BINKD(8) BINKD(8) NAME binkd - transfer files between two Fidonet systems over TCP/IP SYNOPSIS binkd [-CcDipqrsvmh] [ -P node ] config-file DESCRIPTION Binkd is a Fidonet mailer designed to operate via TCP/IP networks. As a FTN-compatible internet daemon, it makes possible efficient utilization of TCP/IP protocol suite as a transport layer in FTN-based (Fido Technology Network) networks. Binkd expects your spool for Fido-like networks to be in BSO ("Bink style outbound") or optionaly ASO ("Amiga style outbound") format. BSO is also used by ifmail and Bink- leyTerm mailers. OPTIONS -C Binkd running with this option will reread the con- figuration file if it is changed. The modification time of the configuration file is checked every 60 seconds and on every incoming and outgoing connec- tion. -c Start client only. Normally Binkd starts both server and client. -D Run Binkd as a daemon (cannot be used for client- only mode). -i Run Binkd from inetd. -P Poll a node. An empty *.ilo file in the outbound will be created, which will force Binkd to connect to and to receive mail from the node ( Binkd will also add "Node node * -" record to the table-of- nodes in Binkd 's memory if there is no entry for the node in the configuration file). -p Start client manager, process polls, quit if the queue seems to be empty after the next rescan. Implies -c. -q Quiet mode. Turns off printq, conlog and percents statements of configuration. -r Disable crypt traffic. -s Start server only. Normally Binkd starts both server and client. -v Be verbose. Binkd -v will dump binkd's version and quit. -m Disable CRAM-MD5 authorization. Implies -r. -h Print help message. SIGNALS SIGHUP Causes Binkd to reload it's config. SEE ALSO inetd(8) Binkd homepage, "Binkd User Guide" by Nick Soveiko, AUTHORS Dima Maloff and others. This manual page is based on "Binkd User Guide" by (Nick Soveiko) REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to 4 Apr 2003 BINKD(8)