect( int __interruptno, void interrupt( far *__isr )( ... )); int inline _Cdecl peek( unsigned __segment, unsigned __offset ) { return( *( (int far* )MK_FP( __segment, __offset )) ); } char inline _Cdecl peekb( unsigned __segment, unsigned __offset ) { return( *( (char far* )MK_FP( __segment, __offset )) ); } void inline _Cdecl poke( unsigned __segment, unsigned __offset, int __value ) {( *( (int far* )MK_FP( __segment, __offset )) = __value ); } void inline _Cdecl pokeb( unsigned __segment, unsigned __offset, char __value ) {( *( (char far* )MK_FP( __segment, __offset )) = __value ); } #else void _Cdecl _chain_intr ( void interrupt (far *__target)( )); void interrupt( far * _Cdecl _dos_getvect( unsigned __interruptno ))( ); void interrupt( far * _CType getvect( int __interruptno ))( ); void _Cdecl _dos_setvect( unsigned __interruptno, void interrupt( far *__isr )( )); void _CType setvect( int __interruptno, void interrupt( far *__isr )( ) ); #define peek( a,b )( *( (int far* )MK_FP( (a ),( b )) )) #define peekb( a,b )( *( (char far* )MK_FP( (a ),( b )) )) #define poke( a,b,c )( *( (int far* )MK_FP( (a ),( b )) ) =( int )( c )) #define pokeb( a,b,c )( *( (char far* )MK_FP( (a ),( b )) ) =( char )( c )) #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* !__STDC__ */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __DOS_H */