// Borland C++ - (C) Copyright 1991 by Borland International /* PLOTEMP3.C--Example from Getting Started */ /* This program creates a table and a bar chart plot from a set of temperature readings */ #include #include #include #include /* Prototypes */ void get_temps(void); void table_view(void); void min_max(void); void avg_temp(void); void graph_view(void); void save_temps(void); void read_temps(void); /* Global defines */ #define TRUE 1 #define READINGS 8 /* Global data structures */ int temps[READINGS]; int main(void) { char choice; while (TRUE) { printf("\nTemperature Plotting Program Menu\n"); printf("\tE - Enter temperatures for scratchpad\n"); printf("\tS - Store scratchpad to disk\n"); printf("\tR - Read disk file to scratchpad\n"); printf("\tT - Table view of current data\n"); printf("\tG - Graph view of current data\n"); printf("\tX - Exit the program\n"); printf("\nPress one of the above keys: "); choice = toupper(getch()); switch (choice) { case 'E': get_temps(); break; case 'S': save_temps(); break; case 'R': read_temps(); break; case 'T': table_view(); break; case 'G': graph_view(); break; case 'X': exit(0); } } } /* Function definitions */ void get_temps(void) { char inbuf[130]; int reading; printf("\nEnter temperatures, one at a time.\n"); for (reading = 0; reading < READINGS; reading++) { printf("\nEnter reading # %d: ", reading + 1); gets(inbuf); sscanf(inbuf, "%d", &temps[reading]); /* Show what was read */ printf("\nRead temps[%d] = %d", reading, temps[reading]); } } void table_view(void) { int reading; clrscr(); /* clear the screen */ printf("Reading\t\tTemperature(F)\n"); for (reading = 0; reading <= READINGS; reading++) printf("%d\t\t\t%d\n", reading + 1, temps[reading]); min_max(); printf("Minimum temperature: \n"); printf("Maximum temperature: \n"); avg_temp(); printf("Average temperature: \n"); } void min_max(void) { printf("\nExecuting min_max().\n"); } void avg_temp(void) { printf("\nExecuting avg_temp().\n"); } void graph_view(void) { printf("\nExecuting graph_view().\n"); } void save_temps(void) { printf("\nExecuting save_temps().\n"); } void read_temps(void) { printf("\nExecuting read_temps().\n"); }