/* Copyright (c) 1987,1991 by Borland International, Inc. This module demonstrates how to write Turbo C++ routines that can be linked into a Turbo Pascal program. Routines in this module call Turbo Pascal routines in CPASDEMO.PAS. See the instructions in the file CPASDEMO.PAS on running this demonstration program */ typedef unsigned int word; typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned long longword; extern void setcolor(byte newcolor); /* procedure defined in Turbo Pascal program */ extern word factor; /* variable declared in Turbo Pascal program */ word sqr(int i) { setcolor(1); return(i * i); } /* sqr */ word hibits(word w) { setcolor(2); return(w >> 8); } /* hibits */ byte suc(byte b) { setcolor(3); return(++b); } /* suc */ byte upr(byte c) { setcolor(4); return((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z') ? c - 32 : c); } /* upr */ char prd(char s) { setcolor(5); return(--s); } /* prd */ long lobits(long l) { setcolor(6); return((longword)l & 65535L); } /* lobits */ void strupr(char *s) { int counter; for (counter = 1; counter <= s[0]; counter++) /* Note that the routine */ s[counter] = upr(s[counter]); /* skips Turbo Pascal's */ setcolor(7); /* length byte */ } /* strupr */ byte boolnot(byte b) { setcolor(8); return(b == 0 ? 1 : 0); } /* boolnot */ word multbyfactor(word w) { setcolor(9); /* note that this function accesses the Turbo Pascal */ return(w * factor); /* declared variable factor */ } /* multbyfactor */