/* Turbo C++ - (C) Copyright 1987-1991 by Borland International */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "tcalc.h" #define PLUS 0 #define MINUS 1 #define TIMES 2 #define DIVIDE 3 #define EXP 4 #define COLON 5 #define OPAREN 6 #define CPAREN 7 #define NUM 8 #define CELL 9 #define FUNC 10 #define EOLN 11 #define BAD 12 #define MAXFUNCNAMELEN 5 struct TOKENREC { char state; union { double value; struct { int row, col; } c; char funcname[MAXFUNCNAMELEN + 1]; } x; }; static struct TOKENREC stack[PARSERSTACKSIZE], curtoken; int stacktop, tokentype, error; char *input, isformula; int matherr(struct exception *e) { e->retval = HUGE_VAL; return(1); } /* matherr */ int isfunc(char *s) /* Returns TRUE if the string is a legal function, FALSE otherwise. */ { int len = strlen(s); if (strncmp(s, input, len) == 0) { strncpy(curtoken.x.funcname, input, len); curtoken.x.funcname[len] = 0; input += len; return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } /* isfunc */ int nexttoken(void) /* Gets the next token from the input stream */ { char *start, numstring[80]; int decimal, len, numlen; while (*input == ' ') input++; if (*input == 0) return(EOLN); if (strchr("0123456789.", *input)) { start = input; len = 0; decimal = FALSE; while ((isdigit(*input)) || ((*input == '.') && (!decimal))) { if (*input == '.') decimal = TRUE; input++; len++; } if ((len == 1) && (start[0] == '.')) return(BAD); if (*input == 'E') { input++; len++; if (strchr("+-", *input) != NULL) { input++; len++; } numlen = 0; while ((isdigit(*input)) && (++numlen <= 3)) { input++; len++; } } strncpy(numstring, start, len); numstring[len] = 0; curtoken.x.value = atof(numstring); if (errno == ERANGE) return(BAD); return(NUM); } else if (isalpha(*input)) { if (isfunc("ABS") || isfunc("ACOS") || isfunc("ASIN") || isfunc("ATAN") || isfunc("COSH") || isfunc("COS") || isfunc("EXP") || isfunc("LOG10") || isfunc("LOG") || isfunc("POW10") || isfunc("ROUND") || isfunc("SINH") || isfunc("SIN") || isfunc("SQRT") || isfunc("SQR") || isfunc("TANH") || isfunc("TAN") || isfunc("TRUNC")) return(FUNC); if (formulastart(&input, &curtoken.x.c.col, &curtoken.x.c.row)) { isformula = TRUE; return(CELL); } else return(BAD); } else switch(*(input++)) { case '+' : return(PLUS); case '-' : return(MINUS); case '*' : return(TIMES); case '/' : return(DIVIDE); case '^' : return(EXP); case ':' : return(COLON); case '(' : return(OPAREN); case ')' : return(CPAREN); default : return(BAD); } /* switch */ } /* nexttoken */ void push(struct TOKENREC *token) /* Pushes a new token onto the stack */ { if (stacktop == PARSERSTACKSIZE - 1) { errormsg(MSGSTACKERROR); error = TRUE; } else stack[++stacktop] = *token; } /* push */ struct TOKENREC pop(void) /* Pops the top token off of the stack */ { return(stack[stacktop--]); } /* pop */ int gotostate(int production) /* Finds the new state based on the last production and the top state. */ { int state = stack[stacktop].state; if (production <= 3) { switch(state) { case 0 : return(1); case 9 : return(19); case 20 : return(28); } /* switch */ } else if (production <= 6) { switch(state) { case 0 : case 9 : case 20 : return(2); case 12 : return(21); case 13 : return(22); } /* switch */ } else if (production <= 8) { switch(state) { case 0 : case 9 : case 12 : case 13 : case 20 : return(3); case 14 : return(23); case 15 : return(24); case 16 : return(25); } /* switch */ } else if (production <= 10) { switch(state) { case 0 : case 9 : case 12 : case 13 : case 14 : case 15 : case 16 : case 20 : return(4); } /* switch */ } else if (production <= 12) { switch(state) { case 0 : case 9 : case 12 : case 13 : case 14 : case 15 : case 16 : case 20 : return(6); case 5 : return(17); } /* switch */ } else { switch(state) { case 0 : case 5 : case 9 : case 12 : case 13 : case 14 : case 15 : case 16 : case 20 : return(8); } /* switch */ } return(30); } /* gotostate */ double cellvalue(int col, int row) /* Finds the value of a particular cell */ { if (cell[col][row] == NULL) return(0); if (cell[col][row]->attrib == TEXT) return(HUGE_VAL); if (cell[col][row]->attrib == FORMULA) return(cell[col][row]->v.f.fvalue); return(cell[col][row]->v.value); } /* cellvalue */ void shift(int state) /* Shifts a token onto the stack */ { curtoken.state = state; push(&curtoken); tokentype = nexttoken(); } /* shift */ void reduce(int reduction) /* Completes a reduction */ { struct TOKENREC token1, token2; int counter; switch (reduction) { case 1 : token1 = pop(); pop(); token2 = pop(); curtoken.x.value = token1.x.value + token2.x.value; break; case 2 : token1 = pop(); pop(); token2 = pop(); curtoken.x.value = token2.x.value - token1.x.value; break; case 4 : token1 = pop(); pop(); token2 = pop(); curtoken.x.value = token1.x.value * token2.x.value; break; case 5 : token1 = pop(); pop(); token2 = pop(); if (token1.x.value == 0) curtoken.x.value = HUGE_VAL; else curtoken.x.value = token2.x.value / token1.x.value; break; case 7 : token1 = pop(); pop(); token2 = pop(); curtoken.x.value = pow(token2.x.value, token1.x.value); break; case 9 : token1 = pop(); pop(); curtoken.x.value = -token1.x.value; break; case 11 : token1 = pop(); pop(); token2 = pop(); curtoken.x.value = 0; if (token1.x.c.row == token2.x.c.row) { if (token1.x.c.col < token2.x.c.col) error = TRUE; else { for (counter = token2.x.c.col; counter <= token1.x.c.col; counter++) curtoken.x.value += cellvalue(counter, token1.x.c.row); } } else if (token1.x.c.col == token2.x.c.col) { if (token1.x.c.row < token2.x.c.row) error = TRUE; else { for (counter = token2.x.c.row; counter <= token1.x.c.row; counter++) curtoken.x.value += cellvalue(token1.x.c.col, counter); } } else error = TRUE; break; case 13 : curtoken = pop(); curtoken.x.value = cellvalue(curtoken.x.c.col, curtoken.x.c.row); break; case 14 : pop(); curtoken = pop(); pop(); break; case 16 : pop(); curtoken = pop(); pop(); token1 = pop(); if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "ABS") == 0) curtoken.x.value = fabs(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "ACOS") == 0) curtoken.x.value = acos(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "ASIN") == 0) curtoken.x.value = asin(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "ATAN") == 0) curtoken.x.value = atan(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "COSH") == 0) curtoken.x.value = cosh(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "COS") == 0) curtoken.x.value = cos(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "EXP") == 0) curtoken.x.value = exp(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "LOG10") == 0) curtoken.x.value = log10(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "LOG") == 0) curtoken.x.value = log(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "ROUND") == 0) curtoken.x.value = (int)(curtoken.x.value + 0.5); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "POW10") == 0) curtoken.x.value = pow10(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "SINH") == 0) curtoken.x.value = sinh(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "SIN") == 0) curtoken.x.value = sin(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "SQRT") == 0) curtoken.x.value = sqrt(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "SQR") == 0) curtoken.x.value *= curtoken.x.value; else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "TANH") == 0) curtoken.x.value = tanh(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "TAN") == 0) curtoken.x.value = tan(curtoken.x.value); else if (strcmp(token1.x.funcname, "TRUNC") == 0) curtoken.x.value = (int)curtoken.x.value; break; case 3 : case 6 : case 8 : case 10 : case 12 : case 15 : curtoken = pop(); break; } /* switch */ curtoken.state = gotostate(reduction); push(&curtoken); } /* reduce */ double parse(char *s, int *att) /* Parses the string s - returns the value of the evaluated string, and puts the attribute in att: TEXT = 0, CONSTANT = 1, FORMULA = 2. */ { struct TOKENREC firsttoken; char accepted = FALSE; char copy[80]; error = FALSE; isformula = FALSE; input = copy; strupr(strcpy(copy, s)); stacktop = -1; firsttoken.state = 0; firsttoken.x.value = 0; push(&firsttoken); tokentype = nexttoken(); do { switch (stack[stacktop].state) { case 0 : case 9 : case 12 : case 13 : case 14 : case 15 : case 16 : case 20 : if (tokentype == NUM) shift(10); else if (tokentype == CELL) shift(7); else if (tokentype == FUNC) shift(11); else if (tokentype == MINUS) shift(5); else if (tokentype == OPAREN) shift(9); else error = TRUE; break; case 1 : if (tokentype == EOLN) accepted = TRUE; else if (tokentype == PLUS) shift(12); else if (tokentype == MINUS) shift(13); else error = TRUE; break; case 2 : if (tokentype == TIMES) shift(14); else if (tokentype == DIVIDE) shift(15); else reduce(3); break; case 3 : reduce(6); break; case 4 : if (tokentype == EXP) shift(16); else reduce(8); break; case 5 : if (tokentype == NUM) shift(10); else if (tokentype == CELL) shift(7); else if (tokentype == FUNC) shift(11); else if (tokentype == OPAREN) shift(9); else error = TRUE; break; case 6 : reduce(10); break; case 7 : if (tokentype == COLON) shift(18); else reduce(13); break; case 8 : reduce(12); break; case 10 : reduce(15); break; case 11 : if (tokentype == OPAREN) shift(20); else error = TRUE; break; case 17 : reduce(9); break; case 18 : if (tokentype == CELL) shift(26); else error = TRUE; break; case 19 : if (tokentype == PLUS) shift(12); else if (tokentype == MINUS) shift(13); else if (tokentype == CPAREN) shift(27); else error = TRUE; break; case 21 : if (tokentype == TIMES) shift(14); else if (tokentype == DIVIDE) shift(15); else reduce(1); break; case 22 : if (tokentype == TIMES) shift(14); else if (tokentype == DIVIDE) shift(15); else reduce(2); break; case 23 : reduce(4); break; case 24 : reduce(5); break; case 25 : reduce(7); break; case 26 : reduce(11); break; case 27 : reduce(14); break; case 28 : if (tokentype == PLUS) shift(12); else if (tokentype == MINUS) shift(13); else if (tokentype == CPAREN) shift(29); else error = TRUE; break; case 29 : reduce(16); break; case 30 : error = TRUE; break; } /* switch */ } while ((!accepted) && (!error)); if (error) { *att = TEXT; return(0); } if (isformula) *att = FORMULA; else *att = VALUE; strcpy(s, copy); return(stack[stacktop].x.value); } /* parse */