/* EXAMPLE SOURCE CODE FOR TASM FILTER Tasm2Msg.C Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved. Tasm2Msg - assembler output filter to Turbo C++ IDE message window This filter accepts input through the standard input stream, converts it and outputs it to the standard output stream. The streams are linked through pipes, such that the input stream is the output from the assembler being invoked, and the output stream is connected to the message window of the Turbo C++ IDE, ie. tasm fname | tasm2msg | Turbo C++ message window Input can come from TASM, MASM 5.1 or OPTASM. The type of assembler is determined from analysing the lines of output from the assembler. Compile using Turbo C++ in the LARGE memory model tcc -ml tasm2msg */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "filter.h" #define TRUE (1 == 1) #define FALSE !(TRUE) /* Turbo Assembler text for conversion */ char TasmWarningTxt[] = "*Warning* "; char TasmErrorTxt[] = "**Error** "; char TasmFatalTxt[] = "**Fatal** "; /* Microsoft Assembler and OPTASM text for conversion */ char MasmWarningText[] = "warning"; char MasmErrorText[] = "error"; char CurFile[MAXPATH]; /* Current file in message window */ unsigned BufSize, /* Size of internal working buffer */ CurBufLen; /* Buffer space in use */ char *InBuffer, /* Input buffer */ *OutBuffer, /* Output buffer */ *CurInPtr, /* current character in input buffer */ *CurOutPtr, /* current character in output */ *LinePtr; /* pointer to the current character in the input buffer */ int (*processor)(char *); /* function pointer used to call the appropriate conversion routine */ char Line[133]; /* static buffer to store line most recently input */ long int InOff; /* position in actual input stream */ char EndMark; /* Used to output end of data to message window */ /************************************************************************* Function : NextChar Parameters: none Returns : next character in input buffer or 0 on end of file Input from the standard input stream is buffered in a global buffer InBuffer which is allocated in function main. The function will return the next character in the buffer, reading from the input stream when the buffer becomes empty. **************************************************************************/ char NextChar(void) { if (CurInPtr < InBuffer+CurBufLen) /* if buffer is not empty */ { return *(CurInPtr++); /* return next character */ } else { CurInPtr = InBuffer; /* reset pointer to front of buffer */ lseek(0,InOff,0); /* seek to the next section for read */ InOff += BufSize; /* increment pointer to next block */ if ((CurBufLen = read(0,InBuffer,BufSize)) !=0) return NextChar(); /* recursive call merely returns first character in buffer after read */ return 0; /* return 0 on end of file */ } } /************************************************************************* Function : flushOut Parameter : Size The number of characters to be written out Returns : nothing Strings to be sent to the message window are buffered in a buffer called OutBuffer. A call to this function will write out Size bytes from OutBuffer to the standard output stream and resets the output buffer pointer to the beginning of the buffer. The output buffer is considered empty after a call to this function. *************************************************************************/ void flushOut(unsigned Size) { if (Size != 0) /* don't flush an empty buffer */ { CurOutPtr = OutBuffer; /* reset pointer to beginning of buffer */ lseek(1,0,2); /* seek output stream to end */ write(1,OutBuffer,Size); /* write out Size bytes */ } } /************************************************************************ Function : Put Parameters: S pointer to bytes being put into output buffer Len number of bytes to be put in output buffer Returns : nothing Put places bytes into OutBuffer so they may be later flushed out into the standard output stream. ************************************************************************/ void Put(char *S,int Len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < Len; i++) { *CurOutPtr++ = S[i]; /* place byte in buffer */ if (CurOutPtr >= OutBuffer+BufSize) /* if buffer overflows */ flushOut(BufSize); /* flush the buffer */ } } /************************************************************************ Function : ProcessNonTasmLine Parameters: Line a pointer to the current line of characters to process Returns : 1 if line is Microsoft Assembler line 0 if line is not Analyze line to determine if it is output from a MASM or OPTASM compatible assembler. In the case of a recognizable line, output relevant information to the message window indicating message and line number. -*----------------------------------------------------------------------*- Microsoft assembler lines which are in need of conversion are of the form: source-file(LINE #): message-kind message-num : message text where message-kind is one of: warning, error -*----------------------------------------------------------------------*- OPTASM assembler lines which are in need of conversion are of the form: source-file(LINE #) : message-kind message-num : message text where message-kind is one of: Warning, Error -*----------------------------------------------------------------------*- Masm and Optasm lines differ from Tasm lines in that half the line must be scanned in order to determine if the line is valid. For this reason all output information is stored and sent at the end when the determination of a valid line is made. ************************************************************************/ int ProcessNonTasmLine(char *Line) { char Type; unsigned i; char *s; char fn[MAXPATH]; int NewFile; if (Line[0] == 0) /* Empty line, no action */ return 0; s = strchr(Line,'('); /* find ( */ if (s != NULL) /* if no (, invalid line */ { memmove(fn,Line,(unsigned)(s-Line)); /* store filename */ fn[(unsigned)(s-Line)] = 0; /* null terminate name */ memmove(Line,++s,strlen(Line)); /* shift line left */ if (strcmp(fn,CurFile) != 0) /* if new filename */ { NewFile = TRUE; /* indicate by setting flag */ strcpy(CurFile,fn); /* store new name */ } else NewFile = FALSE; s = strchr(Line,')'); /* find the close paren */ if (s != NULL) /* if no ) invalid line */ { *s = 0; /* isolate the line number */ i = atoi(Line); /* if number is found convert string to integer */ if (i != 0) { s++; while (*s == ' ') /* optasm has space here */ s++; if (*s != ':') /* strip : from line */ return 0; /* no :, not MASM line */ s++; memmove(Line,s,strlen(s)+1); /* shift line */ while (Line[0] == ' ' && Line[0] != 0) /* strip spaces from line */ memmove(Line,&Line[1],strlen(Line)); Line[0] = tolower(Line[0]); /* optasm uses upper case */ /* check for warning or error text from MASM, shift line if needed. */ if ((strncmp(Line, MasmWarningText, strlen(MasmWarningText)) != 0) && (strncmp(Line, MasmErrorText, strlen(MasmErrorText)) != 0)) return 0; /* not error or warning, not MASM line */ /* strip spaces from beginning of line */ while (Line[0] == ' ' && Line[0] != 0) /* strip spaces from line */ memmove(Line,&Line[1],strlen(Line)); } else return 0; /* no line number, not MASM line */ } else return 0; /* no ), not MASM line */ if (NewFile) { Type = MsgNewFile; /* send new file indicated */ Put(&Type,1); /* Put info to output stream */ Put(CurFile,strlen(CurFile)+1); /* along with the new name */ } Type = MsgNewLine; /* set type to new line */ Put(&Type,1); /* indicate need for new line */ Put((char *)&i,2); /* put the number out */ i = 1; /* set column in message box */ Put((char *)&i,2); /* tab over to put message */ Put(Line,strlen(Line)+1); /* output the message */ } else return 0; /* no ( on line, not MASM line */ return 1; /* MASM line */ } /************************************************************************* Function : ProcessTasmLine Parameters: Line a pointer to the current line of characters to process Returns : 1 if line is a Turbo Assembler line 0 if line is not Process through a line of input to determine if it is a Turbo Assembler output line and convert it to information for the Turbo C++ message window. Turbo Assembler lines which are in need of conversion are of the form: message-type source-file(LINE #) message-text where type is one of: *Warning*, **Error**, **Fatal** TASM lines are identified by the first portion of text. If warning, error or fatal is determined at the outset, text is output from there as it is scanned. Any incorrect configuration will simply abort the scanning of the rest of the line. *************************************************************************/ int ProcessTasmLine(char *Line) { static int HavePutFile = FALSE; char Type; unsigned i; char *s; char fn[MAXPATH]; /* don't try to process a NULL line */ if (Line[0] == 0) return 0; /* check for tasm type tags */ if ((strncmp(Line,TasmWarningTxt,strlen(TasmWarningTxt)) == 0) || (strncmp(Line,TasmErrorTxt, strlen(TasmErrorTxt)) == 0) || (strncmp(Line,TasmFatalTxt, strlen(TasmFatalTxt)) == 0)) { /* skip over type by moving string left */ memmove(Line,&Line[strlen(TasmFatalTxt)],strlen(Line)); /* locate the first open paren '(' filename will be characters to to the left, line number will be characters to the right up to the close paren ')' */ s = strchr(Line,'('); /* find ( */ if (s != NULL) /* if no (, invalid line */ { memmove(fn,Line,(unsigned)(s-Line)); /* save filename */ fn[(unsigned)(s-Line)] = 0; /* null terminate name */ memmove(Line,++s,strlen(Line)); /* shift line left */ if (strcmp(fn,CurFile) != 0) /* if new filename */ { Type = MsgNewFile; /* indicate by sending type out to message window */ strcpy(CurFile,fn); Put(&Type,1); Put(CurFile,strlen(CurFile)+1); /* along with the new name */ HavePutFile = TRUE; } Type = MsgNewLine; /* set type to new line */ s = strchr(Line,')'); /* find the close paren */ if (s != NULL) { *s = 0; /* isolate number in string */ i = atoi(Line); /* if number is found convert string to integer */ if (i != 0) { Put(&Type,1); /* indicate need for new line */ Put((char *)&i,2); /* put the number out */ i = 1; /* set column in message box */ Put((char *)&i,2); /* tab over to put message */ s++; memmove(Line,s,strlen(s)+1); /* shift line */ while (Line[0] == ' ' && Line[0] != 0) /* strip spaces from line */ memmove(Line,&Line[1],strlen(Line)); Put(Line,strlen(Line)+1); /* output the message */ return 1; /* TASM line */ } return 0; /* invalid line number, not TASM line */ } return 0; /* no ) in line, not TASM line */ } else /* Fatal error, no line # or filename */ { if( !HavePutFile ) { /* IDE expects the first message to be preceded by a filename. Since we don't have one, fake it by sending a NULL file before the message. */ Type = MsgNewFile; /* indicate by sending type out to message window */ *CurFile = '\0'; Put(&Type,1); Put(CurFile,1); /* along with null filename */ HavePutFile = TRUE; } Type = MsgNewLine; /* Fake line # etc. */ i = 1; Put(&Type,1); Put((char *)&i,2); Put((char *)&i,2); while (Line[0] == ' ' && Line[0] != 0) memmove(Line,&Line[1],strlen(Line)); Put(Line,strlen(Line)+1); return 1; } } else return 0; /* no line start message, not TASM line */ } /************************************************************************** Function : ProcessLine Parameters: Line character pointer to line of input data Returns : nothing If line type has been determined, call correct line processor through a function pointer. Else try testing for both Tasm style line and Masm style line to determine if either one is the input to the filter. **************************************************************************/ void ProcessLine(char *Line) { if (processor == NULL) { if (ProcessTasmLine(Line)) /* check for TASM line */ processor = ProcessTasmLine; else if (ProcessNonTasmLine(Line)) /* check MASM or OPTASM style */ processor = ProcessNonTasmLine; } else processor(Line); /* type already determined */ } /*********************************************************************** Function : main Returns : zero for successful execution 3 if an error is encountered The main routine allocates buffers for the input and output buffer. Characters are then read from the input buffer building the line buffer that will be sent to the filter processor. Lines are read and filtered until the end of input is reached. ***********************************************************************/ int main( void ) { char c; unsigned long core; setmode(1,O_BINARY); /* set output stream to binary mode */ core = farcoreleft(); if (core > 64000U) BufSize = 64000U; else BufSize = (unsigned)core; /* get available memory */ /* stay under 64K */ if ((CurInPtr = malloc(BufSize)) == NULL) /* allocate buffer space */ exit(3); processor = NULL; /* set current processor to none */ InBuffer = CurInPtr; /* input buffer is first half of space */ BufSize = BufSize/2; /* output buffer is 2nd half */ OutBuffer = InBuffer + BufSize; CurOutPtr = OutBuffer; /* set buffer pointers */ LinePtr = Line; CurBufLen = 0; Put(PipeId,PipeIdLen); /* send ID string to message window */ while ((c = NextChar()) != 0) /* read characters */ { if ((c == 13) || (c == 10)) /* build until line end */ { *LinePtr = 0; ProcessLine(Line); /* filter the line */ LinePtr = Line; } /* characters are added to buffer up to 132 characters max */ else if ((FP_OFF(LinePtr) - FP_OFF(&Line)) < 132) { *LinePtr = c; /* add to line buffer */ LinePtr++; } } *LinePtr = 0; ProcessLine(Line); /* filter last line */ EndMark = MsgEoFile; Put(&EndMark,1); /* indicate end of input to the message window */ flushOut((unsigned)(CurOutPtr-OutBuffer)); /* flush the buffer */ return 0; /* return OK */ }