Smart Deinterlacing Filter for Virtual Dub [Place this text file in the VirtualDub plugins directory to make it available via the Help button on the filter configuration dialog box. The computer must have a program called Notepad available in its search path.] This filter provides a smart, motion-based deinterlacing capability. In static picture areas, interlacing artifacts do not appear, so data from both fields is used to provide full detail. In moving areas, deinterlacing is performed. Details on the algorithm used are available below. The following options are available: Motion Processing Show motion areas only: When selected, only the moving areas of the image are displayed; static areas are black. This option can be used to assess the suitability of the choice of threshold (see below). Blend instead of interpolate in motion areas: If this checkbox is not selected, then, in motion areas, the filter will discard one field's data and recreate it by interpolating new lines from the retained field's lines. In static areas, both field's data is used. If this checkbox is checked, then, in motion areas, instead of interpolating, the filter blends each line with the lines above and below. This has the effect of blending the fields, which tends to blur out the interlacing artifacts. The choice of interpolation versus blending depends on the nature of the input video and your own esthetic preferences. The interpolate mode avoids the halos you can get with the blend mode, but it introduces some small amount of stairstepping, and may tend to emphasize any video noise that is present. Try both ways and see which you prefer for a given video clip. Threshold: This value determines the difference between a pixel and its corresponding value in the previous frame that must be exceeded for the pixel to be considered moving. The threshold should be chosen to be as high as possible while still removing the interlacing artifacts. The default threshold (20) is fine for most applications, but may need to be adjusted for different input video. You can view its effect on motion detection by selecting the "Show motion areas only" checkbox. Advanced Processing Phase shift by one field: Consider a frame/field sequence of progressive video AA BB CC DD EE... This is correct because each frame contains the correct field data from the original progressive frame. Suppose, as often happens, the stream is encoded and broadcasted for display on today's interlaced TVs, but the encoding is off by one field. Then we receive ...A AB BC CD DE E... The picture will look fine on the interlaced display, but it will appear to be strangely interlaced when captured to a computer and displayed progressively. Apparently, this is a common problem in the PAL world when films are digitized. This option, when enabled, simply shifts the field phase by one and recreates the correct progressive frames. Because correct progressive frames are the result, the full motion detection deinterlacing described above is not required and is disabled. If you see strange interlacing for PAL video, it is worth trying this option before resorting to full deinterlacing, because it may allow the full resolution of the video to be retained for each entire frame. Please note that, due to the way that this filter buffers frames internally, it may appear to not work corrctly when scrubbing the time line or when single stepping backward. But single stepping forward will always work and, of course, saved processed video will always be correct. Note on 3:2 Pulldown, Etc. Some video streams are created from progressive video by a process called pulldown. This results in a mixture of progressive and interlaced frames, from which it is theoretically possible to recreate the original progressive frames without doing deinterlacing. However, it is technically very challenging to write a filter that will recreate the original frames for all types of pulldown and in the presence of video edits, etc. While my goal is to eventually make available such processing via options, the technology is not yet ready. In the meantime, the normal deinterlacing will function quite acceptably for the majority of these video streams. Technical details on the algorithm follow: We really should place the word motion as used in this context in quotes, because real motion detection algorithms as you might find in, say, MPEG encoding are not used as they would be too slow. Instead, "motion" is estimated by comparing a pixel's value to its value in the previous frame. If the difference exceeds a configurable threshold, the pixel is considered to be in a moving area. Here is a description of the full process: 1. The frame is scanned and for each pixel, it is determined whether it is moving or not based on a thresholded color difference calculation. The difference calculation goes as follows: If the difference between the blue components exceeds threshold, or the difference between the red components exceeds threshold, or the difference between the green components exceeds threshold, then the pixel is considered to be in a moving area. 2. To eliminate combing at the edge of the motion areas, the following heuristic is used: For each pixel in the frame calculated to be non-moving, promote it to moving if it has moving pixels immediately above it or below it. 3. Pass non-moving pixels directly through to the output. If the blend checkbox is not checked: Pass even lines directly through. For odd lines, recreate each pixel by taking the average of the pixel above and the pixel below (this amounts to line interpolation). If the blend checkbox is checked: Make each pixel by taking a weighted average of the source pixel (0.5 weight) and the above and below pixels (0.25 weight each). So it can be seen that in the moving areas, the interpolate mode throws away information from one field, while the blend mode retains some of it. For additional information, version updates, and other filters, please go to the following web site: Filters for VirtualDub Donald Graft March 24, 2000 (C) Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved