/* Turbo C++ - (C) Copyright 1987-1991 by Borland International */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tcalc.h" int getkey(void) /* Uses the BIOS to read the next keyboard character */ { int key, lo, hi; key = bioskey(0); lo = key & 0X00FF; hi = (key & 0XFF00) >> 8; return((lo == 0) ? hi + 256 : lo); } /* getkey */ int editstring(char *s, char *legal, int maxlength) /* Allows the user to edit a string with only certain characters allowed - Returns TRUE if ESC was not pressed, FALSE is ESC was pressed. */ { int c, len = strlen(s), pos = len, insert = TRUE; changecursor(insert); do { writef(1, 25, WHITE, 79, "%s", s); gotoxy(pos + 1, 25); switch(c = getkey()) { case HOMEKEY : pos = 0; break; case ENDKEY : pos = len; break; case INSKEY : insert = !insert; changecursor(insert); break; case LEFTKEY : if (pos > 0) pos--; break; case RIGHTKEY : if (pos < len) pos++; break; case BS : if (pos > 0) { movmem(&s[pos], &s[pos - 1], len - pos + 1); pos--; len--; } break; case DELKEY : if (pos < len) { movmem(&s[pos + 1], &s[pos], len - pos); len--; } break; case CR : break; case UPKEY : c = CR; break; case DOWNKEY : c = CR; break; case ESC : len = 0; break; default : if (((legal[0] == 0) || (strchr(legal, c) != NULL)) && ((c >= ' ') && (c <= '~')) && (len < maxlength)) { if (insert) { memmove(&s[pos + 1], &s[pos], len - pos + 1); len++; } else if (pos >= len) len++; s[pos++] = c; } break; } /* switch */ s[len] = 0; } while ((c != CR) && (c != ESC)); clearinput(); changecursor(FALSE); setcursor(nocursor); return(c != ESC); } /* editstring */ void getinput(int c) /* Reads and acts on an input string from the keyboard that started with c. */ { char s[MAXINPUT + 1]; s[0] = c; s[1] = 0; if (!editstring(s, "", MAXINPUT) || (s[0] == 0)) return; act(s); changed = TRUE; } /* getinput */ int getint(int *number, int low, int high) /* Reads in a positive integer from low to high */ { int i, good = FALSE; char s[5], message[81]; s[0] = 0; sprintf(message, MSGBADNUMBER, low, high); do { if (!editstring(s, "1234567890", 4)) return(FALSE); i = atoi(s); if ((good = ((i >= low) && (i <= high))) == 0) errormsg(message); } while (!good); *number = i; return(TRUE); } /* getint */ int getcell(int *col, int *row) /* Reads in a cell name that was typed in - Returns FALSE if ESC was pressed */ { int first = TRUE, good = FALSE, len, numlen = rowwidth(MAXROWS), oldcol = *col, oldrow = *row; char data[10], *input, *start, numstring[6]; data[0] = 0; do { if (!first) errormsg(MSGBADCELL); first = FALSE; input = data; if (!editstring(data, "", numlen + 2)) { *col = oldcol; *row = oldrow; return(FALSE); } *col = toupper(*(input++)) - 'A'; if (isalpha(*input)) { *col *= 26; *col += toupper(*(input++)) - 'A' + 26; } if (*col >= MAXCOLS) continue; start = input; for (len = 0; len < numlen; len++) { if (!isdigit(*(input++))) { input--; break; } } if (len == 0) continue; strncpy(numstring, start, len); numstring[len] = 0; *row = atoi(numstring) - 1; if ((*row >= MAXROWS) || (*row == -1) || (*input != 0)) continue; good = TRUE; } while (!good); return(TRUE); } /* getcell */ int getyesno(int *yesno, char *prompt) /* Prints a prompt and gets a yes or no answer - returns TRUE if ESC was pressed, FALSE if not. */ { writeprompt(prompt); setcursor(shortcursor); do { *yesno = toupper(getkey()); if (*yesno == ESC) { setcursor(nocursor); return(FALSE); } } while (strchr("YN", *yesno) == NULL); setcursor(nocursor); return(TRUE); } /* getyesno */